Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Picking Up Girls at Night Is Different from Day, Pt. 1: Vibe, Setting, & Energy

Alek Rolstad's picture
daytime pickup vs. nighttime pickupKnowing how to pick up girls by day doesn’t always translate to picking them up well at night – and vice versa. In this series we examine the differences. Today: setting, energy, & vibe.

Night game is not day game at night time. Many men seem to struggle with night game lately, especially since night game has gone a bit out of fashion. I hear about these issues when I read night game reports or talk to guys on the forums, in the chat, and even with my students.

We’ve seen an increase in popularity of day game, with more and more men focusing on this form. Day gamers often assume that their day game knowledge will apply in night game. Obviously, some theories and techniques are relevant in both night and day game, and of course, being a good day gamer will help you in night game and vice versa. But there are major differences, and you need to be aware of them to succeed in day and night game.

And that’s what we will cover today: the major differences between night and day game, and more importantly, how night game is NOT day game at night time.

This is part one of a two-part series. Part one focuses on the major differences with calibrating to the vibe, environment, and setting. Next week’s article will focus on strategic choices that differ between night and day game.

Trajectory of a Successful Date

Chase Amante's picture
man and woman dancing on bedThe trajectory your dates take determine how they end: as lovers or gone separate ways? This 7-step trajectory takes you through it: greeting, small talk, deep talk, + 4 more key steps.

A successful date has a particular trajectory.

If you look back on past successful dates of your own, you’ll be able to feel it:

The initial connection, the easy conversation, followed by increasing closeness, touch, and amour.

By the time you end up alone at the end of things, intimacy is a foregone conclusion, the escalation to it little more than a formality.

What’s responsible for such dulcet dates? Is it magic? An unpredictable wonderful connection?

While certain things outside your control do have an impact – from personality match to other factors below the level of conscious awareness – there is also a distinct way such dates proceed, that if you know it, you can often engineer.

This way is the date’s trajectory; a good one of which leads you far more easily to fantastic fantasies with lovely gals.

In a few more days, we have a special sale for my course One Date & The Dating Artisan – along with the release of two limited edition “Date Flows.” In these limited edition Date Flows (only available to One Date owners or buyers), you’ll receive the most complete guides ever assembled to running perfect dates 1.) at home and 2.) outside walking.

To coincide with the release of these first two collectible “Date Flows”, which’ll only be available to buy or to claim during the “Summer of Lovelies” sale between July 16th and July 19th, I’m writing a series of pieces looking at how good dates are put together.

The first of these is this one – on date trajectories.

Tactics Tuesdays: Jerking: Make Her Like You LESS

Chase Amante's picture
man and woman flirting at bar[When girls like you TOO much, it can be just as bad for a seduction as when they don’t like you enough. What can you do? Mix a little ‘jerk’ into things to fix the vibe.

Here’s something for our advanced players and up.

Once you are GOOD with girls, you will start finding yourself not uncommonly in situations where women like you too much. If you are an advanced player, you already know why this is bad.

(if you’re not an advanced seducer, you can read this article for educational purposes, though it might sound rather alien to you. Trying the materials from it may lead to calibration errors for you at this point now, too. Circle back around to it once you’ve leveled up; you’ll find it more useful, I promise)

When girls like you TOO much, they start envisioning a future with you, hit the brakes, and get nervous they’re going to screw it up with you if they let you move things too fast. This can completely sink your seductions.

We’ve talked about this a lot on Girls Chase when discussing the boyfriend zone and making it clear to women you’re NOT boyfriend material.

In this article we’ll go one further: not just not being boyfriend material, but actually calibrating your attainability to make sure the women you talk to don’t like you TOO much.

We’ll do that by using a range of tactics that, taken together, we can politely call “jerking.”

To Get Girls, You Have to Really Like Them

Chase Amante's picture
woman riding on man's backMen who don’t do well with women think worse of women. And men who think worse of women do worse with women. How do you escape this cycle and get results? By learning to really LIKE women.

Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of guys struggling with bitterness and alienation toward women trying to cold approach, only to fail.

This failure confirms and deepens their bitterness and alienation toward women. It’s sad.

NEW VIDEO: Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Part 3

Chase Amante's picture

Are you ready to be “always on”?

This is a subject guys have asked me about over and over again for YEARS.

As soon as guys get into game, they start realizing there are beautiful women everywhere around them. They start getting approach invitations from women in random, unexpected places. And they beat themselves up over and over for missing those wide open opportunities, all because they weren’t “on”.

“Always on” is something of the Holy Grail for pickup-lifestyle integration. If you can achieve it, you become an absolute girl-gathering machine. But HOW do you do it?

In this video, the first premium video in the “day-to-day life” series, I lay it out:

  • How close to “100% always on” can you realistically get? I discuss from a realistic perspective, then lay out the path to actually getting there

  • The secret of “social mode”, and how to use it to keep yourself in the “on” state throughout the day. Hint: once your life is set up right, this becomes almost automatic

  • Creating social momentum during an ordinary day. What sort of interactions work for this, versus which are simply momentum “dead ends”?

