Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Act When You're Caught Red-Handed by a Woman

Chase Amante's picture
man caught cheating by woman holding other woman's braSo, your woman caught you red-handed. What can you do? Cry? Beg? Return fire? Don’t do any of that. Follow this 6-step process instead to handle it with minimal casualties.

Here's a fun topic!

Sooner or later, you're going to do something naughty, and some girl somewhere will catch you.

What should you do?

Should you:

  • Beg?
  • Cry?
  • Plead?
  • Fly into a rage?
  • Something else dramatic?

No! None of those things.

Instead, you must own it, remain chill, and wait for emotion to subside.

NEW VIDEO: Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Part 1

Chase Amante's picture

For many years guys have asked me, “How do I integrate meeting women into my day-to-day life?”

It’s one of the biggest head-scratchers for guys who’ve been into seduction for a while. Once you’re past that initial hump of basics, where you’re going out often and getting the skill set down, you kind of want to start having approaching women be more a normal part of your life (rather than something you go out expressly to do).

How do you make that transition though? How do you reach the point where you are “on” and able to approach women as you see them throughout the day (and not have it be weird)?

I have at long last gotten around to answering this question – and I did it in customary deep, comprehensive, yet still concrete and tactical form.

Allow me to introduce you to “Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life,” a seven-part video series exclusively on GirlsChase.TV.

Part 1, just released today, is here:

4 Smooth Ways to Reframe Her Objections to Casual Sex

Alek Rolstad's picture
resistance to casual sexWhen a woman objects that she doesn’t do casual sex or one-night stands, what can you do or say? In fact, there are several things – delivered right, they may completely change her view.

Hey guys and welcome back. Today we are going to discuss technical stuff. I will share some simple techniques that are relatively easy to pull off yet very efficient.

These techniques counter a certain form of resistance you may have faced: resistance to having sex the first night, spontaneous, casual sex, and one-night stands. You are opting for a same night/day lay, and she resists.

If this sounds familiar, the techniques I will share today will benefit you.

Perhaps you are having a conversation about sex, and she mentions that she is into casual sex or needs sex with feelings (all sex involves feelings, but she is really saying “sex with significant and romantic feelings). I do not consider this resistance because you are not escalating the vibe. She is just trying to set her own frame or test yours.

Nevertheless, these techniques, or “reframes” will help. You are welcome to use the exact reframe language I share, but you may also try variations or make up your own. This is why I try to explain the mechanism of the technique.

Why It's Harder for Guys with Good Jobs to Get Girls

Chase Amante's picture
guys with good jobs get girlsGuys with good jobs have a lot of good stuff going on. But, quite often, success with women isn’t one of them. Why is this so? For several reasons.

We had a discussion on the Skilled Seducer forum recently where we talked about how a successful career intersects with a man's ability to succeed with women.

I shared my experience, as both a guy with a good corporate job, then as a guy with various artistic jobs, finally as a guy who was unemployed, and then again later as an entrepreneur, and how I found women reacted to that.

Basically: good corporate job or successful entrepreneur are the hardest things to present yourself as if you want to pick up girls. You are much better off being an artist or unemployed.

I figured this out pretty early on and presented myself as an artist even when I had a well-paying corporate job at a prestigious company. I simply avoided telling women about this... well, if I had any kind of sexual or romantic designs on them.

Why should this be so, though? Why would women be more attractive to an artist, or even an unemployed guy, than one who's holding down a solid, stable 9-to-5 at a respectable, well-known company, or forging his own path as an entrepreneur?

Why'd She Reject You? The 3 "Rejection Factors"

Chase Amante's picture
women on bench rejecting male suitorMost men mix up women’s different reasons for rejection into one big (confusing) soup. But if you want to stop getting rejected, you need to tease out the different rejection factors.

You see a girl you like the looks of.

You approach.

She rejects you.

Why did she reject you?

There's always a reason for it.

If you understood that reason, you could correct for it, and avoid future rejections from future girls who look like her.

Most guys will pick any old reason out of the sky ("I'm too ____" or "I'm not _____ enough!"). Or they may ask women why they rejected them, which only gets them the most superficial reasons, not the root reasons.

Yet there is a way to discern her TRUE reason for rejecting you... roughly-speaking, anyhow... that way you can zoom in on correcting it with the next women you talk to.

Announcing GirlsChase.TV

Chase Amante's picture

At long last, it's arrived!

Our in-house video platform.

YouTube's been telling seduction coaches to get gone for a while now. Most of them have already left.

We've kept a presence on there (via Hector's videos) but my assumption has been that sooner or later we'll have to leave there too.

Rather than focus too much effort building on a platform we can't control, I decided to focus my efforts on building one we can.

Introducing... GirlsChase.TV.

As a Man, You've Got to Know What You're About

Chase Amante's picture
man looking at own reflection in glassPeople will judge you by generic metrics unless you show them what you’re about. A man who knows that about himself becomes attractive, respected, and admired.

On one of my articles, long-time reader Sub-Zero asked once more about his age-old preoccupation with old age, talking about his being a late bloomer and saying:

What would you say is a good reason a man can tell women why he is single, childless, and unmarried as an older man? I believe you said it wasn’t a good look before and I hear it all the time it looks weird, I heard women really dislike it too and say it’s a red flag. But if you’re not really interested in it or have the funds, I think it’s wise to not have those things just for society’s approval, especially if you can’t afford it. Is there anything you can say at all to make it not look bad?

SZ has been asking questions about variations of this topic for almost seven years now. Many things change in life, but if there's one guy you can count on to be consistent, it is Sub-Zero. If there is still a Girls Chase 20 years from now, I reckon you will still find Sub-Zero here, asking questions about growing older and being a late bloomer.

What I want to address here is this idea of "How do you explain yourself if you're outside the norm?"

Because that is a skill almost every man really should have... and it comes down to not "what things do you have", not even "what deeds have you accomplished", but instead rather "what are you all about."

Hot, Sane, Single Girls Under 30 Usually Haven't Had a Soul Mate Yet

Chase Amante's picture
beautiful woman walking down the streetIf she’s hot, sane, never-married, and under 30, it’s good odds she’s never experienced major heartbreak. Why’s this good? It means you can still be her first real, deep love.

On my article "How to Be the Best Guy a Girl's Ever Dated," a reader named Lobster asks:

How many do you think [out of] 10 [girls] have had an exceptional man? And how does [this rate] change [as they] age? Thinking about it, however, the strongest are born already from young people and probably almost all who have had relationships will have someone in their hearts since when they are young they have a lot of time to spend together

I initially read his comment as "what do you think about 10-out-10 girls who have had an exceptional man", before I realized he was asking what portion of women on average have had one.

In this article I'd like to talk about why women hung up on their exceptional exes -- 'alpha widows' is the term that gets used for this a lot (I like this term; it has a nice ring) -- are not really as common as you might think, and why that means the playing field is wide open for you if you are (or are willing to turn yourself into) an exceptional man.

Picking Up Girls Fast, Pt. 3: Accidental Pickups

Alek Rolstad's picture
woman talking to man on couch with her hand on his legEvery now and then a girl will simply fall into your lap. How do you manage these ‘accidental’ quick pickups? By deciding if you want it… then pulling her when you can.

Hey guys. Welcome.