Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Use Indirect Game to Get Girls

Chase Amante's picture

Over in the comments section of the post on how to get a girl's phone number, Hunter asked for a review of indirect game:

Hey Chase, I'm so glad you got to this, I actually had an exact question about phone numbers only to have you answer it with finesse!

I was pondering however about the aspects of city game vs closed space game, small towns or places you return to because you have to, school or work.

I have done direct openers in places like school and around my city of medium size, but it can go awry easily and when it does, you hear about it back! It is almost normal to meet girls again whom I've approached before. The fleeting moment of awkwardness is fine, but if every girl I approached went awry at school, that'd be too much to handle.

I remember your post on direct vs situational approaching. I advocate direct approaching, but I feel they are not the best in places I return to frequently because I have to.

Can you go over the aspects of situational game? I know most guys actually get stuck in situational game, but after doing more direct openers, I'm having a hard time in situational environments coming off too strong or putting too much social pressure on her!

Thanks again, don't you guys stop anytime soon!


If you don't know indirect game, it's essentially using either situationally relevant (ideally) or other non-direct (e.g., not stating your romantic / sexual intentions) openers and conversation to meet new women and move things forward with them.

indirect game

And, like most aspects of pickup and seduction, indirect game can be very effective - done right.

But also like most aspects of pickup and seduction, there is a right way to do indirect game... and a wrong way, and like most aspects of pickup and seduction (and I'm still not sure why this is) the wrong way is the one you'll usually hear about most.

So let's clear this up and get you using indirect right.

How to Kiss a Girl Like No One's Ever Kissed Her Before

Chase Amante's picture

how to kiss a girlWe don't talk much on here about how to kiss a girl, typically because we're more focused on helping you to get girls in bed - why spend much time on the appetizer when you can skip right to the main event?

But even if you're working to turn yourself into the kind of irresistible man a woman simply can't say "no" too, it's still worth putting some time into bringing up your kissing technique. Why? Because it's one of those small edges that fold into the big picture that is you, and the impression you make on girls.

In other words, being a talented kisser makes you better able to achieve the kind of results you really want with women: namely, hot, steamy liaisons with beautiful girls you really dig.

Even if you simply run through a seduction quickly with a woman, and then plant a mind-blowing kiss on her, it still helps:

  • It helps remove any last minute resistance you might run into prior to intimacy,

  • It helps her switch off her logical mind and be there in the moment,

  • And it helps her realize that yes, you are exactly the kind of charming, seductive, sexy man she's always dreamed of meeting.

So on those notes, I want to address the reader from Slovenia who commented the following over on the article on how to get a phone number:

I've read around 95% of your articles and let's say trained myself to an intermediate level... or something more than a pure begginer lets say.
Tnx to you again ;)

Still I have problems when it comes to Physical Escalation... but not problems with getting laid. I have serious problems with the transition from conversation to kissing. Once the kissing is on I have very few problems with bed magic.

I have actually never read any insight that would break down how to get closer and closer, when/how to start putting my arm around or something, hug her, kiss her on her cheeks or I don't fkin know... My question would sound like this:

HOW to get to kissing part if you do everything wright?

I have serious problems with this transition. And I angry even more because I know I would have gotten laid so many times If I had only mastered this part... And I will sooner or latter.

And he's right. That's a tough transition, from conversation to kissing and being physical together, and for a lot of guys it can be one of the most challenging things to learn. Transitions in general are pretty tough stuff, and you'll find that most of your obstacles as you improve with women and dating come when you find yourself struggling to transition from one phase of an interaction to the next.

So let me give you an article on how to kiss a girl that'll help you navigate this transition a lot more smoothly... a lot more naturally... and as a bonus, teach you exactly how to lay one on her that she'll remember for a long, long time.

Social Skills 101: Pushing Past Your Comfort Zone

Colt Williams's picture

Social SkillsA lot of you have commented on the fact that you want to see more posts about social interactions. Well, I want you to know, we hear you. This technically should’ve come before my last post, but either way, I’m officially starting a series of posts dedicated to every aspect of social interactions – our very own social skills training series.

A little more about my background, since we haven’t discussed it to much great detail before: I’ve worked in law firms, sales, have been a part of countless organizations, have studied psychology, and have spent time all over this beautiful planet of ours.