  • 9 powerful ways to get your social mode thrumming that apply to any lifestyle. Use these to keep your social engine running, so you can spring into action any time a random good-looking girl shows up – shooting signals at you or otherwise

This video’s premium, which means you’re going to need a GirlsChase.TV subscription to watch it. Pick that up in the next 3 days and you’ll be paying only $12.47 per month for it (it goes up to $15/month next week).

A GirlsChase.TV subscription gets you access to all the highest quality exclusive content on GirlsChase.TV, including regular new videos by me. We’ve got four more videos left in this series on picking up girls in your day-to-day life to come… then after it comes the course every guy’s been asking me to do for the last seven or eight years: Fantastic Fundamentals, a GirlsChase.TV exclusive where we look at each and every fundamental in isolation, to get your attractive persona so ridiculously sexy girls will swoon the moment you step into the room.

Here’s our video on being “always on”:

Tactics Tuesdays: Implicit Relationship Expectations

Chase Amante's picture
man and woman sitting together happily in bedYour behavior with a woman sets expectations for the relationship that is to come. Erratic behavior works against you. But consistent behavior makes things smooth.

We’ve talked on Girls Chase before about setting semi-explicit relationship expectations.

How Women Tame Men, Pt. 3: Resisting Romantic Taming

Chase Amante's picture
woman with whip next to manEvery woman tries to tame men she’s interested in romantically. Often she’ll succeed. How do you avoid getting tamed too far by the women you want?

Welcome to Part 3 in this series on how to remain untamed by women.

If you’re just tuning in, ‘taming’ is a ubiquitous process women engage in with men as part of how they form romantic relationships/commitments. It is the female side of the romantic engagement circle: men seek to conquer, while women seek to tame.

To tame men, women use their approval and disapproval: a powerful tool able to bring almost any man under a woman’s sway, to greater or lesser extent. We discussed this in Part 1.

Men employ different strategies to make themselves more appealing to women. The most attractive men are generally untamed and hard to tame. As a man decides he wants something settled with a woman, he begins to present himself as open to being tamed (to a degree).

On the other hand, men undesired by women often go overboard to present themselves as easy-to-tame or even as pre-tamed… much in the way women undesired by men may present themselves as easy conquests, as a way to ‘sweeten the deal’.

All this is what we call ‘tamability’, something we discussed in Part 2.

Today, we’ll talk about resisting romantic taming; that is, “How do you not fall prey to a woman’s approval/disapproval, and change your behavior into that of a tamed man?”

NEW VIDEO: Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, Part 2

Chase Amante's picture

In Part 2 of my series on Picking Up Girls in Your Day-to-Day Life, I go over the five (5) most COMMON mistakes men make trying to make daily pickups a part of their routine.

These mistakes are easy to make, but they’ll sabotage you quick if you make them, due to the “mental effect”: you do things wrong, it doesn’t work, and you soon conclude, “Well, I guess it just can’t work for me,” and give up.

Or – perhaps worse still – you just keep doing it wrong, and keep not getting good results from it at all, sucking up time you could’ve used to meet heaps of desirable women instead.

In this video I cover:

  • The mistake of not changing your habits… plus why this is so detrimental for pickup-daily life integration, and WHAT habits you need to change to integrate

  • Lacking a NATURAL way to interact with lots of people (i.e., having a large “social net”, like we talk about in Part 5), limiting their abilities to meet others

  • The problem of “over-pickiness.” Guys with the fewest women in their lives tend to be the pickiest daters… but this pickiness doesn’t help you pick better; over-picky guys often don’t date anyone at all!

  • Too-passive behavior when it comes to proposing things, getting contact info, or following up (and exactly why this condemns your day-to-day pickup efforts)

  • Hoping (or expecting) to “magically run into” women like in the movies… yet an integrated lifestyle that reliably funnels you women requires FORESIGHT to construct!

Watch it here:

Meeting Women in Noisy Nightlife Venues, Part 1: Avoiding Noise

Alek Rolstad's picture
people partying in a crowded nightclubHow do you meet women in noisy venues? Step 1: avoid the noisiest venues, if at all possible. Step 2: if not possible, look for islands of (relative) quiet within them.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today we will discuss night game.

One of the most common issues in night game is the noise level. Bars and especially clubs can be noisy. For this reason, many tend to favor other ways of meeting women, such as day game.

Those who prefer night game often ask me how to deal with the noise. Most asking me are beginners and are frustrated that they cannot run their game as they want because noise hinders them. More experienced seducers know how to handle the noise and likely use the tricks and advice I will share with you next. Yet they also wonder about how they can tackle this issue better and find more useful ways to navigate the noise level.

I plan to split this guide into two parts. Today we will go over how to avoid the noise as much as possible. Next week I will share tips on handling the problem head-on. Combining these two aspects will result in fewer problems meeting and seducing girls in a loud environment. So I consider both articles to be equally important.

You may think that all you need are a few tools to deal with noise by using your voice, tonality, and pace differently. Even though this will help, it only addresses part of the problem. Because there is no way to remove the noise completely, we need to apply several tools to lessen the problem.

This post is for players of all levels, beginners and masters alike.