Things That Consistently Boost Your Odds with Girls: Movement | Girls Chase

Things That Consistently Boost Your Odds with Girls: Movement

Chase Amante

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Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

movement to attract women
How can one gain more control over how his interactions with women play out? How do you increase your odds of attracting women? Add meaning to your movement.

In my previous article, I described contextual mirroring. In this article, I will give another example of seduction, explaining how it exists as more than just a vague set of concepts and relationships between ideas.

It’s important to know that seduction has an end goal. There is nothing worse than spending time to get good at something only to realize your goal is too vague to improve, and you can’t change your results.

With seduction, it is almost inevitable that most will come to that conclusion. So today, I will reveal two concrete changes that will hopefully shake your world at its foundations. You’ll come away understanding seduction is not only real but excessively powerful, even though you may be unaware of this fact and have never truly understood what you are capable of.


Two Changes to Shake Your Worldview

It is easy to look at seduction and say “That doesn’t exist” or “That’s silly.” But in my previous article, I showed that you can control the luck of the draw. I am sure you can imagine the power in the ability to influence events into their optimum state. If there exists a situation where a woman could want you, this power IS accessible by controlling mirroring and context. And if that is true, then women who inherently like you are only a single step away from a moment of tremendous connection. When I use this ability, it causes me to just about shake with the power it contains. Often, I have almost broken down from the power it awoke in me.

After time, I realized that it is natural to influence mirroring and context. By better understanding it, I’ve learned it is not about controlling outcomes but about providing better chances for outcomes. I now use certain tests before allowing contexts to reach their optimum, and I judge what level of control is appropriate before I use it. Trying to exercise too much control over outcomes is an insecure way to approach this, and the mature response is to influence events enough to make them a better version of themselves. So while I no longer forcefully control mirroring, I can improve how I relate to people by enhancing context.

When I was younger, my ability to relate to girls was pretty lame. I remember being at the beach one Mother’s Day. I had been practicing some conversations because it was a relatively low effort to talk to a girl in such a nice place. As the sun set, I was nearly the only person still on the beach. Then a girl walked past and took off her shoes. I looked up, smiled, and said, “Way better now, right?” She laughed and agreed. We talked about what we were still doing there, how no one else was around, and how it was probably because of Mother’s Day. We talked about it getting colder, so I offered her my towel and wrapped it around her. We walked to a bench with her friends. Some flirting continued, and we touched under the table a bit here and there. Eventually, her friends left, and she said she had to go, too. I stopped her and awkwardly kissed her on the cheek. She said, “Hey, you missed.” And yeah, I then awkwardly kissed her on the lips.

The point of the story: I was a little opportunistic about how I touched girls back then. I was afraid to make moves because my actions depended on the girl having a super favorable view of me. I cautiously worked my way through flirtations, building comfort over time, awkwardly moving forward when I had no choice than to do so or give up. It became a pattern. I would get to a kiss but could never get further before everything fizzled out, and she left.

My understanding at the time was that my escalation was slow, accumulative, and too awkward. But it wasn’t that I was bad at escalating the situation, it was that the WAY I touched a girl wasn’t quite right, so it didn’t intensify the situation as much as it could have. My escalation was weak, or it was an accumulation of small steps that were too small.

movement to attract women
Movement plays a huge role in the outcome of your escalations.

Now, I am not saying your escalations need to be big. What I am saying is a bit different.

What you don’t realize is that you can communicate a lot through how you move. You think it is about what you are doing, and you never really look at what you are expressing through how you are doing it via body language.

In my story, I was expressing “softness” and a gentle trickle of interest over time. I was slowly increasing the way I touched, but every successive touch never became more passionate; it was always this staged thing I was doing as a reveal of interest. As a result, it wasn’t as effective as it could have been (even though it had some influence).

As a person with a passive bias who only did things when emotionally triggered, I was dependent on the emotional motivator of “maybe I should do more” to drive my actions. I never thought about how my actions could be BETTER by having different emotions communicated with them. I mean, how would I even think of that? I did not know what I did not know.


Change Your View – Change the Outcome

But this brings me to my point. Much like mirroring depends on context, motion depends on the emotion that is communicated with it.

Do a small experiment for me. Close your hand into a gentle fist. Now slowly open your fingertips so that your hand is open again. Now I want you to think of how you pet a cat or a dog and open your fingers that way (but slow). Now do it again, but instead of thinking of a cat or dog, imagine brushing away an insect. And now do it as if you are soothing your skin after a mosquito bite.

