Hi everyone. Last time I made an introductory post about logistics. If you are new to the field of seduction, then that post is a must read. However, everyone should read it – a good recap of fundamentals is once in a while necessary.
This week’s post will be more suitable for advanced players – but I think it can still be a useful read to any aspiring seducers out there because we will discuss in this post tricky logistical situations that you need to be able to handle. This post might in this case be of help and increase your chances of getting laid.

The topic of today will be those situations where you have nowhere to pull her and you have no others choices than being creative when it comes to logistics – public sex, for example. But before we get to that, let me do a little recap of an old post.
A few weeks ago I made a post about the 5 factors of successfully picking up girls, where I covered 5 factors that I believe are key to success with seduction. Those factors were:
- Your seduction skills
- Her mood
- Your mood
- Logistics
- Her personality
I explained in depth how each of these factors would affect your seduction and your chances of getting laid. I also mentioned how one could effect – or “work” – each factor in order to identify and calibrate them for your benefit.
At the end of that post, I also mentioned that if you lack a particular factor, you could compensate with focusing more on another factor. One example I made was about logistics – i.e., not having any seduction location to pull to (you don’t have your own place and she doesn’t have her own place either) could be compensated with good game: make her so horny that logistics don’t matter anymore.
A commenter SGent asked the following question:
“So let us say that both your and her logistics suck, then if you manage to get her so horny – to the point of no return – logistics will not matter anymore
Please give more details on this statement.”
Yes, he referred to a statement I made in that post that was unclear to him. I will respond to his question here. This is actually a topic I am really excited about. It has really caught my attention lately (which is also why I am writing this post).