Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Stating Your Intentions (with an SOI)

Chase Amante's picture
using statements of intentThe statement of intent (SOI) is a powerful tool in the seducer’s arsenal. Combined with a barrier it can be used to dramatically push a seduction forward.

A common problem guys have chatting up new girls is “stalling out.” That’s what we call it when you approach a girl, open her, she seems receptive, you flirt a little bit… and then this whole vibe of, “Okay, so… where’s this going to?” settles over the interaction.

Then it gets awkward.

Then you hear, “Well, it was nice to meet you!” and the girl ejects.

Maybe she liked you!

Maybe it could’ve gone somewhere!

But it didn’t, because she couldn’t figure out where things were headed next, and you failed to lead. How DO you lead properly and avoid having interactions with girls stall out this way?

One way to do it is by stating your intentions (a.k.a. stating your interest).

What Makes Women Signal a Man to Approach?

Chase Amante's picture
conditions for triggering approach invitations from girlsIf you look good as a guy but women still don’t signal you to approach, what gives? In fact, there’s more that goes into women signaling than a man’s looks.

Commenting on my article “Should You Even Respond to Women's Signs of Interest?”, Sami-88 asked about why, despite his excellent fashion and attraction fundamentals, and warm receptions from all kinds of women, he doesn’t get much in the way of pre-approach signals from attractive women.

I responded that if (as seems to be the case for Sami) you’re getting midrange girls signaling you but not hotter girls, but all girls (including hotter girls) are still warm to you on approach, there are a few possible reasons that can be.

He followed up with the following comment:


Thank you for your sophisticated answer. My look is that of the mysterious strong silent guy - the exact opposite of “goofy”.

It must be that hotter girls signal in a much more indirect way, like you write in your other article, and expect from a masculine guy to take all the initiative irrespectively of their signaling.

Food for thought for another article of yours: could there be a correlation between women’s signaling and the man’s perceived attainability?

Sweet, attainable guys might get heavy signaling more than “strong, silent” guys because women expect the latter to do the job without any help.

Yes, it is true – unintimidating men get much more signaling and even approach behavior from women. This relates to the lover vs. fighter distinction: do you come across as someone trying to attract (the lover) or someone trying to look tough (the fighter)?

That said, it also goes beyond this distinction, too – into where a man places his focus and whether he meets the ‘conditions’ for triggering approach invitations and female approaches.

Skilled Seducer of the Month, September 2024: Hue

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Skilled Seducer of the Month: HueLearn about picking up girls fast from parties, beach bars, and music festivals with Hue, our Skilled Seducer of the Month of September 2024.

This month we interview Hue, a long-time Skilled Seducer Forum member who’s recently been on an absolute tear, bedding one girl after another. His wild reports and weekend benders have plenty to teach – and in this discussion, we looked at just what Hue’s been doing to pull such awesome results.

Showing Interest in Girls: The Indirect Approach

Alek Rolstad's picture
setting the stage for seduction in an indirect approachShowing interest in girls directly is easy: “You’re so sexy. You’re hot.” But what if you need to be subtler? Then you must show interest INDIRECTLY.

Hi guys and welcome back.

I have recently been writing about the indirect approach, discussing indirect approach benefits and indirect approach styles. Today, I want to cover how to show interest in women using indirect game.

How do you show interest indirectly? This can be confusing:

  1. If indirect game is about not revealing your cards, how does that mesh with the necessity of showing interest in a girl?

  2. When should you show interest?

  3. How should you show disinterest? And when?

  4. Will a girl know I am interested in her if I hold back my interest in her? Or should I only show it subtly?

  5. Will I appear weak or unconfident by hiding my interest when she has good reasons to suspect I like her? Would it be preferable to “spill the beans” and be direct and confident?

Even if you have answers to some of these, you may only know some of the answers. The answers to these questions can be subtle.

I will tackle questions one and two today and, in the following weeks, move on to the others.

In my last two posts, I briefly mentioned showing interest when using indirect game. Today, I talk about this in more depth.

Let’s jump into it.

How Energetic to Be When Approaching a New Girl

Chase Amante's picture
having the right energy in your approachesCan you just approach a girl in a low energy, monotone way? Nope. You want to aim to come in energetic, outgoing, adventurous, playful, and fun.

