Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Pick Up and Emotional Validation

Chase Amante's picture

emotional validationA reader writes in, on the topic of emotional validation:

Hey there, been reading the site lately and I've noticed that one thing I haven't seen so far is a post about validation. Maybe you call it something different but I was talking to a female friend of mine and she brought something up that seemed similar to it.

I was telling her about how I and my pops were watching a Laker game and my mom kept bringing up how "she needs to get her work done." It was starting to irritate me because she would say it and then leave it up in the air.

After a while I barked back "well go do it then." I knew instinctively that wasn't the best thing to say but I really wanted her to quit with the empty statements lol!

So, after the game ended I talked to her about it and she was telling me how I could have said "I know you gotta get your work done but how about you relax with us and watch the game and then go start on the work afterwards?"

Now as soon as I heard her say that I immediately thought validation. I'm validating that thought or feeling by giving that response. While my response of "go do it" sounds like I'm rejecting her.

So I was wondering if you all could drop a post on validation. Once I realized this whole idea of validating a woman it gave me that "aha" moment, really started to put a lot of my failed interactions into a new light, you know? It also helped me to understand the whole chase framing, push-pull, etc. concepts because by validating her all of that stuff is much easier to pull off. Because she knows that you’re setting a frame but your pulling her along with you. Instead of making it seem like its her frame against yours like many other PUA’s seem to advocate.

Our reader raises a good point here.

Validation is something I tend not to focus on much personally - it's something that fast becomes irrelevant when you're following the rule of thumb of always escalate and keep moving fast. But it's a real phenomenon, and it will affect your interactions with women - though, if you're doing things right, it should prove more a curiosity than a major distraction.

Here's what I mean.

What to Text Girls to Get DATES

Ricardus Domino's picture

what to text girlsThere is a phase that every student of the Art of Seduction goes through... and that is the FLAKE phase. This post is about what to text girls to get yourself through that phase... as quickly as possible.

You’re already advanced enough to approach women, get them interested in you and even to get their phone numbers… but they just don’t pick up the phone, answer your text messages or come out on another date with you!

This is one of the most frustrating experiences, because while you have the numbers of twenty beautiful girls in your phone, you might as well have none. They enjoyed your approach and seemed into you, but suddenly it seems almost impossible to meet them again, and they hardly give you the time of day.

I remember when I hit this plateau in learning how to seduce women myself. Now, I’m a real enthusiast when I want to learn a new skill (some of my friends might even say “obsessive”), so if I want to figure something out, I really dig my teeth into it until I have it NAILED. And I did the same with the topic of flakes, and text- and phone game.

Are You Single? Why to Always Ask Girls This

Ricardus Domino's picture

are you singleWhen was the last time you saw a stunning girl during the day and didn’t know how to approach her? The thought perhaps dancing around in your head, you too hesitant to ask it… “Are you single?”

Maybe it was on your way to work you saw her, or while doing your shopping or riding the subway…

Maybe she was just your type, and you realize that if you JUST approached, your chances of her becoming an affair or a soul mate would at least increase from ZERO to POSSIBLE... But you didn’t know how to go about it?

This is your play-by-play.

And, there are many ways to skin a cat… but this is the one that has worked best for me, after a decade of refining the process.

Let’s jump right in.

Book Excerpts: Bad Dates You'll Want to Avoid

Chase Amante's picture

bad datesKnow one of the worst things that can happen (romantically, in any event)? You meet a girl you really like, things seem like they're incredible between the two of you, you both become more and more interested in and excited about each other... and then you take her on one of these bad dates and it all goes to hell in a hand basket.

That ever happened to you? If you're like most guys, you're probably nodding your head in sad recognition... ah, that awesome girl you met that you inexplicably lost on a bad first date.

But how do you stop this from happening?

Sure, get better at game: stop making the mistakes beginners make, learn how to get girls in ways they truly appreciate, and move fast and without hesitation. But there's another way too, and it's every bit as powerful: identify what those bad dates are, and stop taking girls on them.

In our latest excerpt from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams, I introduce you to the primary archetypes of bad dates and explain exactly why they're so bad for you. Everything from long travel times to the party date - it's right here:

Foreign Women: Why to Consider Dating Overseas

Ricardus Domino's picture

foreign womenHave you read Gene Simmon’s auto-biography “Sex, Money, Kiss”?

If not… I highly recommend it. Gene Simmons has slept with over 3000 women… and whether that is your goal or not, you can probably learn a thing or two from somebody who has that much experience with dating.

One of the most striking comments in his book is that he only became a musician for one reason: He realized that rock stars get a lot of female attention… and he wanted that too.

I’d say if that was his goal, he did pretty well!

According to Simmons, any musician who claims he didn’t get into music for the girls is either lying or gay!

Now, as the late Sigmund Freud would say…


According to Freud, many of our behaviors are motivated by our drive to replicate… whether we’re consciously aware of it or not.

