How to Date and Sleep with Absolute Stunners

Recently we had a thread on the forum by a member asking “How do you get the absolute stunners?” He asked:
- 'Objective 10' Myth
- The Beauty Spectrum
- No 'All Stunner' Guys
- Imitation Stunners
- Stunners Are Girls Too
I have noticed that there’s a certain level of attractiveness I seem to be unable to get.
I might number close these stunners at the mall, or on the streets, but it’s usually the same outcome —either they text back a bit and ghost, or they never text back or pick their calls.
I have a triple digit lay count so I don’t know if it could be a “game” problem as I am not a novice.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I know it all —if I did, I would be getting those stunners.
So my question to you guys, those who have actually done it —how did you get the 9s and 10s?
You know, those girls that you walk with and everyone stares…
She gets compliments from strangers every single day…
Every woman wants to be her friend…
Men, complete strangers, are nicer and go out of their way to please…
When you walk with her you feel like a god.
How did you get these type of women?
Better fundamentals (suit and tie)?
More successful (got the dollar bill$)?
Better game (some advanced technique that hypnotizes them and makes em drop their panties)?
Better venue (maybe some locations just makes it easier to lay hotter women than some)?
Social circle?
Would love to know.
I just recently resumed gaming after taking some time off (was mostly getting laid from IG) and my no 1 goal is to get the stunners this time around
This topic (landing and bedding stunners) has long been one of the most hotly debated in dating circles. Men from various schools will claim that only their school leads men to the true Stunner Promised Land. Muscle guys insist you need muscles to land the babes. Money guys insist you need money to get them. Status guys insist you need fame or high position in social circle to get them. Game guys will tell you it’s all just a matter of having the right game.
The (perhaps controversial?) truth is that pretty much every avenue CAN WORK, and it is possible to meet, date, and bed stunners however you want to go about it. The guys who haven’t tried an avenue and swear it can’t work are keyboard jockeying. The guys who have tried an avenue, failed to make it work, but succeeded at landing stunners via another avenue are more interesting – their failures tend to come from misapplication, underapplication, or not playing to their strengths. We’ll talk about all these below.
But we’re going to start today by clearing away the myths around stunners, so you can view these gals through a much more realistic – and far less fantastical – lens.