Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How Black Guys Can Have Sex with White Girls

Colt Williams's picture

black guys white girlsThis post has a very long time coming. I can’t count how many readers and forum members have asked about a piece on black guys having sex with and dating white girls. Well, finally… the wait is over.

Have you ever seen an interracial couple with a strong black man and an absolutely gorgeous white girl and wondered how that situation came about?

If you’re a black man, have you ever wondered how you can be that guy? Have you wondered how you can get white girls just as easily as any other girls? And if you’re not black, have you ever been curious?

Well, luckily for you, I’ve been that guy in the past. And these days, I’m that guy all of the time. So let me break it down for you, and show you the way to getting yourself some wonderful light-skinned beauties.

Social Order, Sexual Restriction, and the Secret Society

Alek Rolstad's picture

social orderNote from Chase: this is a very thoughtful - and pretty deep - article by Alek exploring the cultural mechanics underlying social controls placed on individual sexual expression in modern Western societies. This isn't a "how-to" article; it's more a "here's how things work a few levels down" type piece. It's somewhat heavy stuff, but a rewarding read if you don't mind letting your brain work a bit. Here's Alek.

After having produced a number of practical articles recently, I wanted to write a more theory-heavy post on sexual ethics.

Before I begin, I would like to deliver a disclaimer. It should be noted that this piece is purely theoretical and an abstraction of how the mating game works. The world is a complex place, and it is impossible to describe every aspect of a social phenomenon.

Further, I would also point out that even though this essay might have anthropological elements, it remains a work in political/social theory.

This means that this text is not only descriptive in its nature (i.e., explaining “what is the case”) but also has a normative essence with the means of explaining “for what reasons things should be the way they are” or “what should be the case”.

How to Arouse a Girl with Sexy Nonverbals

Richard Wendell's picture

how to arouse a girlOn a particularly long day, after an 8 hour drive home from Northern Wisconsin on vacation, I was feeling tired, and the day’s events had hit me.

When I got home I decided it would be best to take a walk around the neighborhood to clear my mind. I found myself walking without a direction or second thought as to what I was doing or where I was going, until… I passed by the local coffee shop, and sitting outside under a shading umbrella, at a table, was a cute girl sipping on a mocha frappe.

This girl caught my eye against my empty thoughts and, though I wasn’t very much up to talking, I wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass.

I sat at a table across from her, and looked up to the sunset, breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly as she looked my way and smiled. I brought my head down, looked across my shoulder at her, and smiled as I tilted my head back up to tints of oranges, purples, and pinks.

After a generic agreement on how beautiful the sky was, I sat next to her, didn’t say a word to her yet, but again saw her look at me, and this time I locked eyes with her, tilted my head to the side raised my eyebrow, then pulled back a tad.

She exclaimed, “What?!” and was thrown off by the gesture. After telling her that I thought she was cute, with a prolonged sexy stare, I ran my fingertips against the backside of her hand, and saw her pupils dilate and her breathing got a little heavier.

An hour later she was lying on top of me at the pavilion of a nearby deserted park.

That’s nonverbal attraction: the ability to communicate messages to and even arouse a girl without saying much - and it’s powerful!

Nonverbal attraction and communication lies at the center of most great seductions; it is the bread and butter of easy and natural pick ups; it is something we all know subconsciously; and it’s something you can use to skyrocket your success ratio… and today I’m going to show you how to use it.

Tandem Hunting: Picking Up Girls for Threesomes with Your Girlfriend

Drexel Scott's picture

By: Drexel Scott

Good day, beautiful people of Girls Chase! In the first article in this series, "How to Have Threesomes with Your Girlfriend", I covered three keys that will really help you get threesomes with a girlfriend:

  • Your attitude towards women,
  • The kind of relationship you have with your girl, and
  • How to work with her feelings about the whole situation

tandem hunting

In this follow-up, I'm going a bit more into the "technical" side of things: the do's and don'ts, the details on picking up a girl with an existing girlfriend of yours (also known as "tandem hunting"), as well as answering some of the questions you've asked me about the subject in the comments section of the first piece.

How to Make Her Love You: Passionate Love, and Old Love

Chase Amante's picture

how to make her love youAs a follow-up to yesterday's article, "What It's Like with a Girl Who's Really In Love", I've put together today's piece on how to create those in-love feelings with the women in your life, where they come from, and how to sustain them.

