Alex writes in with a question about a follow-up article
to the one
on precedent: “Dating and Relationship Precedent: Why It’s
So Very Important.” Here's his email:
“Hi Chase and friends at
Your articles are amazing! I found Chase's article on precedent to be thought-provoking:
I was wondering if you guys think writing a secondary article on how to recover after precedent has been set poorly would be a good follow-up idea.
For example: Say with this particular girl, I've moved too slowly with her, been overly helpful, white-knighted her, and acted overly insecure. As a result, I ended up losing her. But what if I want a second chance? Do you have any suggestions on bouncing back after setting poor precedent?
I know it would be best to move on, and I wish I knew about setting good precedent back when I was inexperienced, but sometimes I just want a second shot. I think it would be excellent to have an article on bouncing back after poor precedent, if possible.
Let me know if you guys think this would be a good suggestion!
This is a sticky issue, and it's not one with an easy fix... not even a remotely easy fix. It's also a totally irrational problem to have, in the grand scheme of things, and it's one that's rooted firmly into a scarcity mentality of some sort or another - it may be that you don't feel you can ever meet another girl as amazing as this one (you lack absolute abundance), or it may be that you don't know if you're ever going to find another girl at ALL (just a complete lack of abundance mentality) - or, at the very least, you've just plunged so much time and emotional investment into this girl that your psyche won't let you let go.
The rational option is always, "Go out, forget about the girl you've dug yourself into a deep pit of despair with, get more skilled with women, upgrade your game and your fundamentals, and go date and sleep with 10 more women hotter, cooler, and more interesting than this one."
Yet, it's a question that comes up SO MUCH from guys, that it's probably worth addressing on its own: how do you change a girl's perception of you when it's already pretty low?
It will require you to move mountains and pull off feats that few
men ever have, but if you're willing to give it your all, I may as well
lay out the tools for you. So, by popular request...