Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Join Chase, Hector, & Others at the 2025 Dating Game Summit

Chase Amante's picture
dating game summitChase Amante, Hector Castillo, and many other dating experts come together virtually in 2025’s Dating Game Summit. The ticket is free; you’re going to want to  attend!

Justin Harder’s put together the first serious summit the seduction community has had in years – and it’s just about to start. He’s calling it the Dating Game Summit.

You can learn more about it and pick up your FREE ticket here:

>> Attend the 2025 Dating Summit (Online) <<

Yours truly will be there, Hector Castillo will be there, plus many others you may recognize. I don’t know all the speakers, but there are a bunch attending I either know personally or am familiar with at least by name. Dr. Robert Glover (No More Mr. Nice Guy), Michael Sartain, Kezia Noble, Dave Perrotta (who’s written a few guest posts for us), Adam Lane Smith – all in attendance, alongside many others. Harder has assembled an impressive 50 speakers for the event.

If you’re familiar with the dating advice space outside of Girls Chase, there’s likely folks attending you will know (the speaker list is on the Summit page).

Tactics Tuesdays: The Nonplussed Romantic Breakup

Chase Amante's picture
seductive breakupMost men during breakups plead, rage, or act like rocks. None of these are ideal though. Instead, you want to seduce her on the way out – with the Nonplussed Romantic Breakup Attitude.

Over the years I have seen a lot of men respond to breakups a lot of different ways:

  • Begging women to stay

  • Pledging they will change

  • Declaring “You need me!”

  • Asking to “Make it work”

  • Indignation (“Ungrateful!”)

  • Defiance (“Who needs you!”)

One thing I very, very rarely see is the man who is completely nonplussed…

The man who doesn’t beg, plead, pledge, ask, declare, or respond with indignation or defiance.

He neither belittles the woman nor prostrates himself before her.

Instead, he remains calm, understanding, gracious, yet without emotion – he still shows some sadness and care. Just not an outpouring of it. He handles the breakup with masculine aplomb.

Perhaps it is because this reaction is so rare, but this Nonplussed Romantic Breakup Attitude is the single biggest way to ensure that you remain stuck deep within a woman’s mind post-breakup, leading to positive feelings on her end, and a whole lot of chasing from her to get you back before you even expect it.

It is how you seduce her on your way out, just as you did on the way in.

Yes: Like Other Animals, Human Females Have Mating Seasons Too

Chase Amante's picture
the human mating cycleHumans have mating seasons – and if you catch a woman at the right (or wrong) time, it dramatically influences your romantic outcomes with her.

Today I’d like to shock you a bit and introduce you to a concept that I’ve been aware of for a good long while but that, in my experience, most men are completely unaware of.

It’s discussed in the scientific community, but not in these terms. In fact, the framing I’ll put on it today will be both startling and (I presume) enlightening.

For all the progress we’ve had in understanding man’s connection to animals since the time of Darwin, we still tend to think of humans as somehow ‘apart’ from other species. This includes how we think about mating seasons; i.e., that humans don’t have them. We just mate whenever.

As I will show you in this article, this is very wrong.

Human beings do have mating seasons, and as in other animals this is determined by female biology.

What Is Peacocking and Does It Work?

Alek Rolstad's picture
peacocking then and nowPeacocks use ostentatious displays to attract a female. Can this same strategy work for human beings? It can, it does, and in this guide you’ll learn just how it does so.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today, I’ll touch upon a classic technique in pickup and seduction that is often overlooked—peacocking.

It’s an original technique that Mystery and his crew popularized in the 2000s. The idea is to catch women’s attention by dressing flashy to facilitate openings. This usually involves wearing accessories, flamboyant clothing, or an original dressing style, so you come off as a peacock.

Back in the day, it was one of the most used techniques for night game, and quickly became the clothing style for many active pickup guys. Whenever a guy would dress flamboyantly in a club, people always suspected he must be part of the “community.”

Eventually, as seduction popularity died off, peacocking took a serious hit. It is often a meme-worthy element of pickup and seduction, usually to ridicule pickup and seduction as a whole. “Look at those nerdy clown-looking weirdos!” Often, this criticism was deserving; many of those so-called “pickup artists” (PUA) or “green PUA” (a PUA in training) did look really weird. And their miscalibrated use of gambits, negs (negative remarks), and routines, like magic tricks, gave the entire community an odd image.

However, all these can work if delivered correctly, congruently, and in the right moment and setting.