Along the way, I’ve spent countless days, weeks, and hours meeting and interacting with women from sun up to sundown (and often later) to get closer to reaching the same level of understanding and efficacy with women that Chase and Ricardus share with you every day.

As those of you who have been around this site have seen, the three of us work toward many of the same goals, but come from very different points of view.

The feeling of just starting out and getting a lot of your basic social skills down is still vivid for me, and I know how intimidating or confusing it can be to be put in a new or overwhelming social situation and still want to pick up a girl on top of that.

So get ready for the series, and let’s start off with a proper introduction.

Get a Girl Alone Today with These 7 Tips

Chase Amante's picture

Tell me if you've ever been here:

You've met a girl, and you really like her, and you can tell she really likes you, and maybe you even keep running into each other, and you really like each other every time you do and it never fades away... but for the life of you, you just can't ever get her alone with you!

get a girl alone

I know I ran into this plenty when I was cutting my teeth with women and dating - this maddening inability to get a girl alone. You end up feeling like the unluckiest man alive... so many women who like me! you think. But so impossible to ever get together with any of because I can't ever get them alone!

Today I'm going to give you 7 easy-to-use tips that are going to help you start getting girls alone with you right away. These are strategies you can use wherever you meet women - be that at bars, parties, shopping malls, the street, classrooms, or even at work.

You'll have to vary them up a bit depending on the environment you're in and where you know a girl from - but the point is, now you can do it.

And you won't have to spend another moment going crazy inside because you can't get a girl alone.

Step inside my tent and allow me to reveal these mysteries to you...

Are You Nervous with Women? Stop Overthinking

Ricardus Domino's picture

nervous with womenDoes meeting women sometimes seem like rocket science to you? Do you get nervous with women and trip over your own two feet?

Wow… there is so much stuff to read, so many things to work on internally, so many things to consider at every step of the way when talking to girls…

And one single mistake can be fatal, and lose you a girl that was totally into you.

No, far be it from me to tell you that this skill is incredibly easy, and that you need to “just be yourself” and run “natural game”… if that worked, none of us would be here right now.

At the same time, there is also something that is worse than not knowing what to do… and that is “paralysis by analysis:” when the fear of doing the wrong thing leads you to do nothing at all, which is obviously also going to get you no results at all.

Or you think you need just a little bit more information before you can finally start going out and meeting women.

Or maybe all the information doesn’t paralyze you, but you do lose track of all the things you should be doing on a date and end up stuck in your head, or even more nervous and stiff because you’re thinking too hard about what to say next.

I’ve been there… I’m a pretty analytical person, and so I got stuck in that pattern too for a while.

And because I don’t want you stuck there for long too, here’s how to avoid it.

How to Get a Phone Number from a Girl Every Time You Ask

Chase Amante's picture

how to get a phone numberOne of the most glaring things missing from the content available on the blog here has been an authoritative article on how to get a phone number from a girl. I put up "Natural Number Swapping" sometime back, and that covers the basics; Ricardus has covered phone numbers somewhat in a couple of different posts.

But there isn't any one comprehensive post written on everything you could ever want to know about becoming insanely effective at getting phone numbers.

Time to change that.

Today's article is a tour-de-force of all the most potent, powerful tips and techniques on how to get phone numbers that you could ask for, so you can get the numbers you want from the women you want them from, whenever you want, every time (or pretty close to it).

There's no reason you shouldn't be able to follow up with a girl that you like later on after meeting her.

And after reading this article and following its advice today, you'll see exactly why - and phone numbers will be a breeze.

Facial Hair Styles to Make You Look Cool, Sharp and Sexy

Chase Amante's picture

Facial Hair StylesA long while back I posted about facial hair styles on here in "Facial Hair and Baddassedness," essentially summing up my findings that cool facial hair nets you better results with a better reception from the opposite sex; in effect, girls just like guys with facial hair better.

For me, the result was no comparison; the instant I had the right facial hair, women were telling me I was "hot" and "sexy," when these weren't words they used with me before (when I was clean-shaven it was more like "cute" and "handsome"). So I started recommending my clean-shaven friends to test drive some new facial hair styles, and they reported back similar results.

But just in case you'd like a little further support, here what the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality has to say on the topic in a study published under the name "The Influence of Facial Hair on Impression Formation":

Results indicated consistently more positive perceptions of social/physical attractiveness, personality, competency, and composure for men with facial hair.