One of the least-discussed but most important aspects of approaching girls is energy level. When guys come in timid, nervous, hesitant, monotone, shy, or bored, they usually flop. This is something you are VERY aware of as a practiced seducer, yet very few men realize starting out.

The other day, a forum member posted this video on our forum, along with the comment, “This guy is quite Chad-like; tall, buff, and handsome. Kinda debunks the BP [black pill] theory of ‘all girls wanna bang Chad’.”

He asked where this guy got his approach wrong. I gave a quick breakdown (props to him for trying and posting his videos; yet this guy still has lots of room for improvement) here. Some of the worst are his opening angles and his liberal use of neo-direct.

However, the absolute biggest thing he is fudging is in his vibe: his voice is monotone, his openers are generic and un-grabbing, his body language is defensive, and (as Will_V pointed out in that thread) he leaves loads of awkward pauses in his conversation.

He comes across unconfident and low energy in his approach, and it’s reflected in how women receive him.

Should You Even Respond to Women's Signs of Interest?

Chase Amante's picture
are women's signs of interest worth the trouble?Women signal their interest in men often. But there’s some debate: is it worth paying ATTENTION to women’s signs of interest or not? It is… sometimes.

On the forum, I have a thread entitled “Sexually inexperienced men need time and exposure to receptive women to learn to sense and respond to receptive women’s signals.” It references my article that asks why most men can’t see girls’ signs of interest and links up several studies on mice and hamsters that find inexperienced males are bad at reading the signs of receptive female mice and hamsters.

Just like humans, it takes other male mammals time and experience to learn to read signs of receptivity and know how to respond to them.

We’ve had some interesting discussion on that thread, but I want to address a recent comment from user ChrisXKiss. He asks

Chase regarding this, how much does it really translate to results with women?

I always wondered, because even when I seemed to get attention, I would go open and the whole dynamic would change to: Oh so you do like me? Cute, but don’t expect much more.

It felt a bit like there was no point to carefully pay attention to indicators of interest, since they didn’t translate much to results anyway.

It’s probably because after I approach my attention is on the girl, I just want to get to know her and especially if she has given me a sign of interest I do this faster, since I know that the attraction is there anyway. Then I suppose it feels like I am too eager.

Maybe I should change my mindset when noticing signs, because my immediate reaction is: Ok this one likes me, let’s do this. I think they feel I approach them only because I saw the sign and think it will be easy, so they try to make it difficult.

But it’s difficult to even use signs of interest with girls I really like, since I notice them right away, and if I don’t go to approach immediately, it feels like I am waiting around trying to find a chance to talk to them. I think they feel I am interested from the get go, so they don’t give any signs, and the more time I spend not opening the more unattractive I become.

I know I should just not pay attention to them that much if I want them chasing, but it’s difficult when I see hot girls around to not take a look and check them out. I started doing it to overcome the shy barrier of not looking at people and sexualising women, but maybe I should force myself to stop.

So I am wondering what is even the correct way to take notice of them, since being aloof doesn’t really work either. Is it bad to show when you look at them that they really excite you? I think with the hottest ones they just see it in my eyes right at the open or even before.

I guess advice can also be conflicting sometimes, since I know that both your approach and Hector’s work, that said they are different as you mentioned, so sometimes I am wondering whether for example I am not showing my desire in the right way, or I should just not even show it up front, and I go back and forth, with neither really landing.

There’s a lot in there, but if we bullet out his questions/comments, they’d be:

  • How much does getting attention from women really translate to results?

  • Girls who give him attention, whom he then opens, feel validated then lose interest.

  • He fears he may be coming in too eager when he approaches girls.

  • Maybe it’s difficult to use signs of interest with girls you really like.

  • It’s hard not to check out hot girls when he sees them.

  • Being aloof also does not work.

I want to talk about these here (and try to make it concise because I’m a bit short on time at the moment). To do so, we need to differentiate between sincere signs of interest vs. signs of interest solely aimed at gaining male attention and validation.

When to Let Girls CHASE You vs. When to Take the LEAD

Chase Amante's picture
her chasing vs. you leadingIt’s a lot of fun when a cute girl’s chasing you. But when and how do you make the switch to taking the lead with a girl who is in pursuit?

On my article about what to do when girls won’t sleep with you at your place, R comments:

Some articles emphasize leading, but other articles (and the name of the site) emphasize making her chase. To me they seem mutually exclusive. Is there any rule or principle on when each is applicable?

