Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Act Around Average Girls When You're Sexy

Chase Amante's picture
how to act around Plain JanesIf you’re an attractive or sexy man, Plain Janes can be tough. Try your normal approach on them and they get RUDE! Instead, use the “light touch.”

I had a conversation recently where I heard this story:

[A few years back] I went out with my college buddy and his girlfriend’s friend group and there was a girl in there who was a VERY GENEROUS 7. The other better looking ones were taken. They tried to set me up when we all went out and she made sure to make a public spectacle of voicing she was very NOT interested and shot me down. Absolutely infuriating dude because you and I both know what was going on there, but to a super unaware seducer like my buddy (just your typical goes all in on a girl who shows him any attention at all type, he’s married to that girl now) it looks like you’re an unattractive slob because a mid 7 shoots you down so hard.

The guy telling this story is a good-looking dude with solid game who shags hot girls off of dating apps on the regular. He not infrequently has girls tell him he is “very handsome” or “could be a model.” He also has a solid sense of humor. He is not some doddering Quasimodo.

Nevertheless, some years back this borderline cute girl shot him down publicly in front of his friends and made him look like an unsexy loser.

At the time, he didn’t understand why – and as she and he were the only single people in the group, it made for a very awkward outing with friends. Coupled with the dry spell he’d been on at the time, and the drinking he ended up doing that evening, he told me he “hit rock bottom” later that night.

The “vicious average girl who nastily shoots you down” phenomenon is not reserved for men with male-model looks though. It’s something I’ve experienced plenty of times, and have talked with other guys about them having experienced too.

Believe it or not, there’s a reliable solution to it that makes it so these girls stop treating you in such a rude way – but you have to understand the psychology behind why they do it, first.

What's Up with Pickup Artists Becoming Crypto Founders?

Chase Amante's picture
PUA to crypto broThere’s a trend where former pickup artists become cryptocurrency founders and gurus. What on Earth is the relationship between these two disparate fields?

There’s a story making the rounds online now about how the Trump team is joining up with a cryptocurrency borrowing and lending service called World Liberty Financial. The lede is that some of the executives previously headed up a hacked crypto app – and one of them is a former pickup artist.

The former pickup artist in question is Zachary Folkman, once known as Zach Bauer, previously of Real Social Dynamics (RSD). Along with Rob Judge, Zach founded Date Hotter Girls, an in-field pickup company with a website that’s still online (unlike many from that era), though its last blog post was in 2016… and its products page is defunct (no coaching on offer anymore either).

As far as cryptocurrency hacks go, a $2 million hack (which is what their previous app was hacked to the tune of) is pretty pedestrian.

The more interesting thing to me is how yet another pickup artist is involved in running a project in the cryptocurrency space. Why do PUAs keep ending up becoming crypto founders & execs?

If You Have Motivation or Libido Problems, Stop Jerking Off & Smoking Weed

Chase Amante's picture
unmotivated? low libido? stop jerking off and smoking pot!Dudes keep announcing all these motivation and sex drive difficulties… and then it turns out they jerk off and smoke weed. Well, duh! Knock that trash off!

Over the years I have had countless guys come to me in article comment sections, on the forum, or elsewhere to complain they are having all these problems

  • Getting motivated to go pick up girls

  • Projecting sexual intent with girls

  • Getting a firm erection with girls

  • Maintaining a normal libido & sex drive

  • Not being overly emotional with girls

We spend all this time troubleshooting, talking about various fixes to these problems but the guys still can’t get around them.

Then it comes out these guys are jerking off all the time and smoking marijuana.

And I am like, “Well, duh! Why are we even talking about other solutions then? Why didn’t you just say that FIRST?”

Apparently, a lot of men do not realize that jerking off all the time and smoking marijuana negatively impacts your ambition, energy, libido, erection firmness, and sexual prowess.

So let’s just be real clear about that now:

Frequent masturbation and/or frequent marijuana toking corrodes your drive and sex energy.

Frames & Frame Control, Simply Explained

Chase Amante's picture
frames explainedFrames (as used in the social & seductive arts) may appear abstract. Yet they’re key to human interaction. He who controls the frame gets the dame.

I started a thread on our forum asking members what concepts in seduction they struggled to grasp. One that came up repeatedly was about frames: frame control, frame grabbing, and simply frames themselves.

Frame is a key concept in pickup. Like all concepts, you don’t have to technically understand the concept to figure out how to do it. A lot of naturals are frame control masters who would not know what you were talking about (at least at first) if you started telling them they had ironclad, magnetic ‘frames’.

To help you really grasp what frames are and how to use them, we’re going to take a closer look at this powerful-but-abstract psychological concept.

The Indirect Approach: No Interest, Push-Pull, or Indirect Classic?

Alek Rolstad's picture
indirect approach with womenThere’s more than one way to use the indirect approach with women. Whether to opt for “no interest”, “push-pull”, or classic indirect, the choice is yours.

Hey, I hope you are all doing great.

Today, I’ll discuss different indirect game styles.

The goal of indirect game is to withhold showing interest in a woman, keeping it your level of desire for her a mystery to her. The idea is to wait to fully reveal your card (yet) to keep her intrigued and wondering whether or not you genuinely like her. You only show interest once she has shown interest in you, keeping her on her toes.

Whether or not you are an indirect or direct style type of guy, this and my future articles should interest you. Having an open mind and trying out all game styles is wise. You never know when you will find another game type that suits you better. The truth in pickup and seduction is that although there may be some material out there that can be considered inferior, most material is not, and sometimes, it is all a matter of tradeoffs. All methods offer pros and cons and provide benefits but at a cost.