Each way you look at that motion, it changes the motion. This is something we have evolved to have control over. Apes do not have fine motor control of their hands in this way, although they can certainly be tender with a touch as they groom a mate. I hope you see my point. It is an evolutionary advantage to have dexterity in your motions, and this was likely selected for as we evolved into human beings. As a result, we can grasp things in different ways, depending on our relationship with them.

We can infer and communicate through not just touch, but motion, and our minds are capable of picking up incredibly minute differences. I would say that our ability to sense this is as sensitive as a dog’s sense of smell.

We can analyze and see differences in motion so subtly that it is honestly mind-blowing. And yet we never consider it when thinking of seduction.

How you look at a situation alters how you MOVE, and how you MOVE alters how another person sees a situation. Not only can you communicate with motion, but you can also alter people’s emotions with how you move. By doing that, you can even change their thoughts and how they view you.

Now let’s look at a scenario when I touched a woman later in my development.

I looked at a girl, and I breathed in as soon as I saw her. My eyes shot up and crisply connected with hers, and I slowly let out a breath. It was a little hushed, communicating the heat behind my lips. My eyes searched hers, and my entire body became active. I smoothly flowed over to her and held my lips against her ear and whispered with a soft purring tone. I drew my hand gently up to the tip of her chin, turned, and made crisp eye contact. She breathed out in a hush against my lips, her body quivering as she took it all in. “Wow,” she said before I smiled. I motioned for her to sit down with me. I took her hand, wrapped it in mine, and turned, wrapped my legs around hers, and began to talk.

movement to attract women
When motion, mirroring, and context all come together, "it's on" moments tend to happen more naturally – and much sooner.


Communicate Through Motion

The difference between how I originally escalated and how I've come to escalate now is dramatic. And it is all about communication through motion. While you move, you create signals, and women send signals back. And if this communication is clear to both parties, things escalate quicker than you would imagine. And this is ultimately the point I want to make.

The more aware of motion you and the girl are, the more rapid and intense its effects. By drawing a girl’s attention to motion, or the tone of your voice, you not only communicate intent but also enhance the bandwidth of communication and turn something awkward into something incredibly powerful.

Motion is the second concrete change in seduction, meaning that as you get better at seduction, you don’t just control the context in which mirroring occurs; you also increase the bandwidth of communication through how you move (and speak). By learning to control the bandwidth via physical communication, you can easily perceive a woman’s interest or disinterest without much trouble. You never have to be nervous about what a girl thinks about you. You can simply communicate through motion, and it will give you a lot of instant feedback.

For example, you might hug a girl, and she lingers or shifts a little in your arms. You can tell her feelings about you are warm, so as you exit the hug you gently caress her cheek, which then tells you even more if her eyes swell up and sparkle. You move close enough to exchange breath, and she sharply breathes in because of her excitement. Then you gently press your lips to hers, and she releases that built up excitement, and you feel it.

Imagine, if on the beach that day, as I gave her my towel, I stopped and slowly adjusted it on her, catching eyes with her. To be honest, I would have kissed her right there, and not try some awkward kiss where the girl had to make an excuse for it to happen. This was true of all my early encounters with women; my way of touching them was terrible. I communicated nothing and didn’t increase the bandwidth through how I moved. It was hollow and devoid of much emotion other than my nerves and my desire for it to work.



The communicative level of your motion is concrete. We can measure this as a skill level, much like a professional dancer moves more gracefully and nuanced than an amateur. Yet we don’t think of it. But this power is very impressive; it can change a situation that turns a simple awkward kiss into a passionate early make out that leads to more. So how could motion not be something we consider? And it is something we mostly ignore because our passive bias and emotional triggers don’t push us in this direction; they stop us from doing more.

This is why seduction is so easily misunderstood and why many find it hard to see concrete ways to improve. Your natural reaction blocks the reveal of real ways to better your situation, because you do not know what you do not know... until you know it. This bias gets broken down as you try more approaches and attempt to improve. Only then does seduction show that it is a concrete skill and not this esoteric, opinion-based thing.

To me, seduction isn’t about making sure you get laid or making sure you have a relationship. It is about doing it far better because you learn concrete control over what is usually left to chance or left underdeveloped.

You increase your odds.

Over the years, my view of seduction has changed. But what has never changed is an understanding of the significance of how concretely you can influence your relationship with girls via these means. And I didn’t always see that significance; it took time. If you are serious about seduction, it will take you time, too. But as you change and improve, it changes how women see you — in very significant ways.



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