These guys took the idea of canned material a bit too far. Because they were beginners and entered pickup arenas with a hefty toolbox, memorizing material, they appeared very robotic. Adding to a poor baseline because they lacked fundamentals, pickup and seduction became less popular and was often joke worthy, with the concept of peacocking its primary victim.

Later, the introduction of natural game countered the older pickup style’s overly goofy and robotic aspects. This new approach focuses on mastering fundamentals and represents a positive shift in the game. Natural game aims to teach beginners advanced strategies, gambits and niche routines, particularly men who struggle socially. These men did not have their fundamentals in check. They usually had poor body posture, grooming, and delivery—poor everything. Add a flashy attention-seeking outfit on top of it, and instead of providing them with a degree of edginess or coolness, they looked out of place and easy targets for jokes.

Most pickup material known to the public to this day—and ridiculed by the mainstream—belongs to the Mystery Method. He was the first to promote the idea of peacocking. The popularization of the Mystery Method and its signature concepts like negging, peacocking, and “DHV’in” (demonstrating higher value) is partly due to its popularity within the community and mainstream exposure. The book The Game focuses on the Mystery Method and Mystery himself, in addition to the subsequent TV show The Pickup Artist. Coaching companies erupted in the twilight of this mass popularization, and most sold watered-down copies of the original Mystery Method. Things became worse, as poorly trained, inexperienced men with an advanced system were doomed to failure, leading to a decline in pickup and seduction popularity.

Let’s revisit the concept of peacocking. How can this work today? Why does it work? Next week, we will discuss how to use peacocking.

Seduction Failures: Girl Problem or Skill Issue?

Chase Amante's picture
girl problem or skill issue?If you’re stumbling in a seduction, is it because of the girl, or because of your skill? To figure out which, we need to establish the pattern – if there is one at all.

Commenting on my article “Always Be Closing (in Seduction, with Girls)”, Walter writes

Usually,when it comes to sex, I am really aggressive and yet I have often failed to close as you speak even though I was fooling around with women that I had just met when we were in a bed room for instance even though she suggested it too.

The first thing I’ll say here is while my advice is to move faster with women and yes, always be closing, it is also to be highly responsive and as well-calibrated as you can be in your moves with women. You can close a certain portion of girls simply by being really aggressive, but you will also blow a lot of girls out entirely.

The reason for that is it is very important for a woman in a seduction to feel that she is special to you and that you are listening to her, responding to her, and looking out for her. If at any point she stops feeling this way, trust is lost, and her legs slam shut (often never to be opened).

I don’t have a full picture of Walter’s typical escalation to sex so I don’t want to speculate too much on what he is doing here. But I use this comment to lead into this article’s subject: when a seduction fails, how do you tell whether the problem is a ‘girl problem’ or a ‘skill issue’?

Always Be Closing (in Seduction, with Girls)

Chase Amante's picture
always be closingA ladies man who wants consistent romantic success adheres to one maxim: ALWAYS BE CLOSING. Because the man who can’t close is a man who can’t win.

As a tire salesman in my late teens, it took me a while to fully cement the lesson that I needed to always be closing. Even though in sales it is crystal clear that your whole object is to move the prospect into becoming a customer, I still felt gun-shy asking for the close much of the time. If the prospect wasn’t showing enough readiness, I might avoid trying to close at all. I did not want to be pushy.

Yet by the time I had a year of sales experience under my belt, I’d left behind my hesitancy to close. In the summer of 2003, as a then-intermediate salesman, I fully embraced the ‘Always Be Closing’ philosophy – and I turned myself into a resistless sales closing machine.

Singlehandedly, during my return to sales from a semester away at school, I lifted an underperforming store that hadn’t hit its sales quota in eight months into a winner. I sold so hard to everyone who walked in that door that I pushed us well past our July quota. If someone came in to get a flat tire fixed, and that person’s tires looked like they could use changing, he or she’d be leaving with a set of four brand new tires, or I didn’t know how to sell. The boss hadn’t thought that year’s exaggerated sales quotas were achievable for any month, but I handily beat them in July.

When I left the store to return to school the next month, mid-August, I made clear to the boss that I was leaving the store hundreds of sales ahead of where we should have been at that point in the month to reach that month’s quota. It was the rest of the sales team’s over-quota status to keep (or forfeit). Somehow, in my absence, the remaining sales staff sold so abysmally that despite the generous sales cushion I left, they nevertheless missed quota without me. That’s the difference a single closer on the team can make – versus an army of lily-livered non-closers.

You’d think I might have taken that same lesson to always be closing with me when I dove into seduction a few years later. For some reason, I didn’t. Instead, I had to learn the exact same lesson all over again the hard way with girls.