The question is, what cost are you willing to pay for the benefit? This may differ from man to man. Guys who dislike one game type are usually less knowledgeable and need to fully grasp the method they dislike. So, gain all the knowledge you can, experiment, and then decide.

Balancing Women's Conformist Sides & Wild Sides

Chase Amante's picture
women's conformist side vs. wild sideEvery woman has a social – or conformist – side and a sexual – or wild – side. Most guys though only talk to one of these sides. To succeed at seduction, you must speak to both.

Something that makes guys’ heads spin when they discover it is the seeming dual nature of women:

That women are at once both this extremely conformist sex, and also significantly dirtier than men are.

In fact, I would say that grasping this ‘female contradiction’ and UNDERSTANDING is one major differentiator between the men who are absurdly good with girls from all the rest. Every master pickup artist and every talented natural intuitively gets this ‘contradiction’.

Guys who have not reached mastery yet try to treat these two ‘sides’ of women as if they are different people. Okay, there’s the conformist girl, they think, who is probably an uptight good girl, and you have to be really nice and not upset her with sexual things. Oh! Now there’s the SLUT, whom you can be REALLY forward with, they say, and don’t have to worry about embarrassing at all!

Then the conformist good girl never does anything with them, and they later find out she was having sloppy sex with her new bad boy boyfriend. Next, the slut also spurns their advances! They feel indignant at both these: where does the good girl get off acting like a good girl if she’s going to have sloppy sex with bad boys? Where does the slut get off rejecting ANY guy when she’s a SLUT?

Men who’ve fully integrated women’s conformist and dirty natures in their minds though have no problems with these girls – and in fact treat the good girl and the slut more or less the same. Sure, they’ll be a little raunchier around the slut and a little less so around the good girl, but their overall approach is going to be the same; unlike the less skilled guy, who opts for totally different approaches for both these women.

What is it the skilled guy gets that the unskilled guy does not?

And how do you unite these two seemingly contradictory aspects of female nature?

What to Say When She Says "Add Me on Instagram"

Chase Amante's picture
what to do when she asks you to add her on InstagramGirls today use “add me on Instagram” as their default close line – and brush off. If you’d like to be MORE than just another nameless follower, read on.

There’s an epidemic right now of women shifting men over to Instagram followers when those men try to go for the contact close.

  • “Add me on Instagram!”
  • “Follow me on Instagram!”
  • “Hit me up on Insta!”
  • “Let me give you my IG!”

^ do any of those sound familiar?

Men who are new to pickup are going through the same process over and over again, where they are feeling pressure from girls to comply with the “Instagram reflex” and do, then it doesn’t go anywhere, then it happens again with the next girl, then the next, until eventually they figure out that adding girls on Instagram is a big waste of time.

I am seeing guys go through this discovery process over and over, each man discovering it separately/independently, after much individual frustration and failure.

Rather than force you to have to go through that, I figured I’d give you a shortcut:

How to handle the Instagram reflex in a way that’s far more likely to lead to actual dates & lays.

Get Girls to Kiss You Passionately with the "10 Seconds to Live" Gambit

Skilled Seducer's picture
man and woman about to kiss on couchTired of wet fish kisses from girls? With the “10 seconds to live” make-out gambit, you can get girls locking lips with you like it’s their final breath.

This post by Mr.Rob originally appeared on our forum here.

Should You Sit Next to a Girl on a Date or Across from Her?

Alek Rolstad's picture
first date: where should you sit?Sit across from a girl on a date and trying to touch her feels weird. Sit next to her and touch is easy but eye contact gets tough. Here’s WHERE to sit.

Hi guys. I hope you are all doing great.

Today, I would like to discuss a relevant topic when you are on a first date with a girl: whether you should sit next to or across from a girl on a date.

I have yet to hear discussion on this topic. I believe that many men have asked themselves this question. This post can benefit beginners as well as experienced guys.

Beginners may not know how to position themselves during dates. It may seem minor, but even the little things can make a huge difference, especially for beginners. Pros can usually damage control or make up for mistakes, while beginners often cannot.

The bottom line is that everyone will benefit from this.

Case Studies: Wildcard Pickups, Compliance, & Killer Instinct

Chase Amante's picture
seduction wildcards: a few case studiesWhen you find yourself in a length ‘marathon seduction’, where the girl isn’t ready to pull and wildcards abound, how can you win the day? With compliance… and killer instinct.

You meet a girl, she’s pretty hot, se seems to be into you, but you can’t pull her right now. Maybe she’s with a friend or two. Maybe she has things she needs to do.

Interruptions happen. She’s pulled away. Other men start competing for her.

You can keep hanging around with her, but you cannot take her home. Not right now.

Should you stay or should you go? How should you deal with these wildcards? Should you give up and switch to a different target?

Just last week, I wrote a post on endurance game – which is where you hang in there and keep at it with a girl until she cracks on whatever the resistance point was, and things move forward.

This can work very effectively at any point in a seduction, but especially later on: once you know a girl is into you, you have a fair bit of compliance established, and no one’s likely to be taking her away from you.

Sometimes, however, ‘sticking around no matter what’ is not the best call for the situation you’re in. Other times, merely enduring is not going to be enough – you need to be totally on-point seizing every opportunity you have to escalate things with a girl and hook her deeper and deeper into the seduction, before other forces in the environment can yank her away.

Today, I want to explore this other side of things: how do you deal with lengthy, wildcard-laden seductions – and when does it make sense to pull the rip cord and step away from such a seduction, and NOT endure?