Important Variables of Post-Field Diagnostics

Hey guys and welcome back.
Last week, I discussed post-field diagnostics, the assessment you conduct after an outing to pinpoint mistakes and highlight positive moves that help your interaction.
Why should you invest your time in post-field diagnostics? The answer is simple-it's a surefire way to maximize learning from each outing and boost your success rate. As you become better at post-field diagnostics, your progress will soar. You'll develop a profound understanding of pickup and seduction, women, and social dynamics over time. This knowledge will empower you to calibrate, leading to better performance in-field: you intuitively know what to do and when. You'll become adept at strategic calibration, macro-calibration, meso-calibration, and micro-calibration.
In a nutshell, you will become a better seducer.
Last time, we went through the purposes and perspectives of post-field assessment. We ended with a checklist:
What happened? Re-visualize the outing and specific interactions.
What did you do? Think about each interaction phase and what you did.
How did she react? Good or bad? Did it work or not?
What worked? And what didn't? What caused her to react poorly? What made her respond well?
Why did it work, or why not? Why did she react positively or negatively to what you did?
How could you have damage-controlled a poor reaction? How could you have made a good reaction better? Are there other moves you should have made?
Is there anything you could have done differently?
Were there external factors that may have affected the outcome? (More on this next week).
Today, I will expand this list. I will provide three dimensions to consider when using this assessment.