This article is for anyone who, like that young and naïve me, has yet to realize the importance of maintaining an unshakeable eye on the prize; an unbending, resistless drive to push ever forward toward the close – whether with sales prospects or romantic ones (though our focus in this article, given the nature of this website, will be on the romantic ones).

Why to Be the Well-Dressed Man

Alek Rolstad's picture
mastering personal styleDressing extremely well has major benefits for your success with women. It’s not just about attraction, either; it’s also about reputation and comfort, too.

Hey guys, welcome back.

A few years ago, I wrote a post on fashion. This post is incredibly popular, and people on the forums often ask me to write a follow-up.

I have the reputation of being one of the best-dressed guys in the community. One of my main hobbies, next to pickup and seduction, is fashion. It’s not about just buying clothes and looking great or trendy; I care about fashion as an expression and art form. I often went to clubs where influencers and people in the fashion industry go. I used to head to fashion weeks, fairs, and showrooms (by the way, it is a fantastic experience with plenty of free food and champagne; just saying!)

People have asked me over and over again to write fashion guides. This is not what I will do today. I believe fashion is an artistic field, and teaching it is challenging and not something I am qualified to do. I greatly respect fashion and see it as a distinct field, even its own discipline. I am just a hobby fashionista.

Fashion is art, and true fashion people are not the best at writing style guides. Real fashion people tend to be experimental. Asking them for advice might get you some outrageous items you may not feel comfortable wearing.

However, I have a few words to say about clothing and style relating to pickup. And this is what this post is about.

Recommended Reading 2024

Chase Amante's picture
Chase Amante's recommended reading list, 2024Chase’s sexennial reading list for 2024 is out. Book recommendations on seduction, history, society, business, economics, fiction, survival, & more.

It’s been six years since my last Recommended Reading list, which itself was six years after my first. So I suppose that means it’s time for me to write another!

There are some folks out there who read voluminously, digesting 30+ books per year. Unfortunately that is not me. It may have been in my youth (I was constantly reading in grade school and high school) but with as much time as I spend managing the business and doing my own writing I don’t have as much time to spare on reading nowadays.

The result however is that I must be very picky about what I read. Books that come highly recommended by others but that fail to hook me in in fast enough or provide enough obvious value for my time – such as the fiction novel Chronicles of the Black Company, the polemic Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Jack Welch’s corporate bible Winning, or the business management book The Essential Deming – I quickly discard. The list below is a list of survivors; these are the books I found valuable enough to keep reading, and include now on this list.

If you like my recommendations, and you want to read more books I recommend, I suggest you check out my prior lists: here’s my first list, from 2012; here is my second list, including many recommendations drawn from Lubbock’s list, in 2018. I still like these books; some of them I still reread.

I’ve broken the list below down into seven (7) categories: survival, seduction, history and society, economics, business, fiction, and miscellaneous. If you have a certain category you’re looking for, or certain categories you’re simply uninterested in, you skip to or skip those categories and go to the ones you like.

Lastly, the links include Amazon affiliate links. If you want to buy the books but have some moral stricture against buying from an Amazon affiliate link, just type the name of the book + the author into your preferred book buying website and you should find the same work without issue. Also worth noting that many of the older books on this list that are out of copyright are available for free via Library Genesis.


2 Kinds of High Partner Count Women: Low SMV vs. High T

Chase Amante's picture
2 different reasons women sleep with a lot of guysThere are two (2) very different kinds of high body count women: those who willingly pursue many lovers, versus those who fail into it.

Discussions of women with high partner counts are often marred (especially in the dating advice space) between a conflict over the two (2) different kinds of high partner count women.

These two (VERY different) types of High Count women are:

  1. Low sexual market value (SMV) women VS.

  1. High testosterone (T) women

Depending on a man’s sexual experience and predilections, he may wish to reject both of these women – or he may want to reject one but not the other. Of course, if he does not realize the difference, he’ll have trouble differentiating.

If he tries talking to other men who are thinking of the other kind of high body count girl than the kind he’s thinking of, they’ll talk right past each other.

Let’s clear up these two very different kinds of multi-lover women.

How to Be More Attractive to Women: 4 Attraction Pillars

Guest Contributor's picture
attracting women moreAttracting women more in a flirtation or inside a relationship requires greater attractiveness. Adhere to these 4 pillars and buff up your attractive power.

I am going to divide this piece into the 4 big pillars that make women attracted to men, give you examples of excelling in each of them, and then give you actionable advice to get there.