Are You Just READING or Are You APPLYING?

I got an email the other day from a former reader who claims he’s going to stop reading Girls Chase after years of readership because it’s been “extremely negative” for him and nothing he’s read here has “stood out to him.”
I’ve received thousands of emails and messages from men over the years who’ve told me how this site has transformed their lives. I know of what kinds of results guys get when they apply the material. I have also seen guys all across the spectrum, from guys who achieved just okay results, to guys who struggled to get anywhere – and I have seen the patterns among them, too.
When I browsed the email from this unhappy former reader, I saw all the familiar patterns I see among the guys who fail to get results. Namely, he spoke a lot about reading the website, and nothing at all about applying the material.
He did not mention number of women approached, or whether he’s done any approaching at all. He didn’t discuss his experiences deep diving, chase framing, using VAC or SAC, or his encounters during day game or night game (or even online). He didn’t mention owning any of the products (which are designed to streamline and target the learning process) or participating on the forum (which is designed to provide community support).
The entirety of his email was “I read a bunch for years, I didn’t get anything out of it, I’m not reading anymore.” Now, WHY exactly you would read something for years that you got nothing out of, I cannot say (personally, if I’m not getting something out of reading something, I drop that something in about 15 minutes maximum… but maybe that’s just me?).
Regardless, I think it’s worth stressing, just for other readers in a similar boat, the point that if you aren’t applying what you’re reading, you’re probably getting very little of the value out of it has to offer.
You must APPLY what you read to benefit from it.