Hi everyone. Last time I made an introductory post about logistics. If you are new to the field of seduction, then that post is a must read. However, everyone should read it – a good recap of fundamentals is once in a while necessary.
This week’s post will be more suitable for advanced players – but I think it can still be a useful read to any aspiring seducers out there because we will discuss in this post tricky logistical situations that you need to be able to handle. This post might in this case be of help and increase your chances of getting laid.

The topic of today will be those situations where you have nowhere to pull her and you have no others choices than being creative when it comes to logistics – public sex, for example. But before we get to that, let me do a little recap of an old post.
A few weeks ago I made a post about the 5 factors of successfully picking up girls, where I covered 5 factors that I believe are key to success with seduction. Those factors were:
- Your seduction skills
- Her mood
- Your mood
- Logistics
- Her personality
I explained in depth how each of these factors would affect your seduction and your chances of getting laid. I also mentioned how one could effect – or “work” – each factor in order to identify and calibrate them for your benefit.
At the end of that post, I also mentioned that if you lack a particular factor, you could compensate with focusing more on another factor. One example I made was about logistics – i.e., not having any seduction location to pull to (you don’t have your own place and she doesn’t have her own place either) could be compensated with good game: make her so horny that logistics don’t matter anymore.
A commenter SGent asked the following question:
“So let us say that both your and her logistics suck, then if you manage to get her so horny – to the point of no return – logistics will not matter anymore
Please give more details on this statement.”
Yes, he referred to a statement I made in that post that was unclear to him. I will respond to his question here. This is actually a topic I am really excited about. It has really caught my attention lately (which is also why I am writing this post).
Bad Logistics
Now before I get on with the good stuff, keep in mind that logistics is one of the key 5 pillars in seduction, and when one pillar is missing, some compensation is required.
In other words, if you do not have good logistics, it is key that most of the other pillars are in check, for example, it is key that you:
- Are in a proper mood to lead a smooth seduction
- That her mood is good. If not, you will have a harder time.
- Her having an easygoing personality will always help and ease up the process
- But most important of all, it is key that your seduction skills are TIGHT.
Now all these factors do play a role, but the factor that you have the most control over (and the one you should always focus the most on) is you seduction skills. It is your seduction skills that can help you out in hard situations; it is your seduction skills that will compensate for your missing factors, because after all, it is in your seduction skills that all the magic lies.
In other words, when your logistics are terrible and you have nowhere to pull her to, whether it is her place, your place, or an after party, then you have no other choices than to make her really horny and really desire you. I am not talking about making her just desire you, but REALLY desire you.
Now, the only exception to this rule might be situations where:
The girl is just super attracted to you for some reason and just wants to have sex with you
The girl is just very horny that day and just has to have sex that night and you happen to be a good option for her – however, note that in many of those situations the girl can actually drop you and go for someone with better logistics
She has a very relaxed attitude toward sex and doesn’t mind banging you right away – she is totally cool with sex in a back alley, and not much will be required of you to make her do so (note that those girls are rather rare – but god I love them)
Let us talk about public sex for a bit – which is the type of sex that usually takes place when you manage to get laid without your usual logistics.
Public Sex
Before we go any further, keep in mind that public sex is not allowed in many countries. Some countries have very strict rules against it. If that is the case where you live, you might reconsider doing what I am about to write about. Please check your local laws regarding public sex before attempting this. And if you go the public sex route, do it at your own risk – we do not take any responsibilities for your actions.
Now, public sex, although not always equally comfortable as going to town in a bed, can be a lot of fun and very exciting. Many girls actually really like it – but they aren’t that open to it because it requires a higher level of comfort. Public sex can trigger her anti-slut defense very easily and lead to some serious resistance, or worse, rejections. To handle these issues it is key that you are...
Calibrated and smooth with your seduction in order to avoid anti-slut defense (I have written quite a few posts on the topic)
Able to handle anti-slut defense related resistances and last minute resistance.
Here is a key thing when it comes to public sex:
You will have to seduce her and make her horny before you lead her to the seduction location (e.g. a bathroom or a back alley). She needs to be ready to go to town before you get there.
All the work needs to be done prior to the extraction, contrary to usual seductions where you pull her back home and then seal the deal.
