Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

[WATCH] Why Girls Aren't Answering Your Texts

Chase Amante's picture

In just a week and a half, on Saturday, July 15th, I’ll be opening the doors to my never-before-released texting system, Impulse Texting.

As we gear up for that, I’ve put together a series of videos for you on a set of pressing texting issues and questions men run into with women.

In today’s video, we examine one key question: why aren’t girls texting you back?

Go here to watch the video:

If a Girl Never Texts You First, Does It Mean Anything?

Chase Amante's picture
girl never texts firstWhat does it mean if a girl doesn’t text you first? There are 5 different reasons why she never texts first. All YOU can do is follow your texting process.

I see a lot of stuff online claiming that, “If a girl doesn’t text you first, it means she’s not that interested.”

In articles and videos with this conclusion, the advice to men tends to be something like if she never texts you first, you should move on, and find a girl who’s more interested.

Find a girl who will actually text you first, instead.

Is this actually good advice?

Or is this advice all washed up?

What Makes a Good After-Hours "Pick Up Girls" Spot

Alek Rolstad's picture
after-hours pick up girlsWhat makes an after-hours venue good to pick up women is not just that it’s open after hours. Some after-hour clubs are awful. Yet some can be gold mines.

Hi all. I hope you are all doing great.

Today I want to discuss a topic that hasn’t been discussed yet on the site—how to pick up in after-hour venues.

The truth is, picking up girls in these venues is not the same as picking up girls in “normal hours” venues. You should consider many factors and calibrate depending on the venue type.

After-hour venues are unique with their own vibe, rules, and universe, whereas regular clubs are open during hours when people usually party. But after-hours venues are open when people typically leave for home or start heading to work around 8 am. I know of a place that closes at around 11 am! When you exit the club at closing time, it is daytime, and you may see families out and about, and you are dressed flashy and all looking like a mess. Good times.

And yes, it is possible to pull even at that hour! I will get into why shortly. I have taken girls home at 10 or 11 am! I cannot guarantee they will always be the best regarding looks or personality. At that later hour, these women are usually “damaged goods.” Be warned.

We have a lot to discuss. First, let’s look at social dynamics to understand each venue type. Next week, we break down a potential game plan.

Security & Trust in Long-Term Relationships

Chase Amante's picture
security & trust in a long-term relationshipPeople must feel secure in their relationships to stay in them. As relationship trust crumbles, security erodes, and people take steps to guard themselves.

In my four-part relationship model, GISS, the first ‘S’ stands for ‘security.’ Security, as I use it for relationships, means a few things:

  • Trust that you are who you seem to be.

  • Trust that you can be relied upon for what’s required.

  • Trust that no outside forces or events can upend the relationship.

The reason I don’t simply call it ‘trust’ is because all these kinds of trust together create a feeling that the relationship is secure. Yet in the absence of this trust, or as the trust erodes, a sense of insecurity prevails.

How secure should you aim to make your relationships? Many men strive to give their women a sense of total security – greater security, in truth, than they can realistically deliver.

It’s a chaotic world out there, full of uncertainty and unknowns. Just as your woman seeks security in her relationship with you, you bear the responsibility of deciding how strong a sense of security you will give her… and whether you can live up to the impression you allow her to have.

Tactics Tuesdays: Talking About Other Girls

Chase Amante's picture
talking about other girlsWhen you talk to girls, talk about other girls. It lets you set sexual frames, communicate popularity with women, and inspire girls to chase you.

Here’s a “golden oldie” of seduction community wisdom:

When talking with girls, talk about other girls.

I first encountered this advice in the first seduction manual I ever read, Swinggcat’s book Real World Seduction. In it, Swinggcat recommended telling girls stories that had other girls in them.

It didn’t take long before I heard this same tactic from other seduction community legends. One advocated talking about “my friend blah blah” and then referring to your friend as “she” and “her” – and if a girl asks, “Is she your girlfriend?” you know you have her hooked.

Another talked about how telling stories about other girls you know or knew allowed women to feel more comfortable around you, showing them you’re not some guy women avoid, while allowing you to show the girls you’re talking to that you have girls just like them in your life already (excellent for attainability).

I don’t see this advice so much anymore, so I figured I’d do a little write up on it specifically, just to get it out there again.

Make Girls Text You Back… On IMPULSE (Trailer)

Chase Amante's picture

Do you ever feel like there’s something you’re missing when texting girls… where if you just GOT it, the responses, dates, lovers, and girlfriends would begin to deluge in?

That missing aspect is a sense of social obligation – one where a girl feels like she HAS to, and also WANTS to(!), message you back.

A sense she gets from the way you write your texts that compels her to respond to you on impulse.

I’ve created a new System on texting girls in this unique way to create the sense of obligation in them. I call this System “Impulse Texting.”

You can watch Impulse Texting trailer below:

(or watch here)

Do Drugs Help You Pick Up Girls?

Alek Rolstad's picture
drugs and picking up girlsDrugs are becoming increasingly popular in today’s nightlife scene. But if you’re on the prowl to pick up girls, are drugs a help – or a hindrance?

Hey guys. I hope you are all doing well.

Today I want to discuss a sensitive topic: drugs and seduction. William Gupta, one of our writers, addressed this topic a while back The Truth About Taking Drugs and Hooking Up with Women. I decided to give my take.

Why this post? I am a night gamer, and it is no secret that the nightlife has more drug consumption than elsewhere else. However, be aware that high drug consumption does not define all venues. This past weekend, I went to a club filled with students. Drug consumption was low. Compare this to a music venue (house music clubs and raves are known for high consumptions of MDMA and Ecstasy) or a high-end club (cocaine), and you will notice they are worlds apart.

Honestly, I prefer venues where drug consumption is low. It is easier to run game. MDMA makes everyone behave weirdly, and running good game becomes challenging. Cocaine turns people into loud jerks: girls are bitchier; men are loud and annoying. Drug consumption is a huge problem in my book.

I felt the need to write this post because I’ve noticed that the threshold to try out and take drugs is lower these days. When I started out clubbing around 2010, you seldom saw much drug use in clubs, and if it took place, it wasn’t that visible.

I have noticed that drug use has normalized in the last few years. Seeing lines of cocaine is usual. Lines of 3mmc (a cheaper substitute to cocaine) is not out of the ordinary, and MDMA use at a venue with great music? Well, obviously, you must do that! Who can have fun without it?

I can’t go to ANY venues without girls and guys asking me if I have any or know anyone selling. I know club owners who are frustrated with all the drug sales and usage in clubs. They get in serious trouble if the authorities find out that their venue is a junkie fest or if anything bad happens due to drugs, including rape, overdose, and even death—the latter happened in Paris clubs a few years ago.

I’ve been clubbing for a while and have tried different drugs. I will only talk about drugs common in clubs and those I’ve tried.

I will discuss my experience with them in the context of seduction. However, I will not discuss the following:

  • The dangers of drugs; they are well known. Most are illegal and made in shady labs. You do not know about composition and manufacture. Being a questionable business, they often cut the drugs with dangerous stuff.

  • The illegality of drugs: you commit a legal risk by carrying, offering, and taking drugs. I will not discuss this element.

  • The cost of drugs. Yes, they are expensive.

  • Getting busted taking drugs in a venue. Bouncers will kick you out (rightfully so), and you will be banned from the venue.

These factors are real. You should consider each in your assessment.

  • I will also not discuss alcohol and pick up as I have covered this in a two-part series.

When discussing these drugs, I do so objectively given my experience and avoid moralizing, or at least I’ll try. I think all drugs circulating in clubs lately are annoying and kill the party. At the end of the day, it is your body and your choice.

Here are my experiences with each drug.

Girls' Signs of Interest: Why Can't Most Men See Them?

Chase Amante's picture
missing girls' signs of interestMost guys have ‘signal blindness’ to many of the signs women send. Why is this… and what can they do to start seeing women’s signals and signs of interest?

When I first started coaching men on meeting women, I discovered I had an unusual power nearly none of the men I coached possessed:

I was able to recognize girls’ signs of interest.

Like anyone new at anything, I at first worried about being a bad coach not worth the money students were paying me. However, I soon discovered that simply by directing men to interested women and giving them a few basic things to do, I’d amaze my students.

My more intermediate students could see some of these signs, although often not until I pointed them out. If I told a student like this he’d missed an escalation window with a girl (i.e., a chance to move things forward with her), then pointed out the signs she’d shown that indicated that, he’d nod his head and realize it: “Oh yeah, I did notice her doing that. So that’s why she did that!”

He’d noticed the signs, which means some part of him had learned to pay attention for them… but he hadn’t progressed to acting on them. He hadn’t learned to pounce on such signs.

The guys who were new, on the other hand, were oblivious. They had no idea which girls liked them, or that any did. They could not tell a wildly interested girl from a disinterested one. If you got them into a conversation with a girl opening escalation windows left and right, they’d just keep talking normally. When you asked them why they didn’t take advantage of all the openings the girl was giving them, they’d say, “Huh? I thought she was just talking normally!”

I have sat in on guys’ conversations and dates, helped the guy to pull the girl to another venue, or even to pull her home, all while the guy had no idea the girl was open to doing any of that with him. When we talk later the guy is astounded the girl went that far with him and wants to know how I knew she would.

How I knew she would is simple: girls are constantly signaling their interest levels and openness, and I can see these things… but apparently, surprisingly to me at first, most men cannot.

Tactics Tuesdays: Verbal Buy-In During Sexual Escalation

Chase Amante's picture
verbal buy-in escalation to intimacyAnother way to get intimate with women. Rather than just feeling them up and undressing them, you can prompt them to verbalize desire for you instead.

In my article on pussy-centric escalation, a commenter asked me for examples of getting verbal, logical buy-in to your escalation to intimacy. I recommended this for any girl who seemed like she was either on the fence or could cause trouble (e.g., an orange flag girl, etc.).

So let’s talk verbal buy-in during your sex escalations!

Verbal buy-in is anything you are doing to get a girl to affirm that yes, she really wants this next step in the seduction to occur.

You’ve no doubt heard of the social justice / feminist / egalitarian concept of “affirmative consent”, yes? You might’ve thought it a terrible, seduction-killing concept. But believe it or not going for verbal buy-in as you seduce is basically just this: it is the same concept as “affirmative consent”, just gussied up and made sexier.

I’m going to show you how to do this today, and add another powerful tool to your sexual escalation arsenal.