Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Use Social Proof to Get Girls

Chase Amante's picture

social proofI'm taking a week off from writing a Tactics Tuesdays post to write another post that is, I suspect, long overdue: a post on social proof. It isn't something we talk much about on here, nor one that I think you want to devote an inordinate amount of your time or attention to.

Yet, it is one that, used properly, can be an absolutely incredibly powerful tool for picking up girls and for changing the minds of the ones you already know.

I'll go into some example below of just what social proof is, how you can use it, and why you don't want to miss using this potent and effective tool, both for lifestyle design and for using in your own pick ups on the fly - whether you've got friends around or not.


Change Your Mind About Dating

Chase Amante's picture

think about datingNote from Chase: This is a guest post by Mark Manson, founder of Mark writes on a range of topics, including confidence, self-improvement, dating, and relationships, and has been one of the friends of since the site's beginnings.

Take a moment to consider…

…That instead of worrying whether she’ll like you before you approach her, you could instead worry whether after you approach, if you’ll like her?

…That instead of feeling the need to impress her with your job or accomplishments, you could need to be impressed by what she’s done and accomplished for herself?

…That instead of sitting there silent, wondering what to say next to get her to like you, you could sit there silent wondering what she will say to make you like her?

…That instead of waiting around for her to return your call, you could find something to do so she waits for your call?

…That instead of worrying if you’re tall or good-looking enough for her, you could decide whether she’s too superficial to recognize your great qualities? 

…That instead of trying to come up with the perfect date, you could decide that a woman who really likes you doesn’t need a perfect date?

Book Excerpts: Being Attainable to Women

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

attainableFor my first few years actively learning how to get girls, there was one thing I struggled with above all else: how to be attainable. Value I understood; be an attractive, high-value man, and women will want you. Investment was straightforward enough; get people putting in more work, and they'll come to value you more highly.

But how the heck did attainability work? I couldn't get my mind around it. I got the concept logically, but emotionally I was still checked out.

I had no clue how to really be attainable. I couldn't even figure out how to tell if not being attainable enough was my problem... or if I was coming across lower in value, or I needed to get more investment.

The excerpt I chose for today's excerpts post covers some of the ground floor stuff on attainability. This selection is from my eBook, How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams, and in it, we go into the four essentials you need to know to properly manage your attainability (and keep from sending women into auto-rejection [you're too unattainable] or just friends [you're too attainable]).

Call Girls to Success: Phone Secrets, Part II

Ricardus Domino's picture

call girlsOkay. In Part I of this series on Phone Secrets - yesterday’s “Text Girls to Success”, we went over a ton of tips, tricks and tactics for texting girls, for the rare occasion that using those minimalist rules for what to text girls isn’t enough and you want to put in some extra effort to give yourself another chance. Today I’ll cover the second part of the equation - what to do when you call girls and how to make it all go smooth.

What I have for you here is a bag of tricks that work well on the phone… and in many cases, they are all part of girls’ standard repertoire - these are the things you’ll see girls use on you.

Before we get into specifics on how to call girls and make it go well though, let’s have a look at some theory, as to WHY these tricks work – because once you understand the idea behind a tactic, you can come up with a million techniques of your own...

... rather than having to memorize anything.

Text Girls to Success: Phone Secrets, Part I

Ricardus Domino's picture

text girlsIn “What to Text Girls”, I gave you a quick and concise overview over ALL my best strategies and techniques for when it comes time to call and text girls. You could read that article and nothing else, and it would be the 20% that give you 80% of your results.

However, there are a couple more things you can do here and there that will up your chances… and that’s what I want to talk about today.

These are the more advanced techniques and advanced mentalities behind texting in more challenging situations - e.g., when you have a girl who’s being a bit more difficult to get than usual... and you need to pull out the BIG guns (textually speaking).

Anyway, no grand introductions today - just pure tactics and techniques. Let’s get right into it.

How to Get Lucky without Relying (Entirely) on "Luck"

Chase Amante's picture

randomness and consistencyI'm listening to Nassim Nicholas Taleb's book Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets on audio right now. It's a good and insightful listen, and a good refresher, though not much different from what you'll already be familiar with if you're well-acquainted with the effects of happenstance on the world around you. Randomness and luck is an important topic when you talk about pick up and how to get lucky; it was the subject of one of the very first posts that ever went up on this blog, all the way back in December 2008: the brief "Randomness and Success," where I talked about another book I was reading at the time and the need for including quantity in your approach to meeting women.

Last night I had a discussion with a business partner of mine about the nature of randomness and its influence on success. "Surely, it isn't all randomness," she said. "Skill has a big part to do with it."

"That's true," I replied, "skill does have a lot to do with it. A lot depends on the time horizon you're looking at, however. If you're looking at how someone performs over the course of a single week, there's going to be a lot more random variation in there compared to how they perform over the course of a month, which will be a lot more random and less skill-based than how they perform over a year, and so on and so forth. The smaller the time horizon, the bigger the part randomness will play."

Carnival of Dating Advice, 1st Edition

Chase Amante's picture

carnival of dating advice

Welcome to the first edition of the Carnival of Dating Advice! Today from around the 'Net we're bringing you some of the very best articles on dating, relationships, sex, self-improvement, and more - so put on your reading caps and lets dive in.

Most of our submissions this first time around have come from online dating websites, since they tend to be the most active on the carnival circuit - which, really, makes sense... online dating sites tend to have pretty big online presences and know a thing or two about online promotion, right? Ideally, as this carnival grows, we'll get a healthy mix of online and other sorts of dating and relationship articles here every week.

On with the carnival...

Should You Make a Promise to Her? Things You Ought to Know

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

make a promiseA friend of mine has been going through some growing pains recently as he's grappled and come to grips with the fact that he makes promises all the time... and often doesn't deliver on them. I've longed been used to having people make a promise that doesn't get delivered on around me, and I've long since learned to not put much faith in people who do so.

When I was first studying relationships in my teenage years, I noticed one theme occurring over and over, wherever women were hurt in a failed relationship: they were accusing men of breaking their promises. It was so incredibly common that I started to see this as a major pattern that a number of relationships hewed to:

  1. Man makes woman a promise, either to allay her concerns or in the height of passion
  2. Woman plans her life on the basis of that promise
  3. Man later breaks the promise
  4. Woman's life is turned upside down

Now... women aren't necessarily totally innocent victims here either, and I'll explain why below. But as a man, you need to understand the impact and effect you have on a woman when you make a promise to her - and how a promise binds both you and her.

Book Excerpts: Signs She Likes You

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

signs she likes youA few days back, in the Tactics Tuesdays post on how to get approached by women, we talked about some of the ways you can tell a girl likes you. Learning how girls show interest helps you out in a variety of ways: it lets you zero in on the girls who already like you; it lets you discriminate between women who will be receptive to you and women who will take your time but not give much back; it lets you move faster and get results faster. There are tons of benefits to being able to read the signs she likes you.

But what are those signs? If you read that second article linked to above, I outline a bunch of them. You need to get in the habit of recognizing them when you see them - and acting on them when you do.

In today's excerpt from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams, I give you some of the most common of those signs she likes you that you'll see. Look for these when you're out - and capitalize on them when you get them.

Day Pick Up: Take Girls from Street to Bed in a Snap

Ricardus Domino's picture

day pick up…and when I say “street-to-bed” in a day pick up, I’m not talking about the red light district either!

When I first started approaching women, that was THE big motivator for me – okay, at the time it wasn’t even about taking them straight back to my bedroom just yet; in fact, if we’d have sex on the third date that would have been fine for me back then.

But, all the beautiful girls I’d see downtown every day had me *wishing* I knew what to say and do to meet them, and to start some form of relationship with them.

Today, first sex on the third date has become a very rare occurrence, and I’ve since learned that given the right circumstances and the right guy, almost all women will have sex on the first date, no problem… so all you need to do is CREATE the right circumstances, and BECOME the right guy.

We’ve talked about this topic on the blog before, and about what it takes to be that sexy man that women want and to create these circumstances to pick up a girl fast - feel free to review these two articles real quick and then come back here.

Back with me?

Great… then let’s talk about how to make that happen RIGHT after you approach a girl in the street during day pick up.