Or in the words of Dex from the movie “The Tao of Steve”:

“Look, men try and chase success for one reason - to impress women. That's the only reason why they write books, they build companies, they compete in sports and all that. And the problem is in life, if you could figure out how you could get laid without achieving anything, you could lose your motivation altogether.”

Using Day Game to Get Girls: 14 Myths Debunked

Ricardus Domino's picture

day gameLet me tell you something that might shock you…

Going to bars and clubs can actually PREVENT you from getting the girls you want!

When I first started approaching women almost a decade ago now, I always went straight to the bars and clubs... and I always went with one or more friends.

It seems to make sense, right?

Lots of single women make themselves look pretty and go there to flirt... people have free time, alcohol serves as a social lubricant and everybody is having fun, listening to music and being social.

Well... all that is true, and so for most men who want to meet a girl, bars and clubs are the INTUITIVE choice. But, as we know, most things in dating science are COUNTERINTUITIVE.

And while I do still go to clubs and bars with friends sometimes to have a good time and maybe a flirt, I prefer to meet women during the day now, and when I'm alone.

This article is about day game - about approaching women during the day - and the advantages that has over "night game". That doesn't mean that any of what you are about to read in this article is the gospel. The night definitely has its perks as well - but let me play devil's advocate here and lay out a bit of a different perspective for you.

I deliberately wrote this in a controversial way to think outside the box a bit, and while some of the following "myths" are actually valid some of the time, one thing is always true:

The more we question things we've believed for a long time... the more we realize that the opposite of a profound truth is often also a profound truth.

Book Excerpts: Value and Attraction (and Using It with Girls)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

value attractionSomething you'll notice I don't talk about a great deal on this site is the concept of "value." It's an old seduction community idea I find generally wracked with all kinds of faulty mentalities, leading to misunderstandings of what generate attraction and positive relationships. Still, when approached through the proper lens, I find that the concepts of value and attraction can be used in a way that better your odds and success rates with women.

Why don't I like the old ideas of value? Because, I think, generally speaking, men take completely the wrong approach to value. They try to inflate their value by focusing on all the wrong things - things they think women value (e.g., cars, dinner dates, or even fantastic, bragging-style stories). I've seen plenty of the old-school pick up artist guys who go around telling out-sized stories about how incredible they are, but the only people impressed are low status women - and, of course, those old school pick up artists' devotees.

But you don't learn how to attract women by over-inflating your value. You learn it by showing your value in the right way.

In this excerpt from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams, I introduce you to the concept of "shown value" - and what the difference is between it, and why it's so important to understand. It just might make the difference between you feeling dejected after a girl walks away from you, as valuable as you think you were coming across - and understanding how to handle a girl rejecting you (hint: it's not really you, it's your game).

How to Use Your Job to Meet Women

Ricardus Domino's picture

meet womenNice work if you can get it… and you can get it if you try.

Billie Holiday said it best… yes, there are jobs out there in which you could get PAID to meet women - beautiful ones, at that!

If you want to improve your social skills, it makes sense to work in a very social job. And if you’re serious about getting great at flirting with women, you will have to do it a LOT… so why not get paid for it?

Some of these jobs are merely an opportunity to get paid to practice dealing with different kinds of people in different kinds of social situations… in other jobs we’ll be talking about, you literally get paid to approach beautiful women!

Book Excerpts: Don't Look Down (and Here's Why)

Chase Amante's picture

don't look downThere's a good chance you know it already, instinctively if not consciously, but the first rule of eye contact, of course, is this: don't look down. Why's that so important?

The reason, you'll quickly find, is what looking down means. When you break eye contact with someone, you communicate something very specific about yourself and your emotions toward that person, the esteem you hold them in, and how you view yourself socially and status-wise in relation to them.

And just like this, when a woman breaks eye contact with you, she communicates something very specific to you too, based entirely on the manner in which she does it.

This week's excerpt from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams explains exactly what each of these ways in which you can lose eye contact mean - and exactly why you want to make sure that, whatever you do with a girl, you don't look down.

How to Date Multiple Women (with Zero Drama)

Ricardus Domino's picture

multiple womenJames Bond.

Somehow he always seems to end up in bed with ALL the beautiful women he meets… no matter if they’re his side kicks or if they work for the bad guys.


I remember a time when I didn’t know how to date multiple women and didn’t think this kind of life would ever be possible for ME… but I still enjoyed living vicariously through Connery, Brosnan and Moore.

If you’re a red-blooded male, you can probably relate – there are certainly worse situations to find yourself in than hooking up with a wide variety of gorgeous women!

Maybe this is the reason why you’re reading this blog, and it’s your dream to live this kind of lifestyle… or maybe you just want to sow your wild oats for a while before settling down with the right girl.

Either way, I’m here to tell you that it is more than Hollywood fiction and very possible.

That doesn’t mean it’s as easy as it looks on the big screen though, there are a couple of hurdles you need to take – and this article will walk you through them.