One of the best ways to get good at anything is to simply practice it… A LOT (see: How to Seduce Women Like the All-Time Greats). This works *particularly* well when it comes to meeting, dating and seducing beautiful women.
Because there are really only so many things that can happen on a date, and there are only so many things a girl could say in any given situation… and after you’ve dated a couple of hundred women, you’ve seen them all before.
And then you can predict what’s going to happen… and you already know the best response, if she says yes, if she says no, or no matter what she says or does, because you’ve been in that situation a million times before.
You already know what worked in the past… and what didn’t.
You’ll become more refined, more experienced… dare I say, more rehearsed?
And I don’t mean more rehearsed in a bad way… I’m not talking about reciting memorized lines (even though, contrary to popular myth, those really do work – if they’re really good! The cheesy lines you’ll find if you do a quick Google search or if you pick up a men’s magazine won’t do the trick).
I mean rehearsed more in the sense of a Kung Fu master, who has been in so many fights that he has seen any move an opponent could make over and over again… and he has a block up his sleeve to defend against each one of them.
Not that dating is at all adversarial… I can absolutely guarantee you that your results will double overnight if you can really start looking at girls as teammates who want the same thing you do.
But she *will* throw you curve balls, if only to test whether you have this attitude, to see whether you have the psychological strength she looks for in a man, and whether you are a high value man with many options.