Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

When Girls Won't Sleep with You at Your Place

Chase Amante's picture
she won't put out at your place?When you bring back girls but they won’t sleep with you and end up leaving, why is that? It’s due to 3 reasons: lack of arousal, unresolved objections, and/or not liking you ‘like that’.

A month and a half back, I asked the members of our forum for the various sticking points they were encountering in their seductions. A member named scartissue commented the following:

How to escalate once I get the girl back my place on date.

I've had five times over the last fourteen months (need to put in more volume...) where I get the girl back on a first day from day game. Things are very pleasant and we have good rapport before coming back to my place. I have convenient logistics to go "oh hey haha my place is right here let's go inside?" but the move to anything sexual once we go in either doesn't happen at all or gets slowed down heavily.

This happens a lot to a lot of guys with a lot of girls. It’s not just a day game problem. Guys have this problem in social circle too. It happens to men with nightlife and online game as well… however, not as much.

The reason why it happens at all – and why it happens more to men in day game and social circle – has to do with the nature of the different types of game, and the preparedness of the women you meet via each type.

Tactics Tuesdays: "Can I Borrow You?" Opener

Chase Amante's picture
can I borrow you openerIf you’re talking to your buddies somewhere social, and you want to talk to girls but can’t think of a smooth way, “Can I borrow you?” will save the day.

Want an opener that’s fun, positions you as an authority, gets girls investing right from the outset, and immediately makes them follow your lead?

Meet The “Can I Borrow You?” Opener, a short and sweet opener that does all these things for you right out of the gate. It is both a compliance opener and a high authority opener.

To use this opener, you’re simply going to ask a girl if you can “borrow” her – and then you are going to pull her into whatever scheme you have to get her talking to you.

I’ll explain.

Social Circle Isolation via Eye Contact and Touch

Skilled Seducer's picture
isolating girls in social circle gatheringsIsolating a girl during a social circle gathering where everyone sees everything is tricky. Use Ross’s eye contact flirting + touch technique to make it happen.

This post by Ross originally appeared on the forum here.

So, you're out and about with some friends messing around and doing God knows what, but this one girl met this other awesome girl and they are hanging out. She decides to bring that girl (who happens to be attractive) and you all hang out.

What do you do if you want to get this girl into a relationship, especially a sexual one?

What I have been using for some time now is an eye contact technique. You're set up in this group situation, and let’s say y'all are just messing around in someone's room. You want to create something personal and 1 on 1 with a girl, so anything vocal is out of the question, as your friends can hear it. So my solution? Eye contact and touch.

Approaching Girls in Bars, Clubs in a Laid Back Way

Alek Rolstad's picture
TEXTNot every approach to night game needs to be hyper. There are chill ways to approach girls at night too – like “Quiet Sniper” and “The Classic Approach.”

Hi guys and welcome back.

Today, I would like to discuss alternative openings in night game. Recently, I have focused on high-energy approaches. I covered an opening and hook strategy about attention grabs. These can trigger a response from girls to test their compliance before you open.

This approach requires you to be in a social mood and have high energy. It may also help if you are naturally extroverted.

But what if you are not extroverted? What if you are but do not feel like being overly social, playful, and energetic? Even outgoing guys can be socially tired and need time to cool off.

If you have experience, you may know this, but certain forms of night game are often the first choice for introverted men. Some of the best night gamers are introverted, even our own Cody Lyans, who is inactive right now.

What to Do When Girls Test You with Peer Pressure

Chase Amante's picture
what to do if girls try to test you with peer pressureIf a woman tests you publicly in a way that prompts others to support her, you’re in trouble. How do you beat the test AND the peer pressure?

I recently watched the 2022 movie X after having read some reviews that it was a creative horror thriller set in the 1970s with lots of boobs in it. Sounded like a fun throwback!

How to Start Picking Up Girls (Beginner Guide)

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTWho do you have to be to pick up girls? Well, you have to be YOU! But you do need to do things right. Follow these steps to start picking up girls today.

The Complete Guide to Vehicle Pickup

Skilled Seducer's picture
vehicle pickupThe full guide to picking up girls in your car. Don’t have a home to take girls to? No problem. Pick them up IN your car – and hook up with them there!

This post by Skills originally appeared on our forum here.

I have already made videos and posts on places to get around when your logistics suck, including using cars, and different cars routines using pyco (I will post all this at the end)… But I am going to make a comprehensive A-to-Z guide of picking up with cars.

You can do this for ALL GAME, from day game, online, club game etc… again all game, this is field tested. In other words I am preaching and have done what I teach and also caveat, no time machine, in other words no stuff outdated or "back in the days".

Best guys at car sex from community: Jeffy RSD, obviously me Skills, Velasco (R.I.P.), @StrayDog.

How & Why to Switch Vibes Talking to Girls (Anti-Dancing Monkey Technique)

Alek Rolstad's picture
fractionation for more hooksWhen you talk to girls, it’s easy to become ‘trapped’ in a vibe: too-serious guy, or overly-funny ‘dancing monkey’. The way out: learn to swap out vibes.

Hi guys, welcome back.

Last week, I discussed opening and hooking girls in loud environments. In these situations, your verbal game is limited, and you cannot hear each other well. You need to rely on non-verbal communication and timing. We suggested walking by girls and giving out attention baits to catch their attention, and test compliance. If you get a positive response, you can open her.

It helps to be silly, fun, and stimulating to catch girls’ attention. Some men struggle with that (and I may write a post on this soon). Many have a different problem: they are hilarious, entertaining, and stimulating and have an easy time opening and hooking, but this can lock them into a frame of “the entertainer,” “dancing monkey,” or “funny guy.” All are contrary to a seductive vibe and can lead to problems later when it is time to isolate, escalate, and seduce.