This time the deal needs to be sealed before you bring her to your seduction location so that the only thing you need to do when you get there is to get on with business. Once you get to the seduction location you do not have time to escalate from a rather social vibe into a sexual one – you only have time to do the last “hit”, i.e., touch her pussy and ass and pull your cock out – so it is key you are in a position where you are allowed to do that once you reach the seduction location.
Resistance and last minute resistance has to be dealt with before you extract – you do not have the time nor room to deal with it once you reach the seduction location.
It is KEY that you are isolated with your girl before you escalate on her – i.e., get her ready for a “public sex close”. Friends around will only lead to cockblocking or her putting up resistance (anti-slut defense based).
To ease up the process of public sex, it really helps to “scout” for places where you can get busy before going for the pull. For example, scout the area to see if there are any good spots for sex. You can do that BEFORE (you can plan in advance if you fear for bad logistics) or AFTER you have MET your girl (just tell her you have to go to the bathroom and quickly scout your surroundings).
Here is a list of potential places to check out – but feel free to be creative:
Bathrooms (check if there are locks there, if there are a lot of people there, etc...)
Back alleys (are they private enough?)
Some hidden backyard – or in a club look out for “staff only rooms” (beware, you might get booted out)
The beach (for those of you who are lucky enough to live near one...)

Now if you haven’t scouted your surroundings before going for public sex, it is still possible to pull it off, it is just a bit harder and riskier. It is always advantageous to have a plan (even a bad one) than no plan, because, remember, that you as a man will have to lead the seduction process and it is easier to do so when you have plan. Not having a plan can make her unsure of whether or not she is willing to be led by you (Who wants to be led by someone with no plan; who doesn’t know what the next step is?)
Remember: public sex requires more horniness from her – it is key that you know how to really turn them on and deal with any potential resistance in order to succeed in these situations.
Make Her Solve the Issue
Pulling off public sex close can be pretty hard. Now here is something even more advanced. You totally skip the idea of finding “on the spot” logistics – i.e., you don’t scout for bathrooms or back alleys and you don’t seduce her with the goal of fucking her in public.
Instead, you focus only on one thing: make her so horny that she JUST HAS TO BANG YOU and WILL NOT CARE ABOUT LOGISTICS. The idea here is to make her so horny that she just has to have sex with you no matter what. She will be so horny that SHE WILL ACTUALLY TAKE CARE OF LOGISTICS – she will suggest logistics. The funny thing is that when women reach this point they become extremely creative when it comes finding places to get down to business. Here are some examples:
Outside a club at 3 AM a Polish barista I interacted with and seduced said: “Hey Alek, why don’t we go and buy some food at 7-Eleven and have a picnic in the park.”
A few weeks ago, I was at an after party where all the bedrooms where occupied. In the living room, there was a pothead smoking pot and her friend who tried to sleep on the couch. After I made her really horny she said: “Fuck it, let us go and sleep in the bathroom” and she grabbed a pillow and a blanket and took me to the bathroom. We slept there, it was hot and terrible but we had sex.
A girl once asked me if I wanted to take a walk with her and watch the stars...
In order to reach this point you have to really hit a special button. We all have those special buttons that whenever you push them we get extremely horny. Now what those buttons are is hard to tell – because we are all so different. This is why this type of seduction is extremely hard to pull off and requires you to be both extremely lucky and skilled. To be honest, I don’t pull many lays that way.
There are two ways in which you can make this happen:
Super tight and intense physical escalation: and I am not talking about making out, I am not even talking about touching some intimate parts. I am here talking about you stimulating her clit and her touching your cock. Getting to that point is really hard and requires an advanced level of game. In addition to that, not every girl and situation allows you to get to that point. I would not advocate this if you aren’t at an advanced level already (i.e., you have a lot of experience with women)
VERY intense sexual prizing: i.e., make her perceive you as literally the world’s best lover ever who can give her the best orgasms ever. This is done by delivering super tight and calibrated sex talk. The sex talk will need to discuss things she has a special kink for and you have to manage to convey that you have the skillset to provide her the kinks she really loves in the best way possible. This is my favorite way of getting there. It is easier and safer.
I won’t discuss this topic too much because:
It is really hard to pull off. Even for advanced players – I have only managed to pull girls this way a few times and I have been into seduction for 9 years.
Most guys don’t really feel like pulling off wild stuff like this – which is understandable, because there are many easier ways to get laid.