We already have a great piece on this subject on this website - Ricardus's "How to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You", which I'd recommend you read first if you haven't already. It provides the perfect foundation for this article.

That in mind, I want to expand on the topic of making girls fall in love here, and talk about the two different kinds of love: what I call passionate love, and what I call old love.

The two are very different, and each are used for different things.

What It's Like with a Girl Who's Really In Love

Chase Amante's picture

love looks likeWe get comments and questions on here every so often where I see guys saying they think girls are still in love with them, then detailing behavior that makes it clear the girl is most assuredly not anywhere near being in love with them.

I see men chasing desperately after girls who want nothing to do with them, or have decided they're finished with them.

Men who want to know if girls still like them when those girls are busily dating other people and don't have the time of day for them.

So, today's article is not a "how to", nor is it even a "why it happens this way" (that much); rather, today's article is simply a what it looks like when you have a girl who's crazy about you... so that you can more properly judge where you stand, and how much work you've still got cut out for yourself in becoming the kind of man women go ape over.

If your girlfriends aren't treating you this way... either your relationship skills still need some work (there are plenty of ways to build your relationships this way - see "How to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You" and "Operant Conditioning in Your Romantic Relationships"), or you're not dating the right women for you.

The 11 Rules of Bro Code

Colt Williams's picture

The bro code; man code; man law. These tenets go by many names, but the fact is: every man should have a code.

bro code

A code that not only applies to the way in which he conducts himself, but also in which he interacts with his fellow men. Since there could be dozens of possible rules in the entire bro code, I've narrowed it down to 11 key tenets that apply to seduction.

This set of rules is not written in stone (yet), but I think it's a good set of guidelines to ensure maximum cohesion among men, and maximum satisfaction within the individual.

So here they are…

Keep It Low Profile and Get the Girl

Cody Lyans's picture

low profileWhen you enter a club or a mall or a party and you see strangers that you don’t know, dressed well and talking to people, it is easy to assume that they know something or have something you do not. These people operating on that “high profile” aren’t very likely to come up and talk to you, so it can be a huge shock if and when they do.

Their arms may slung around you and you stutter in shock, wondering exactly what to do; you are tongue tied; you can’t even think about anything other than wearing a smile and quickly getting out of there. Once you do escape they are left wondering where you went, but then quickly forget about it and move on.

Think about women for a second in this exact same situation: does a woman really want to be a part of that all the time - do you? Or does she want her sex life to be under the radar and personally suited to her?

What to Do When Women Resist Your Charms

Alek Rolstad's picture

resistance from womenA frequently asked question by our readers concerns resistance. In the comment sections of my articles, many readers have pointed out that when they make a sexual move (in the form of talking about sex or escalating physically) their women often turn cold or react directly negative to their moves.

This can be classified most of the time as resistance; however, in some cases it can also be a rejection we are talking about. This is what this post will be about:

  • The different causes of resistance
  • How to handle resistance
  • Resistance vs. rejection
  • Handling rejections

By the end of this article, it is my intention that you will be much better armed to deal with resistance when you encounter it, overcome it so that you and your women can continue to enjoy great times together, and even reverse rejections in some cases to continue to build your interactions with women.

How to Have Threesomes with Your Girlfriend

Drexel Scott's picture

have threesomesAh, threesomes! For many men, having sex with two women at once is the pinnacle of manliness. Ask any man about his sexual fantasies, and if he's man enough to admit he has some, you will almost certainly hear "two chicks at once."

Unfortunately, many men write this off as a possibility, relegating it to the fantasy lands of pornography and science-fiction.

However, I can tell you that not only is it highly realistic, but how to begin having threesomes yourself.

We have a few articles on this site on threesomes already, focusing on meeting two women at once and taking them both home:

What I want to talk about today is something a little different - today's article is on taking a girl you're already seeing, and having a threesome with her and someone else.

One key thing to understand for this or any threesome is that women have highly intricate, detailed sexual fantasies. They will only discuss them with certain types of men, but when you become that type of man, you will hear several common themes that are repeated over and over again.

One of them is group sex. It is my opinion that nearly every woman on Earth has fantasies that involve two girls and a guy, or a girl and two guys. So that's already in your favor, before we even begin: she's already thought about it.

Further, many women have already experienced threesomes or foursomes. Brave women will act on their fantasies when they feel safe and excited to do so, and that is the purpose of this article: to help her feel safe and exciting to indulge in some of her wildest fantasies.