Does this problem sound familiar? This post is for you.

Note that the advice in this post is valid for any phase and strategy in seduction, whether it’s day or night game. I will focus on the hook phase of night game using a strategy with humor as an extreme case that exemplifies the point. I will also touch on day game. So, this post is for you, dear day gamers.

How Girls Think: Men Seen Via Single Women's Eyes

Chase Amante's picture
how women thinkWomen do not think the way guys think they do. In fact, they misunderstand men a lot. Get how girls think, then leading & loving them grows far easier.

It’s 8:15 AM Tuesday morning and Aria is swiftly walking down a busy city sidewalk. Everyone bustling around her, like her, is in business attire, all making their ways, like her, to work.

Suddenly her eyes shift reflexively to the side, settling on the eyes of a staring man walking her direction on the sidewalk. Aria doesn’t even take a moment to take the man in; she instantly breaks eye contact to the side just as soon as she’s made it.

“Oh God, way too early for that,” she thinks. The last thing she needs is a random guy chatting her up before she’s even had her first cup of coffee for the day!

Fortunately, the man passes her by without an approach. Aria knows that most guys who look only ever look. But you never know for sure when one of the guys who’s looking will take you looking back as an invitation to approach. Right now she isn’t in the mood to meet new people.

As she approaches a crosswalk, she slows down to join the mass of morning commuters waiting for the “WALK” sign to appear. Stopping behind a small crowd of people, she notices a man slightly ahead of her nodding his head to some song only he can hear. Curious, she cranes her neck a bit to see the side of his face. He looks normal… not super cute or anything. But the relaxed, confident expression on his face makes him stand out from the sea of tired businesspeople all around.

Aria brushes her hair back, staring at the nodding man, half trying to get him to notice her. He’s off in his own world and doesn’t seem to detect her. “He looks so cute listening to his music,” she thinks to herself. “I wonder what makes him so different from everyone else!”

She tries brushing her hair back a second time while staring at him, but he still doesn’t notice. The “WALK” sign comes on, the crowd crosses the street, and the nodding man turns off another direction from the one Aria’s traveling in.

“There he goes,” Aria thinks, a slight longing in her breast. “I wonder if he walks this way every day?” Briefly as she walks, she imagines meeting him on her way to work tomorrow and ending up in an accidental chitchat with him. Inside her imagination, they talk, laugh, and in the easy conversation it turns out they have a surprising amount in common.

Dating Advice Has a Signal-to-Noise Ratio Problem

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTDating advice from both the mainstream and the red pill is filled with low quality claptrap. How do you filter out the good stuff and ignore distraction?

Commenting on my recent article on good game vs. getting lucky, a reader asks:


With dating being harder, what more can guys learning this stuff do differently now than before?

What would count as working harder today compared to when dating was easier?

For example: Let’s say in the past you’d say we’d have to approach 20 women a week, today would we have to talk to 40? For being in-shape, before we’d only have to be slim, but today we need to be muscular?

What exactly should we be striving for now compared to your earlier advice?

What are the basics to do well in the complex dating market today?


The same reader commented again to ask:


I wanted to add and ask, how much money is involved in this dating complexity thing?

I remember you saying after some point it’s pretty much going to be impossible to get women after a certain point as things reach its peak.

If I quoted wrong let me know. But of course reading that is extremely depressing even if you’re really good with women because imagining dating being that much harder is still a pretty depressing thing.

Anyway, in my mind, it seems that LMS and game are going to be a big part of making things impossible.

I’m wondering though because I know on here that you focus on game a lot more than lms, but it seems that lms would make dating harder like other people online have said.

So how important is lms when it comes to this whole dating complexity thing?

Is there any way to make the Impossible possible and still do good in a very hard dating market and not dropout?

I don’t really like the whole idea of being hopeless.


He’s referring to my article on growing complexity in the mating market and its effect (present and future) on people’s mating success.

I’m not going to address our commenter’s question here, at least not directly. The direct answer is, “Do better at everything taught on this site.” Instead I want to focus on something else in his comment: its total obliviousness to what’s taught on this site and fixation on stuff that doesn’t really help you with girls.

Thoughts like the commenter’s are common – but also point to a profound misunderstanding of romantic attraction. Our commenter zeroes in on factors that have minimal impact on actual romantic success and worries he’ll need to compete even harder at these same things so many other guys are also competing on.

I’ve extensively debunked the role of big muscles in getting laid. GUYS like big, huge, steroid muscles. They are wowed by them. They’re intimidated and awed by men with colossal, bulging biceps. Women don’t like these kinds of muscles. They vastly prefer men with slimmer, athletic, natural physiques. There are actually more women attracted to ‘skinny-fat’ men (6.3% of women like this look) than there are attracted to veiny, bulging, steroid muscle men (2.1% of women find this look attractive).

Money is every bit the same as this. Go to any singles event in San Francisco. You will find loads and loads of men pulling down 7-10x+ the average national salary, and these guys can’t get dates. Many guys work hard to get rich, thinking that wealth will bring them babes, only to discover once they get there that rich guys still struggle to get girls. There are ways to use money to get laid, but these ways are not intuitive, and most guys with money never try them. They end up dating girls who are… well, just look at the girls the rich guys you know are dating. They’re rarely models.

All this goes back to the fundamental problem in dating advice: it’s huge, colossal, GARGANTUAN signal-to-noise ratio problem.