Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Says She Has a Boyfriend? Here's Why It Doesn't Matter

Ricardus Domino's picture

says she has a boyfriendMy girl looked at me with a devilish smile and said: “I can’t make it on Thursday... I’m already going on a date then… with your best friend.”

She was obviously completely off her rocker.

Like most strippers, if we’re honest.

Seriously… where do I FIND these girls?

The answer, in her case, was probably not what you’d expect… I had met her at the mall, and I had picked her up during the day.

You see, one of the things about day game or transit game or any other form of “any-woman-anywhere-pickup” is that it’s like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re going to get. One girl’s single, one says she has a boyfriend… and the next one just throws you curve balls like this.

During the day, you’ll meet the sexy librarian whom you can have a truly interesting conversation with after sex… the girl that knows what “confabulation” is and never sets foot in a club.

She is off-limits to all the guys who have never built the confidence to approach girls without alcohol… I have those ladies all to myself. (Though the more I keep blogging, the more I’ll have to share them with you! ;) )

But you also meet the crazy, nymphomaniac club girls during the day… and pole dancers that are completely insatiable sexually and that will keep waking you up all night urging you to do it a sixth time please!

I’ll tell you more about this girl in a minute, and why she told me that she was going on a date with my friend… but first, let me introduce you to this new article series, by talking about the kinds of crazy things you’ll run into when you’re out meeting women, and why you shouldn’t put much stock in what women say one way or the other about whether they have a boyfriend or not.

It doesn’t always mean what you think it does… chicks aren’t angels, you know.

See the Room

Chase Amante's picture

Last night as I walked back from a social event, dressed in a well-tailored gray suit jacket and a dark red silk button-down shirt and jeans, I passed by a new nightclub that had been open for a couple of months but that I hadn't yet visited. I'd heard from most people that it was big, and nice, but was only "good" for the first month or so. But I figured I'd check it out anyway.

I paid the entrance fee, walked around the ground floor, and saw some stairs leading up into a roped-off VIP section that encircled the downstairs from above. I liked to survey a new environment the first time I walk in, so I know all the nooks and crannies from the very beginning and have the lay of the land down before I settle in. I walked authoritatively up to the bouncers standing guard, smiled slightly at them and nodded, and they gestured for me to go up, so I did. Upstairs I found that the VIP section was effectively closed - no one had rented anything out up here, or maybe up here was not open for renting on a weeknight.

see the room

Most of the staff cleaning up up there ignored me, but I spotted one of them locked onto me with his eyes, clearly realizing I was not supposed to be there, so I ducked into one of the bathrooms to use the facilities. When I came back out, I went to do down a flight of stairs to head back, only to find a large metal sliding door shut in the way at the bottom of them. I went back upstairs and ran into a tall, stern-looking bouncer, and he gestured in another direction. I made a graceful thank you gesture, and headed down the stairs he pointed to, back to the main floor.

Downstairs, I found a spot at the back end of a bar, in a prominent position overlooking the crowded dance floor, but not crowded itself. I took that as my spot, and leaned against the bar, ordered a drink, and looked out over the crowd.

Check Out the New Girls Chase Team Page!

Chase Amante's picture
girls chase team As of today, we've got a new team page up so you can get a little more background on the people who are bringing you these fabulous programs and articles. You can view the new page here:

Our Folks

If you've been wondering who that scoundrel Ricardus really is who's been writing all those posts, or who the heck that guy Genaro is that writes back to you when you send us a message, well, now you've got your answer. Head on over and check the new page out, and let me know what you think below.


Relationship Series: Recaps, Takeaways, and One Last Note

Ricardus Domino's picture

relationship seriesWell, that time has come - time to wrap up our relationship series.

This has been a long collection of articles about the topic of relationships we’ve put out over the last several weeks… and if you asked me to, I could easily write another one just as long. Relationships are simply an incredibly complex topic, with a million little counterintuitive nuances.

Every time you think you’ve got them down… you don’t.

On the one hand, many of the rules we learn for dating go out the window… the game changes completely once you get into a monogamous, committed relationship with a girl.

On the other hand, you still can’t suddenly be a pushover, so a lot of the inner game advice still applies… and where and how to apply everything and in the right context is certainly an art and a science unto itself.

A lot of readers had written in with questions about relationships… and in my experience, this is what a large portion of our students ultimately want to get out of this game… sure, it’s nice to have a lot of choice in beautiful women, and sure, it’s nice to at least have the ability to live a playboy lifestyle for a while.

But when it comes down to it, most guys don’t really want to live life as far out as Chase or myself. The two of us have taken dating to the extreme, which is why we’re now in a position to teach just about anybody about almost any situation – after a decade of obsessing over this skill the way an Agassi would obsess over the game of tennis, there aren’t many situations we haven’t experienced yet. You might not want to be this obsessive… most people don’t.

Get Over Your Ex: 13 Steps to (Emotional) Freedom

Ricardus Domino's picture

get over your exIn yesterday’s post on ways you can lose a girlfriend, we went over the 4 things that can and almost universally WILL lead to the demise of your relationship (when you’re guilty of them): being too weak, fighting too much, bad sex, and taking her for granted.

Those things happen. In fact, they happen so much, it’s my (relatively conservative, I think) estimation that they happen 90% of the time… because something close to 90% (or more) of relationships come to an end sometime before death does them part.

Because of that, breakups end up being an inevitable fact of romantic life. Unless you’re one of the vanishingly few people out there who marries his high school sweetheart without ever kissing another girl and the two of you go onto spend the next 60 or 70 years in blissful union (and if you are, hats off to you! But why are you reading this blog?), you’re going to experience a breakup at some point.

And then it’ll be time to move on.

But like I mentioned in yesterday’s post, nobody WANTS to move on.

Everybody wants to know how to get their ex back. At least, everybody searching for information on the topic, that is.

Yet I promised a post to the readers yesterday on putting the past behind them and gearing up for the future. So let’s say you’re one of those few individuals who HAS reached that point where he’s said, "You know what? It IS time to move on."

Once you’ve decided it’s what you want to do… how do you get over your ex?

4 Things That Will LOSE You Your Girlfriend

Ricardus Domino's picture

So let’s say you do a great job with everything we’ve covered so far in the relationship series. You romance a girl, make her fall in love with you, weed out relationship drama, and build yourself a happy, healthy, rewarding relationship. There’s no way for you to lose a girlfriend now… right?

Well… not quite.

As it were, there are exactly FOUR ways to lose your girl, and quickly.

And you don’t have to do all of them.

You just have to do ONE of them.

lose a girlfriend

Because in the case of relationships, just ONE of these is all it takes to break Humpty Dumpty to pieces and cause you to lose your girlfriend for good.

Below, I list out what exactly of these four ways are… and what the one exception is to this rule of four.

Student of the Game: 7 Long Distance Relationship Tips

Colt Williams's picture

long distance relationship tips I’ve been seeing more guys than usual engaged in long distance relationships lately. And it’s not an uncommon situation to end up in in our increasingly mobile world - one or both partners leaves to attend school in a different city, or even country; she leaves or you leave to take a job somewhere else in the world.

And often these scenarios are okay - at least at first. But long distance relationships have a tendency to get complicated in a hurry.

Nevertheless, you may find yourself in a situation where you either need to choose to say goodbye, or choose to be in a long distance relationship with that one special girl. Is long distance a good idea?

Today, I want to give you a number of long distance relationship tips, an overview of when a long distance relationship is okay - and when to stay away - and take a look at the dynamics of making this choice.

End Relationship Drama with These 2 Rules

Ricardus Domino's picture

relationship dramaHave you ever noticed how women sometimes launch into relationship drama, picking a fight for no logical reason at all… and how even their arguments themselves are completely devoid of logic? Or how women sometimes try to boss you around, just to see how much they can get away with?

And with 80% of guys, a woman can get away with a LOT… until she completely owns him and walks all over his dignity. Yet he’s grateful - hey, at least he has a real girlfriend that is not made of rubber! (Grab one of our programs, of course, and you won’t have that problem).

But why do women do this? What’s the deal with women and drama? We all know they don’t want a weak guy… so why are they undermining his strength and masculinity? And what’s the best way to deal with it?

You may have read on our blog before that women test men because they NEED to make sure their man is strong – so that’s one reason why they put his masculinity to the fire. But if you give a girl too much rope, she’ll hang you with it.

Another reason for drama, however, is one of the more insidious tricks of Mother Nature… women also need to gain a certain amount of relationship control over their men. If she’s not in charge, he might leave once she’s pregnant… she needs to be sure that she can access his resources, both for herself and for their offspring.

If she starts to hold TOO much control in the situation though, she will see that you’re not strong enough and lose all interest in you. On the other hand, if you hold too much control, you will probably lose interest in her – that’s the essence of the passion trap.

The secret is to strike the right balance… and to do that, you will sometimes have to disarm one of her tests.

How to Romance a Girl (and Really Steal Her Heart)

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to romance a girlLet’s pick up where we left off in “How to Build a Relationship” and “How to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You.” As I mentioned previously in our relationship series, no matter how hot she is and how many options she has in guys, and no matter how much of an ice-queen she may appear to be on the surface… the reality of the situation is, it’s never an impossible task to figure out how to romance a girl because she’s likely not happy with her love life.

You cannot imagine how frustrating it is for women that they can’t seem to find a good guy!

If she’s very hot, this is even more frustrating… because now she really starts to question everything: “If I’m as beautiful as everybody always says I am, then where’s my prince? And what’s wrong with ME that I can’t find the right guy?”

I know, it’s outrageous… you’re probably thinking – what are they talking about? I AM a good guy… I’m right here… and I even approach them, what’s the matter with them?

The thing is, a good man, and one that is good enough for that kind of high-caliber girl, really IS exceptionally rare… and if you shape yourself into that kind of man - if you ask the question“ What do girls look for?” and then you go and become that - you will have a LOT of choice and power with women.

But that is exactly her dilemma… not only are these ideal guys one in a million, but they also have so many options that they’re very hard to nail down.