Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Advanced Game: 3 Qualities Elite Seducers Possess

Alek Rolstad's picture
advanced gameYou might see a playboy pull a beautiful girl or two. But is he advanced – or did he just get lucky? The trifecta of calibration, meet-to-lay, and consistency will tell you.

Hey guys.

We often talk about skilled seducers. But what defines a skilled seducer? Many people post videos of famous movies scenes on forums where the protagonist is acting sexy (like James Bond) to show what perception they have of “sexiness” or “tight game.” Some tell me about their “supernatural” friend (a “natural” is someone who is naturally skilled with women) to show me what tight game is. Sometimes they share a story of themselves in field or post a lay report on the forums and comment about the amazing job they did.

The truth is, I rarely am impressed. Don’t get me wrong. I am not claiming that the James Bond smirk is not sexy or that your natural friend has no skill. Nor do I want to discredit you in your success.

If you post a cool report on the forums and I happen to read it, you will hear nothing but praise from me.

But what really constitutes an advanced-level seducer goes far beyond that. Trust me; it is not what you’d expect.

That’s why today, I’ll share what I consider advanced-level play. Many veterans feel the same way. I know because I’ve talked to them. These are just opinions, and you are welcome to disagree.

We all have different goals, and true mastery depends on what we seek to achieve. What defines success is individual. That being said, I think there are ways to become more objective with success. I will discuss that here.

I will be setting the bar quite high for what I consider advanced level. The requirements presented in this article are reachable goals.

Tactics Tuesdays: The Value Vortex

Chase Amante's picture
value vortexBy creating a vortex of value, you can suck girls into chasing you. Yet you need two (2) key elements to NOT become the dancing monkey / friend zone guy…

Here's a little technique I like to call the 'value vortex'.

I didn't invent it, but I haven't seen it named before (or if I have I don't remember what others have called it).

It's a suspiciously-simple sounding strategy that's very easy to get wrong. Therefore I do not recommend it to beginners. Beginners will see this and want to use it, but it will backfire for them. I'll explain why below.

The basics of this strategy are that you run a seduction in such a way that you only provide value to the girl's life -- heaps of it -- while sharing next to nothing about yourself. You must also be initiating touch and getting compliance as you do it, but only in the context of providing more value to her.

The effect, if executed well and on a girl who is not immune*, is that the girl you use it with will start to chase. She will at first be intrigued by you, then she will start to chase you harder, then harder.

If not used the way I lay out in this post, however, the strategy will backfire, and you will quickly friend zone yourself.

Disclaimers out of the way, let's open up the hood on this vortex and talk using it to seduce.

Had Sex with a Girl but Now She Won't Come Back Over?

Chase Amante's picture
girl won't come overYou’ve taken a girl to bed. It went fine. But now you’re texting and she won’t come back over to your place. What gives, and how do you turn it around?

On the forum, member DoWhatWorks had slept with a new girl who was enthusiastic their first night together. Yet, when it came time for their next meet, she didn't want to go to his place. He says:

A girl I slept with on the 1st date is avoiding a 2nd meet up at my or her place. Instead counter-offering bars & walking dates. She’s the one pushing for the meet, not me. Why do you think that is?

Today we'll have a look at why girls do things like this, what it means, and how to get a girl you've bedded once back into your bed for another round.

Sex Talk Gambits: Interhuman Relations

Alek Rolstad's picture
sex talk gambits: interhuman relationsThree new sex talk gambits to use with girls you want to seduce: the Mutual Seduction, Sexual Perversion II, and Ultimate Blow Job gambits.

Hey guys and welcome.

It’s time for more sex talk gambits.

Today we will go through three gambits with different themes that use the same concept.

So, take what you like and whichever suits your style.

Remember that you can always develop multiple if not infinite gambits by using these concepts.

I say this to motivate you to create versions of your own gambits by using your words and tweaks. This is key because you will eventually want to develop your own style.

"It Just Happened": Subconscious Flirtation and Hookups

Chase Amante's picture
it just happenedWomen often claim dates and hookups “just happen!” to them. But do they? And if you’re a man, is there a way to tap into things “just happening” yourself?

We have a member on the forum named Beam who recently committed to an exclusive, monogamous relationship. He has a girl he really liked, but he was also at a breakthrough moment in his game. True to the trend I identified in my article on guys taking girlfriends just as they're hitting game breakthroughs, his girlfriend sensed it and pushed hard for exclusivity, and Beam, figuring she's a great girl, granted her request.

Anyway, we chatted a bit about how he could best maintain his woman skills despite being monogamous. He tried telling his girlfriend he would still approach (whoops), but as you might expect she shot that down fast.

What I said was "you'll be able to flirt in natural settings, but if you try to push yourself to approach, your motivation for that will wane, and you'll probably feel conflicted about it, too."

He replied that that was already the case, and he felt conflicted already doing street approaches... but that flirting naturally with cashiers and checkout clerks or chatting up cute girls at a bar he was out to with buddies felt fine.

He volunteered that maybe because day game was what he was best at, that was why he felt conflicted, since those were the approaches most likely to lead to indiscretions.

That's not the reason though, I said -- it's because a day game approach is a conscious, deliberate one... whereas a flirtation with a cashier or a girl you chatted with while at a bar you were at anyway with friends is not; that, rather, is simply something that just happened.

Making a Woman Truly Love You with DIALS

Chase Amante's picture
making a woman love youThere are numerous ways to make a woman love you. The five (5) we cover in this article are duty, investment, adoration, lust, and surrender – and you can use them all.