Bad Logistics?
So basically, the moral of this post is that whenever you have bad logistics, your game has to be tighter and have more impact on her. You are dependent on making her really horny.
Here’s the thing: when you are dealing with terrible logistics you have two choices:
Play it safe and chances of you getting laid are almost non-existent
Take a risk and try to make her REALLY horny – which requires you to make pretty bold moves and have at least a chance of getting laid.
Our goal is to GET THE GIRL. So in this case it is really worth it to just take a risk and see how it goes. In situations where you are stuck, generally making a bold move is your way out and it can either work or not – but at least you have tried. Doing nothing almost never works.
Maybe you get lucky and your bold move works and she JUST has to have you NOW and she can’t wait so she just drags you into a bush and sucks you off.
And maybe you don’t get lucky and you get nowhere. At least you didn’t waste your time. Now, that being said, the more experienced you are, the more calibrated you will become, and the more calibrated you are the more chances you have of getting away and succeeding with a bold move.

Now keep in mind that you should be on your alert when doing bold moves – especially when they are of a physical nature (i.e., touching her more sexually). Make sure you always:
Calibrate according to her level of interest: remember to adjust your pace and intensity according to how interested she is in you. If she is very sexually interested in you you can almost simply jump into having sex with her.
Make sure to actually escalate the process: don’t just touch her pussy out of blue... escalate your way to it. For example, just by grabbing her, pulling her in, kissing her, caressing her neck, make her touch your hip, before you pull her closer in... and then touch her hip before reaching to her ass.... And then bite her neck while you move your hand closer and closer to her vagina. If she pulls you hand away – back off.
I have numerous times advised to persist a maximum three times before moving on to the next girl. Whenever you make a bold move I would recommend caution and maybe only attempt once and move on if it doesn’t work. The bolder your move is the less you should persist. Better safe than sorry.
When it comes to verbal seduction, you can amp up your sex talk and even go more direct – talk more about really dirty stuff, stuff you like to do and so on. When it comes to verbal seduction you don’t need to be that careful because miscalibration won’t lead you to get arrested if you see what I mean. If you say something too direct or miscalibrated she might just leave. However if you touch her in an uncalibrated way and she doesn’t like it, and you keep persisting, well in such a case it is sexual harassment. So remember this – always be safe rather than sorry.
I also recommend you not do any bold moves whether verbal or physical when you are drunk – you need to pay attention to her response as you DO NOT want to force yourself on her. When you are drunk you might miss a few key clues and you might end up doing something really bad. I also recommend you do this on girls who aren’t too drunk because drunk girls can often fail to give the right signals that she is uncomfortable with what you are doing. In general I advise people to not go for drunk girls. The Girls Chase team and I never go for drunk girls.
Last Words
In this post I have covered different ways you can get laid without logistics. We have discussed how to have public sex and also how you could make her so horny that she takes care of logistics. Both can be great additions to your arsenal, so that you are able to deal with even more (difficult) situations that might present themselves.
If you haven’t read my previous post, then you should do that. Because if this post seems too advanced and too technically complicated for you, know that it is WAY EASIER to get her back to your place.
you don’t have your own place, you can also screen for girls with
logistics – i.e., girls who have their own places – and invite yourself
back to their places. Even though it is harder to invite yourself back
to her place than to invite her back to yours, it is still WAY easier
than anything written in this post.
If you haven’t checked out my previous post and you struggle with
logistics – then you should absolutely check it out right now.
Keep in mind that usually, whenever I don’t have logistics and I meet girl who also don’t have logistics, I generally prefer moving on and finding a girl who has logistics. Yes, it sucks walking away from a good lead, but your chances of succeeding by moving on to a girl with better logistics will be drastically higher than attempting to do anything in this post.
I go for public sex (I do the stuff in this post) when I:
REALLY WANT A GIRL, no matter what.
I actually want to have public sex – I actually like it, it gives me a hell of a rush. I am sure some of you are like me.
There are no other girls around and I HAVE TO stick with the one I have.
Anyway, I hope you guys liked this post. I am sure some advanced players found this post more useful than beginners, but I am sure some beginners like to read about what is possible to pull off when you master this stuff. I am also sure you exhibitionists are happy that I covered something for you.
Anyway, next week I will get back to more basic stuff. Questions and comments are welcome in the section below.
Until next,