Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Recommended Reading

Chase Amante's picture

recommended readingHere's another diversion from the ordinary (we're getting a lot of that this week - the "Do You Like Someone?" infographic yesterday, and now a book post), but we had a few requests over the past few days for a recommended reading list... and since those are fun to do and I haven't done one on here before... well, here you go.

I've broken these down into sections via category. Some are books everyone's going to love... some are books only certain folks will. I'll note which books will appeal to which people in the descriptions.

Anyway, who's this post good for? This is good for anyone who wants to read on a wider selection of topics - or anyone who's curious to explore some of the literary background of a lot my own personal thinking.

Note: yes, the links to books on Amazon below are affiliate links. No, you don't have to buy the books via the links included. But they're there if you need them.

Do You Like Someone? Here's How... and Why (Infographic)

Chase Amante's picture

Do you like someone? If so... ever wonder why?

Paging through some research, I came across a study performed in 2002 by Helen E. Fisher et al., entitled "Defining the Brain Systems of Lust, Romantic Attraction, and Attachment," published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior that introduced a 3-emotion system for attraction and mating I hadn't heard of before.

Rather than breaking this down and explaining it in a blog post though, I wanted to try a somewhat different tack than usual. So, today's post is an infographic post - something you can scan, rather than immerse yourself in.

Here's hoping you enjoy. Infographic below the jump...

Carnival of Dating Advice, 5th Edition

Chase Amante's picture

carnival of dating advice

It's that time again, so introducing the fifth edition of the Carnival of Dating Advice! As usual, we've got some interesting (and eccentric) articles from all over the Internet for your reading enjoyment, ranging from cohabitation to co-dependence. Let's have a look.

Topics this week include Self-Improvement, Relationships, one for the ladies, and another on friendship. We've got some pretty engaging articles this week, so I'm excited to present them to you and hope you enjoy.

On with the carnival...

How to Build a Relationship

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to build a relationshipNow that we’ve covered a lot of the fundamentals of relationships - everything from love to relationship jealousy to relationship problems - I want to go explore with you the real backbone, the foundation you’ll need to understand in order for you to know how to build a relationship that will last… and last.

And the key, I have discovered, to building exactly such a relationship are something called the four pillars of relationships.

There are four pillars that hold up any healthy and functional romantic relationship… four pillars that I learned from a Senegalese Sage.

I met this guy on one of my travels, and I called him the “Senegalese Sage” because no matter what we talked about, he always had something profound to add to any conversation. A true fountain of wisdom, experience and insight.

And he was the one who taught me the four pillars that together are the key component of how to build a relationship.

Relationship Problems: How to Know You've Got Some (for Men)

Ricardus Domino's picture

relationship problemsStepping away for a moment from the more cheery demeanor of most of our relationship series, I want to cover one very important, but potentially painful (for some guys), topic: relationship problems. Namely, identifying that you have them… as well as what to do to fix them.

What we’re covering in this post is permutation #2 that we talked about in “How to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You.” In case you haven’t read that one yet - or it’s slipped your mind since we first covered it - that permutation was this: you have feelings for her, but she does NOT have feelings for you.

The mother of all relationship problems, this one is.

There are really two possible scenarios here, though. Scenario number one is that she’s not in love… that’s the one we were looking at previously, and in that case your best bet is to CUT BAIT ASA (frickin’) P! I won’t mince words on that one… if you can’t stop thinking about her but she doesn’t spend a moment thinking about you, GET OUT. It’s bad, and you won’t turn it around. The movies aren’t real life.

Scenario number two, however, is the situation where you both fell in love with each other… but the love has slipped out of balance and you’ve grown much more infatuated with her than she has with you.

That’s the one of these two related-but-different relationship problems we’re going to address here.