A reader named Walter commented on a recent Alek Rolstad piece to say:

But one thing that most PUAs and dating coaches never seem to talk about is how to attract women you are into when it comes to long term relationships emotionally and I am not talking about some fake shit like being a "high value man" who spends his money and uses his status so women can settle for him, I am talking about real attraction and committment. I feel like noody has ever given a real answer to this question because there simply is no technique to make a woman fall in love with you emotionally other than her being sexually and romantically attracted to you from the get go for your looks, sex appeal and mouthpiece only. That's why PUA focuses only on how to get men laid.

All right, so let's talk about love.

In particular, let's talk about making a woman love you... really love you, in a devoted way, in a long-term relationship.

I should give you some credentials first before we talk about it.

Then after that, I will introduce you to the DIALS system as a tool to help you understand how to make a woman love you, truly love you, over the long-term.

Charisma Breakdown: Russell Brand

Chase Amante's picture
charisma breakdown: russell brandRussell Brand oozes electric charisma, of a very specific archetype: he is the Savior, who will sweep you away from dreary ordinary life to a world of fun, enlightenment, and orgasms.

Ready for another charisma breakdown?

Last time we discussed John Wayne, who exemplifies the 'King' charismatic archetype.

Today we'll be looking at a different charismatic archetype... the Savior. Our Savior will be Russell Brand.

Russell Brand, a Savior?

Oh yes. Russell Brand uses his charisma to lead people toward salvation. It's no fluke he's jumped into the political space, casting light on issues of he believes need leadership and encouraging people to be free (like in his recent short, fun video highlighting the military-industrial complex operating within American news media).

With Brand's beard and long hair, he even looks like a certain famous Savior (and indeed, has his own filmed performance on the subject entitled Messiah Complex).

If we look at how he interacts with women, we'll see that there, too, he embodies the role of the Charismatic Savior.

Let's have a closer look.

Sex Talk Gambits: The Sexual Perversion Gambit

Alek Rolstad's picture
sexual perversion gambitThis sex talk gambit lets you reframe sex (even casual sex) as healthy and natural… and abstinence from sex as something weird a woman must avoid.

Hey guys and welcome back.

It is time for a gambit—a sex talk gambit, that is. It has been a while since I have covered a gambit. This does not mean that I haven’t come up with materials. The ongoing pandemic makes it more difficult to test gambits in field. I will never share anything that I haven’t tested properly.

Today’s new gambit is the bomb. It will allow you to:

  • Talk about sex

  • Reframe sexual abstinence and sexual restrictions as bad

  • Promote a frame of spontaneity, openness, and curiosity

All these factors can have a huge effect on your results. If your frame is to get sexual with a girl, it will become much easier to proceed, and you will not be too many steps away from bedding her.

I need to address what I always stress:

  • Gambits, including this one, can be used as presented.

  • You can make variations (more complex or shorter versions) using your own words. The results will be similar if you convey the essential gist and use key mechanics. So use this gambit as an inspiration for your personal gambits.

  • Take the mechanics from this and previous gambits to create your own gambit from scratch.

My results with this gambit has led to:

  • Multiple lays in a very smooth and efficient manner

  • Great hooks if not lays (the lay did not happen due to other circumstances)

  • No bad reactions or rejections so far

I have been using this gambit since the second half of 2021 and for part of the winter. I stopped due to lockdowns and not being able to head out (this will soon change, so I will be using it again). Other experienced seducers have also had success with it.

Let’s begin. First, we will discuss “perversion” and what it means.

How to REALLY Tell If a Girl Likes You: It's Not Her Words

Chase Amante's picture
tell a girl likes youWhat a girl says won’t tell you if she really likes you. So how to tell if a girl likes you (or not)? Read the subtext: her voice tone, body language, and compliance.

I see guys all the time talking about what a woman said and trying to decipher its meaning.

They seem to not understand this basic rule of telling how much a girl likes you: it's not what she says, it's how she says it... and what she does.

Women will say things to flirt with a guy, or comment on the environment, or for no reason at all. Then men will get in their heads trying to interpret some meaning from this.

"She said she doesn't date guys like me, does that mean I blew it?" the guy thinks.

Meanwhile she is laughing and smiling at him and has turned more of her body toward him.

Then he walks off, feeling like he shouldn't have walked off, but he can't explain to himself why not.

If you want to know how to tell if a girl likes you, that starts with tuning out most of what she is saying with words and tuning IN to what she is saying with actions, voice tone, and body language.

Sexual Disgust: How Do You Get Past It (and Should You)?

Chase Amante's picture
sexual disgustSexual disgust can hold back your progress with women or wreak havoc in your relationships. Yet how do you overcome it… and SHOULD you?

A week back, on an article where I discuss a girlfriend who'd been with three men before (two boyfriends + a guy she hoped would be a boyfriend but who turned out to already have a girlfriend, unbeknownst to her), a reader commented:

Chase, I've worked hard for not feeling insecure about the girl's past. What i still do feel though, is disgust. With no intentions of insulting your girlfriend, if i had a girl like that with a past like that I'd feel utter disgust. While that girl may be considered a unicorn in ur country, i feel utter disgust. any tips on overcoming this disgust and being too damning on women??

What he's talking about is sexual disgust.

Sexual disgust is a natural - though not absolutely ubiquitous - phenomenon that occurs among both women and men. You'll see it the most by far with sexually inexperienced individuals; the more sexually experienced someone gets, the less sexual disgust is an issue for him. We'll discuss more on this below.

I want to discuss it with some sensitivity in this article, as any time the topic comes up it tends to provoke polarized responses from all sides. People low in sexual disgust regard as Puritanical those with higher sexual disgust; those high in sexual disgust view as degenerate those with lower sexual disgust.

Instead, in this piece, we'll aim for practicality:

  • What is sexual disgust?
  • Why do people have it?
  • How do you overcome it?
  • Should you overcome it... and if so to what degree?

All, I think, are worthwhile explorations. Let's have a look at each.