Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

8 Tradeoffs in Girls Men MUST Choose Between in LTRs

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LTR tradeoffsChoosing a partner for a long-term relationship presents tradeoffs. The more a girl is one thing, the less something else she may be. What will YOU choose?

I’m a “have your cake and eat it too” type of guy. I do not like the idea of tradeoff much. If you’re having to make tradeoffs, maybe you just didn’t do things as well as you could’ve!

While that is true some of the time, life has many places where we must accept tradeoffs. Very often, to have one thing, we must accept less of another; especially so when the two things conflict.

One of the many areas in life this is true is in the long-term relationship. That is because some of the things you might think you’d like in an LTR directly conflict with others.

For instance, wanting a passionate relationship that is low drama. Or wanting a vivacious, quick-minded woman who is also submissive and unwaveringly supportive. These traits directly conflict with each other – as do many other desirable qualities in LTRs.

Picking the right long-term relationship pertains as much to knowing what tradeoffs you’re okay with as it does to anything else.

5 Ways to Qualify a Girl You're Seducing

Alek Rolstad's picture
qualify a girlWhen you qualify a girl, you let her know what you like about her. Employ these five (5) different qualifiers to move your seductions forward more easily.

Hi there, and welcome back. Today I will discuss qualification. We’ve covered this topic in multiple posts, and all approach it from different angles. They are all fantastic reads, and mastering qualification will benefit you irrelevant of your skill level (I will recap why shortly). It may not fall under “fundamentals,” but consider it more of a fundamental technique.

So, I intend to provide a “straight to the point” and “cut the crap” post on qualification. Like my earlier fractionation post, I want this to be a “simply explained” post.

If you want to delve deeper into qualification, take a look at our other posts. I’ve shared links at the end of this article.

10 Rules for AWESOME Text Message Banter

Chase Amante's picture
text message banterExpert text message banter takes a bit of skill – & a good handle on the text bantering rules! Follow these 10 vital rules to make your text banter BETTER.

One of the guys on our forum is getting back into dating after a long hiatus in a relationship.

He posted a text message interaction of his he had with a girl who hinted at some availability to meet him… but after the last of his messages she left him on read.

There were a few key mistakes he made in his text message banter that stood out quite clearly (chalk it up to being rusty). I figured we ought to do an article on text message banter rules.

If you follow these rules, you’ll be able to avoid the most common pitfalls men face text message bantering with girls. You’ll get more of the girls you want out on dates, instead of your text messages left on read.

What Women Think About You Is ALWAYS Subject to Change

Chase Amante's picture
what women think about you changesWomen are changeable. They change what they think and feel about you, as well as what they want. As a man, how do you deal with this? Can it even… be GOOD?

Women and their constantly shifting emotions and opinions on men frustrate many a man:

  • You meet a girl and she’s friendly, even flirtatious toward you. You start thinking it might go somewhere with this girl. Perhaps she could be your lover or your girlfriend! Then the next time you try to talk to her she’s cold, acting like she doesn’t even know you, and it’s like that earlier interaction never even happened. Sometime later, you run into her again, and again, she is friendly and warm – and now she’s even flirtier than she was before! What the heck?!

  • Or you meet a girl who seems very enthusiastic to come out on a date with you. Three days later she flakes over text, telling you she doesn’t feel ready to come out, and then she never responds to your texts again.

  • Meanwhile, some girl you know for a fact was spreading nasty rumors about you in your social circle and who clearly considered you some kind of enemy of hers has suddenly begun acting really sweet and girly toward you – and then she approaches you to ask you when the two of you are going to hang out! Huh?

This kind of behavior from women completely discombobulates your average, ordinary guy, and can even flummox some experienced rakes when they encounter it in situations unfamiliar to them. The rule to understand it is that what women think about you ALWAYS changes… it changes within relationships and it changes without them.

It is simply how women operate. It is an OEM part of Woman OS.