So women see men with facial hair as:

  • More attractive
  • More charismatic
  • Smarter and more capable
  • Calmer and more in control

And here's how the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences weighs in a paper entitled "The Effects of Facial Hair Manipulation on Female Perceptions of Attractiveness, Masculinity, and Dominance in Male Faces":

Male faces displaying a full beard were considered the most masculine, aggressive, socially mature, and older. Males with a light beard were considered the most dominant. Males with light stubble were considered to be the most attractive, light stubble was also preferred for both short- and long-term relationships.

The study "Do women’s preferences for men’s facial hair change with reproductive status?" further establishes that women (especially ovulating / fertile women) favor men with heavy stubble.

For our purposes, that means that some kind of stubble or light beard is the way to go.

But which facial hair style is the right facial hair style? That's what I'll show you today.

6 Tips to Help You Pick Up Girls on Halloween

Chase Amante's picture

It's time for a Girls Chase Spooktacular... how to pick up girls on Halloween!

If you're a fan of that most debauched of traditions, you know that Halloween wasn't always a time for drinking, wild parties, and young women barely attired in scanty little outfits. It was originally a day of fearfulness and waiting on-edge... it was All Hallows Eve, the day before All Hallows Day, when the dead were to celebrated and revered. Well, we don't spend much time either fearing or celebrating the dead anymore these days, and we've transformed what fear there was into... festivity, instead.

And with that festivity, has come costumes and candy. And with the costumes, mixed in with some good old fashioned sexual revolution, has come... women acting out their most seductive fantasies.

get laid on halloween

In modern American and other Western countries the American Halloween tradition has emigrated out to, women have taken the holiday up as an occasion to let loose, dress sexy, and turn themselves into legendary flirts. Halloween affords them the chance to throw off social convention and rebel in ways that no other time or place does. And some of it is just for fun.

But sometimes, on Halloween, some of those deep, dark desires get transformed... and in today's article, I've got everything from tips to anecdotes to research to show you how to end up on the receiving end of the repressed carnal passions of that normally-conservative girl who's now dressed up like a naughty forest creature.

Let's get to it.

Carnival of Dating Advice, 9th Edition

Chase Amante's picture

carnival of dating advice

Welcome once again to the 9th edition of the Carnival of Dating Advice! Per usual, we are bringing to you the best of the web in pickup, seduction, and relationship advice, for your viewing pleasure.

This week's carnival features a couple of posts on getting dumped, a pair on both getting and giving more in your relationship, and one on recognizing if you're in a relationship that's placing unnecessary demands on you (or your partner). And to top it all off, we've got another great "woman's perspective" post that will help you up your empathy and understanding for the fairer sex (and force you to overcome a few of your biases).

On with the carnival...

What to Look For in a Girlfriend

Chase Amante's picture

There's a question that I think not enough men ask themselves, and they end up being the worse for it: that is, what to look for in a girlfriend.

I have a habit of being very selective about the people I have around me. The old adage that "you are the average of your five closest friends" is one I put a lot of salt in. Where does this "averaging effect" come from, and how does it play out in real life?

what to look for in a girlfriend

The simplest way of putting it is that successful people believe successful things, and unsuccessful people believe unsuccessful things. Now, that's a very boiled down way of putting it, for you could have a guy who owns a large stake in a Fortune 500 company that's worth billions and think of him as successful, but a guy who owns six gas stations that bring him in $20,000 a month you might also think of as successful, to a different degree.

On a more personal level, you may have a friend who's dead broke, but strongly believes that buying condominiums is the road to riches. No matter how much you point out to that friend that so far his proclamations and prognostications have failed to work out for him, he'll keep harping on it again and again, and pushing you to put all your savings into buying a condo, and you'll either eventually come around to his way of seeing things (whether he's "right" or not), or get so annoyed by it that you exit the friendship.

The people around you influence you strongly for better or for worse. To become exceptional, or to remain the way you are, or to backslide.

And the person with the greatest measure of influence on you of all, with the greatest ability to steer and direct your thoughts and ideas and emotions, is, of course, the one you spend the most time with: your girlfriend.

And if you aren't being selective when selecting the most important, influential person around you, you're doing yourself a major disservice.