It’s a good question.

As I responded to R in that comment section, you can think of chasing as an implicit form of leading.

Observe a woman with a man chasing after her. He pursues, pursues, pursues… and at last she relents and tells him, “All right, you may buy me a drink.” He buys her the drink.

Who is leading and who is following?

Would you say the man is leading?

Obviously not, no. It is the woman – she led him to chase her, then she told him when he was allowed to invest, then told him exactly what to do.

At any point in a real seduction, you must be able to switch between making girls chase you (implicit leadership) vs. explicitly instructing them on what to do / moving things forward directly yourself (explicit leadership).

This can be a delicate balance to maintain, though – and many guys miss one half of the equation or the other.

"Women Are Such Sluts and Have Awful Taste in Men"

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total slut? awful taste in men?Does it seem like women are out there slutting it up, picking the worst men, because their taste in men is just so poor? Is that real… or is it illusion?

Commenting on my article “How Girls Think“, a reader named Walter remarked the following:

You, and pretty much every dating expert or PUA always portray women as cautious beings who judge every move you make and put every word of your’s on a scale. If that were true how come women sleep with many men? How come they complain about almost every man they have slept with and return to the “toxic” men they have been with? If we know one thing for sure it’s that women rarely ever make the “right” decision for them, at least not what they had in mind. So how can men really pay attention to their sigins when their signs are contradicting?

I hear stuff like this a lot pouring out of the red pill side of the Internet. It’s definitely fantastic rage bait and gets men stirred up into all kinds of inflamed passions.

Is it true? Are women, like Walter insists, all big sluts who go around shagging tons of men while also having atrocious taste in men and annoyingly complaining endlessly about said atrocious taste?

Well, women sure do complain a lot, I’ll give you that.

However, this perception of women as giant sluts with awful taste in men, as you will soon see, is dramatically amplified online (the matrix) far beyond offline reality by a certain few parties who (mostly) unintentionally blow it up: pickup artists, red pill figures, as well as women themselves.

Am I saying women themselves make themselves come across far looser and sluttier with far worse taste in men than they in fact actually have?

Yes indeed I am!

Come along on a wild ride with me and I’ll show you just how.

Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report (LTR Investment Strategies)

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the Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report 8.1Progress report on Chase Amante’s upcoming book The Roses of Romantic Attraction. Right now we’re in Rose VIII: Compliance. The latest: LTR investment strategies.

Are you ready for a deeper, more intuitive, more actionable grasp of romantic attraction than any pickup artist, academic researcher, or self-help guru to ever live?

This is the first progress update I’m posting to Girls Chase on my now-over-one-year-in-the-writing new romantic attraction mastery tome, Roses of Romantic Attraction.

If it’s the first you’re hearing about it, I’ve posted a few previous progress updates on the forum here (you’ll need to be a forum member to read that thread). The book’s intended to be timeless, comprehensive, extremely useful, and unfailingly accurate – drawing upon not just my own extensive experience with girls, with picking girls’ brains, with teaching 10s of thousands of other men to excel with girls, and of running the highest traffic men’s dating advice website in history – but also upon thousands of scientific studies of romantic attraction too.

All boiled down into a simple-to-understand, point-by-point guide to total romantic mastery.

5 Benefits to Using the Indirect Approach with Girls

Alek Rolstad's picture
benefits to the indirect approachThe indirect approach sometimes gets mischaracterized as “not bold.” But that’s not what it is at all. The truth is, it features numerous key benefits over the more direct approach.

Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing well.

I’ve posted extensively on indirect game. We define this as a game approach when the seducer holds back on showing interest, usually seducing a girl indirectly and covertly, withholding his display of interest until the time is right. He shows interest after she has returned interest. Then, he reflects her level of interest and calibrates accordingly. If the girl shows more interest, so will the guy; if she shows less, that’s what he does. It’s a smooth way to pick up women that provides tremendous control.

If you have followed me over the years, you know that this is my preferred game style. I have shared posts on this subject about how to use this style. See the following for more.

I have also discussed indirect game indirectly (pun intended) in other articles. However, there are many factors within indirect game that I still need to cover, including the different aspects of indirect game and how to show interest when using this game style.

So, today, I will discuss the reasons why I prefer it.

Keep reading. You may learn a thing or two about indirect game.