Advanced Sex Talk: Excite Her with the Squirting Gambit

Alek Rolstad's picture
squirting gambitIf you already know how to sex talk, you’ll like this one. By discussing how to make a woman squirt, you can make her so excited she… wants you to make her squirt.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today I’ll go through another gambit. This one is bold and explicit. The goal is to convey sexual prizing to arouse a girl. It’s a powerhouse, but it can be tricky for beginners at sex talk to pull it off. So it is more suitable for advanced guys.

Use it mid- to late-game to escalate the vibe and further sexualize your interactions. It’s ideal when you need to spike her so she agrees to go home with you or when you are back at your place and are about to seal the deal!

Of course, physical escalation is also good instead of verbals. You can combine both, although be careful that bold touching plus bold sex talk can be overkill. To learn more about when to use touch versus verbals, see part 3 of my sex talk calibration series for an in-depth discussion.

This gambit is older but very powerful. It may be harder to pull for beginners unless the vibe is strong and:

  • There is already a solid sexual frame set. This gambit can reinforce the sexual frame, not set it.

  • You have already talked about lighter sexual subjects.

With that out of the way, here is the gambit. I will start with a transition, cover the gambit, then discuss the mechanisms at play.

I’ll break down the gambit into three parts. You can view this as one gambit or three interconnected gambits.

Don't Get Strung Along! What Good "Girl Game" Looks Like

Chase Amante's picture
girl gameMany girls are great at hooking guys in with ‘girl game’. If it always feels like you’re ‘almost there’ with her, but you NEVER get there… that’s girl game.

Some girls have really good game.

They’re able to keep guys hooked, with those guys orbiting around them, providing tons of value to their lives, while they dangle the perpetual hope of romance (or other entanglements) just out of reach.

In fact, until you reach the upper echelons of seduction skill, you will always be playing catchup to the savviest women… and in fact even at the upper echelons, depending on what places you frequent, you will still run into women who are nearly your equals.

Most guys don’t seem to be able to recognize ‘girl game’ for what it is: a set of seduction tricks designed to lead a man into a role the woman wants him in… which, most of the time, will not be sexual or romantic (though it can be; it depends on what she wants from him).

Today I’ll shed some light on what it looks like when you’re being gamed by girls – so you can spend your time on women where the connection is mutual, rather than one where you’re just being strung along.

How to Answer "Why Don’t You…?" Questions from Women

Chase Amante's picture
why don't you questionsGirls say the darnedest things. When they hit you with challenge questions about what you are or are doing, how can you best respond? Like this:

On my recent article about triggering women to ask you questions, a reader asks:


How do you answer the question of why are you single, never married, or why you don’t have any children as an older man?

What would be a good way to answer that if you’re an average guy?

I can see some men getting away with this if they have some type of business or something, but what if the man really didn’t want to settle down by choice?


a common stumbling block for beginner (and even intermediate) socializers is such “put you on the spot” questions people ask about certain things.

In particular, about things you should be or should have done (based on conventions, that is), yet are not or have not – or these questions’ close cousins, why you ARE doing something you’re doing or HAVE something you have (that ordinary people don’t). These include questions like:

  • “Why are you single?”
  • “Why don’t you have a job?”
  • “Why don’t you have a BETTER job?”
  • “Why don’t you like [some trendy thing]?”
  • “Why don’t you work out?”
  • “Why don’t you own your own home?”
  • “Why don’t you have a car?”
  • “Why don’t you have any friends?”
  • “Why are you going out alone?”
  • “Why are you talking to strangers?”
  • “Why are you talking to me?”
  • “Why do you have that?”
  • “Why are you wearing that?”
  • “Why haven’t you ever married?”
  • “Why don’t you have kids?”


You’ll get different questions depending on your age, the setting, and your situation.

However, every guy gets questions like these from time to time.

They’re great questions for people to ask, especially inquisitive women, because they reveal loads about you – most men stumble when they get these questions, so answer in revealing, unsmooth ways.

How must you answer questions like this so as to make your answer smooth?

3 Sex Talk Gambits So Bold & Explicit They Arouse Girls Instantly

Alek Rolstad's picture
arouse girls with sex talkBold, explicit sex talk can really turn a girl on. What exactly should you SAY though? Easy: use one of THESE 3 sex talk routines to melt her loins…

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today I want to discuss three different sex talk gambits. I shared three shorter gambits a few years ago. These gambits have become popular, given student feedback from my coaching sessions and the forum comments.

See 3 Sex Gambits: Good/Bad Sex, Sex is Unfair, and the Dark Side.

These gambits are popular because they are short, easy to understand, and simple to pull off without being complex or verbose. They don’t require much memorization, as you should not try to memorize these gambits word-for-word. Instead, use these examples as inspiration and deliver the content with your OWN words, depending on the girl and context.

You may remember my post a few weeks ago when I went over light versus bold sex talk. Light talk is less explicit (but not less powerful) and more suited for the early game to hook and convey intriguing and attractive traits about you by hinting that you are a good lover. Bold sex talk conveys sexual prizing (you are a good lover); it also helps escalate the vibe and turn her on.

My last mini-gambit compilation provides a list of light gambits suited for the earlier part of the seduction process. Of course, you can use them later in your interactions; I do it often! Switching to lighter gambits between the late-game’s bolder ones can sometimes be a good call!

Note that short gambits do not make them less powerful. They can be ideal when you cannot talk for long, or it is too loud or chaotic to have deep and complex conversations.

That said, I am providing short gambits here; however, that does not mean you cannot expand upon them or spend more time elaborating on the concepts and themes of these gambits. You may even want to add additional dimensions to them. You surely can! I have done so in-field.

[VIDEOS] Master Your Social Fundamentals

Chase Amante's picture

A few weeks ago on GirlsChase.TV we wrapped up our chapter on vocal fundamentals.

We’re now three (3) lessons into the next chapter of Fantastic Fundamentals: your social fundamentals.

Social fundamentals are an under-discussed aspect of attractive fundamentals. Once guys get interested in upping their passive value, body fundamentals (our first chapter) and fashion fundamentals (our upcoming fourth chapter) tend to attract the most of their attention.

Triggering Women to Ask You Questions

Chase Amante's picture
reciprocal questionsYou can trigger women to ask you questions by asking the same questions to them first. There’s more nuance to this than you’d think – and plenty ways to get it wrong.

The other day a forum member shared a video where a YouTuber approached a woman in the London tube. The approach went okay to a point; the YouTuber was a bit overly gamey, but the girl hung in there and tried to help him out, until they reached a point where he gave a really bad answer to a question she asked.

The question she asked was, “Are you single?”

His reply was to waffle a bit, hemming and hawing, before concocting a vague reply about his relationship status being a “gray area” (perhaps properly spelt ‘grey’ considering the YouTuber’s point of origin), then declaring to the girl that, “For you, single.”

This answer was terrible in a lot of ways:

  • It showed fear and uncertainty about saying the “wrong” thing (in other words, fear and uncertainty about how she might react – fear that he would “blow it”)

  • It showed evasiveness that made it seem like he has something to hide (not attractive)

  • It gave her unearned special privileges, with him telling her that “For her” he would give her availability he did not give to other women – but what has she done to earn that? So far, nothing

But above all it was bad because he triggered the question himself, yet did not have a reply to it.

He triggered the question by putting her on the spot with that question himself a moment earlier… then was totally unprepared when she asked him the same exact question right back.

After some awkward polite conversation more, the YouTuber went for the number close, at which point the girl wryly brought up his earlier “gray area” comment, telling him that perhaps when he’d figured his gray area out, they might run into each other again.

(I really like this girl. She was super cool. She tried to help him all through the approach, and even at the end she told him exactly what put her off and gave him a chance to fix it. All he was able to do was say that he was chasing her and that she should just give him her number anyway without even trying to handle her objection)

Today’s article is about such ‘triggered questions’:

How you can trigger questions yourself, what you can do with them, and also that all-important rule every time you trigger a question: be prepared to answer it (and all its variations) yourself!