Book Excerpts: Value and Attraction (and Using It with Girls)
Something you'll notice I don't talk about a great deal on this site is the concept of "value." It's an old seduction community idea I find generally wracked with all kinds of faulty mentalities, leading to misunderstandings of what generate attraction and positive relationships. Still, when approached through the proper lens, I find that the concepts of value and attraction can be used in a way that better your odds and success rates with women.
Why don't I like the old ideas of value? Because, I think, generally speaking, men take completely the wrong approach to value. They try to inflate their value by focusing on all the wrong things - things they think women value (e.g., cars, dinner dates, or even fantastic, bragging-style stories). I've seen plenty of the old-school pick up artist guys who go around telling out-sized stories about how incredible they are, but the only people impressed are low status women - and, of course, those old school pick up artists' devotees.
But you don't learn how to attract women by over-inflating your value. You learn it by showing your value in the right way.
In this excerpt from my eBook How to Make Girls Chase: Every Tactic and Technique You Need to Get the Girl(s) of Your Dreams, I introduce you to the concept of "shown value" - and what the difference is between it, and why it's so important to understand. It just might make the difference between you feeling dejected after a girl walks away from you, as valuable as you think you were coming across - and understanding how to handle a girl rejecting you (hint: it's not really you, it's your game).