Student of the Game: Irresistible to Women

Colt Williams's picture

irresistible to womenNote from Chase: about a month ago, we published the first article by Colt in our "Student of the Game" series, "How to Succeed with Women," and I asked the readers here if they'd like to see more from a guy who's still learning the ropes on getting girls. The response was "yes," and Colt's submitted another article for us here. Hope you enjoy.

It’s a dream of almost every man out there: to be irresistible to women. But, most men write this off as a pipedream.

Yet, this “pipedream” is a lot more attainable as a reality than most men think. And today…we’re going to focus on turning those pipedreams into pipe reality.

There’s a lot of debate in the self-improvement circles about where confidence comes from: does it come from within, or does it come from without? On this site we normally try to find balance, and in that spirit, usually settle on the fact that once you find a few ounces of confidence to start approaching, your inevitable success with women will only feed your inner confidence and make you more confident, more irresistible to women, and more successful – a self-perpetuating cycle.

But the confidence you get from working on getting better with girls isn’t the only confidence you can build - or even the most effective variety.

How to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You

Ricardus Domino's picture

how to make a girl fall in loveLast week, I talked a good bit about love: if you should say “I love you,” and a post about understanding love; the week before we discussed how to not fall in love.

What we’re going to talk about in this post is how to make a girl fall in love with you.

I probably don’t need to spend much time laying out why this one’s something worth knowing - for obvious reasons, being able to make a girl fall in love with you is a good thing.

However, you’ll find as we discuss below that having her fall in love when you aren’t in love isn’t necessarily an ideal situation, either. Why not, you ask? Well, read on, about the four Perumutations of Love, and how exactly you go about making girls fall in love, to better understand why this is the case when it comes to that most celebrated of emotions.

Relationship Jealousy: Here's How to Beat It

Ricardus Domino's picture

relationship jealousyAs we continue on with our relationship series, there are a couple of ground rules you might set for your relationship if you want to ASSURE smooth sailing, avoid relationship jealousy, and generally have a happy and productive romance. The best way to lay these rules is, as usually, not by explicitly stating them… you don’t want to give her a list.

“These are the rules, woman.”

Not so smooth…

Instead, use the power of frame control to convey what you value and expect from a partner. For example, you can bring it up in conversation, or you can inoculate against an undesirable behavior by telling her about another girl who behaved that way… and how that did nothing to further her relationship with you.

As I said, I believe the most important rule in any functioning relationship is that both partners be always honest with each other. At the same time, however, I recommend that you trust each other implicitly until there is a reason not to. It won’t improve your relationship if you’re constantly suspicious of her… and it won’t help your relationship jealousy any. Trust is one of the four pillars of a great relationship (more about that later on in our series).

And knowing how to maintain that level of trust – and avoid relationship jealousy – is what this article is about.

Carnival of Dating Advice, 4th Edition

Chase Amante's picture

carnival of dating advice

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Carnival of Dating Advice! We're rounding out almost two months since launching the carnival, and once again we've got a healthy dose of some of the best recent posts on dating, relationships, sex, self-improvement, and more from all over the Internet. Ready your clicking finger and let's dive in.

The range this week has expanded again, and we've got articles going everywhere from what not to do on a blind date to why not to involve your live-in nanny in a relationship issue (random, I know, but the underlying principle of the advice is a good one!). There's some fun and interesting stuff to page through here this week.

On with the carnival...

Understanding Love: How it Works in Romance and Relationships

Ricardus Domino's picture

understanding loveWe’ve been talking a lot about love lately, including in the posts on how to not fall in love and answering the question should you say I love you. What I want to go into today is a focus on understanding love and how it works - more specifically, the chemicals in your brain that cause that temporary madness that comes over us when we find someone captivating, and the process we all go through as love matures.

The best book about this topic is probably Why We Love by Helen Fisher. Fisher is considered THE authority on the subject, and you would do yourself a huge favor by reading her book – it will really help you to understand a lot of what’s going on underneath the surface when we fall in love.

In the meantime, here are some of the biochemical substances that get released between two people who have a crush on each other: