Recommended Reading
Here's another diversion from the ordinary (we're
getting a lot of
that this week - the "Do You Like Someone?"
infographic yesterday, and now a book post), but we had a few requests
over the past few days for a recommended reading list... and since
those are fun to do and I haven't done one on here before... well, here
you go.
I've broken these down into sections via category. Some are books everyone's going to love... some are books only certain folks will. I'll note which books will appeal to which people in the descriptions.
Anyway, who's this post good for? This is good for anyone who wants to read on a wider selection of topics - or anyone who's curious to explore some of the literary background of a lot my own personal thinking.
Note: yes, the links to
books on Amazon below are affiliate links. No, you don't have to buy
the books via the links included. But they're there if you need them.