Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Attraction Models: Can You Combine VAC + SAC?

Chase Amante's picture
VAC vs. SAC attraction models in seductionVAC and SAC are both powerful attraction models. Once you’re familiar with both, however, can you mix and match them for attracting girls – and if so, how?

A little while ago Alek Rolstad asked me to write on combining the VAC and SAC attraction models.

This article won’t be as useful to you if you’re not already familiar with both. However, I will give you summaries of each as refreshers, or if you’re new to them and want to try to follow along.

VAC and SAC are each powerful “attraction models” used to understand where in a courtship or seduction you stand with a woman, and what you must focus on with her next/most. Either model can be used with any method or system of seduction; because each is a model used for understanding and building attraction, they “bolt onto” whatever your seductive approach may be:

  • Do you have a series of routines and gambits you use with the women you approach? Use an attraction model to gauge which gambit is going to work best to move things forward with her next. Or use it to diagnose why something that seems like it should work might not be working.

  • Are you a free-flowing natural-game type whose routines are more habits than specific spiels? Use an attraction model to determine which way the “flow” of your seduction should go, or put a finger on why you’re encountering resistance (plus what to do to overcome it).

Attraction models essentially serve as guides and troubleshooters to allow you to create smoother seductions and resolve issues that appear within your seductions.

But if you’re familiar with both VAC and SAC, can you “bolt on” both? Should you just choose one? Do they conflict? How do these different attraction models intersect?

Secrets to Getting Girls: Do What Feels Fun

Chase Amante's picture
do what feels funInexperienced daters often give girls experiences that are hesitant, formulaic, & paint-by-the-numbers. In other words, not fun. But what IF they had FUN?

Here is a little secret with big effects:

Sitting with a girl trying to decide what to do next? Do what feels fun.

Talking with a girl in a park and wondering what comes next? Do something that feels fun.

On a date with a girl in a café and trying to plan the next step? Do what feels fun.

In my next article we’re going to talk about attraction models. Models are really important. The right gambits and tactics are important. But you also need to give yourself room to enjoy being with a girl.

To do that, you need to have fun.

How to Isolate a Girl in a Seduction, Pt. 4: Mini-Isolation

Alek Rolstad's picture
mini-isolationWhen logistics or compliance don’t permit full isolation with a girl, instead: mini-isolate her. It’s simple, and can springboard you into full isolation.

Hey guys.

Today I will share another isolation technique to use when isolation is difficult. Try this option If you run into situations when the go-to strategy granting full isolation, as described in my previous articles, is not feasible. Your best bet is to opt for mini-isolation: you are still near her group but slightly outside, say just three feet away. You may not be entirely alone with her; however, her friends are not directly part of your interaction.

As you can imagine, being completely isolated is more desirable because it allows more benefits:

  • You both have more intimacy.

  • You have fewer chances of people chiming in and disrupting your interaction.

  • She will feel more at ease acting sexually and escalating with you away from her peers, and, even better, she is not in view of everyone in the venue.

The problem is that sometimes you cannot fully isolate for various reasons. I will discuss these below.

So, what can you do? Do you keep conversing with the whole group? Sure, that is one solution, but it is more challenging to set the right frames with your girl when you deal with the entire group. And how do you truly connect and escalate the vibe with your girl if you are dealing with the whole group? A better option would be to go for something in between. This is where mini-isolation comes in—the “lesser evil” option.

Mini-isolation allows you to get some peace and intimacy.

Read on to find out how to get your girl mini-isolated and what to do during mini-isolation.

Tactics Tuesdays: Future Projection + Role-Plays with Girls

Chase Amante's picture
future projection and role-playing in seductionYou know how to project into the future with a girl you’re seducing. You know how to pull her into a role-play. But what happens when you do BOTH?

Here’s an enjoyable-yet-deadly combo seduction tactic that combines two old, great techniques: future projection and role-playing.

Done right, you can use it to lower a woman’s inhibitions with you, making her feel allowed to do things she might otherwise not yet feel allowed to do. From there, you just tell her what to do in the role-play and let her imagine it – or do it.

This tactic can be very effective in mid-game and late game for overcoming resistance or moving a girl into a more sexual state.

Once you see how simple it works, yet how powerful it is, you’re going to want to try it out.

How to Isolate a Girl in a Seduction, Pt. 3: Qualify to Isolate

Alek Rolstad's picture
qualification isolationWant to make it even simpler to isolate a girl you’ve been chatting up? Here’s all you have to do: qualify her first, THEN isolate her.

Hey guys. Welcome back to my series on isolation.

You already know that isolation is crucial when meeting girls in groups, typically in night game settings. Isolation makes the interaction and seduction easier. It generates more intimacy, facilitates rapport, builds connection, and helps to escalate the vibe, reducing resistance from your girl. On top of this, it also reduces being cockblocked. Isolation is essential.

In my first post, we discussed the basics of isolation and its benefits, isolation factors, and using “isolation requests.” We also shared tips to increase your odds of succeeding, such as using seeding, plausible deniability, and reducing the pressure by letting her friends know where you are isolating your girl.

In my last post, the second post on isolation in this series, we went through social dynamics and how that plays into isolation: what makes it more difficult and easier, how to calibrate, and, more importantly, how to deal with challenging isolation situations.

Finally, we covered how important it is to win over the alpha girl when attempting to isolate. The alpha girl usually gets the final say on whether you get to isolate your girl (unless your target is the alpha girl). We suggested that it is wise to ask the alpha, in addition to your girl, whether you can isolate. We also discussed why doing this is often your best call, so if you are curious why, check my previous article.

Today, I want to share another technique that will increase your odds of isolating successfully: qualification. In addition to facilitating isolation, this technique provides many other benefits. I’ve mentioned these in my past posts on qualification, detailing how to qualify and why you should qualify. If you do not know how to qualify, consider this required reading for this post.

I will give a brief recap here, but that may not be enough if you are unfamiliar with the subject. You must familiarize yourself with this because it is a crucial and fundamental seduction technique.

Using the Enneagram Personality Type with Girls

Chase Amante's picture
enneagramThe enneagram is a 9-part personality system. Its interpersonal benefits are huge; and it endlessly fascinates girls, with many uses in romance.

Personality typing is always loads of fun.

Girls like astrology, palmistry, cold reads, and other assorted personality tricks because girls tend to love psychology. A good read on a girl’s personality also builds feelings of attitude-similarity with her, which is crucial to getting the trust to flow in any budding romance.

The old seduction community called these sorts of personality devies “chick crack”, because girls eat it all up so readily.

The enneagram is exactly this – another form of personality type “chick crack”… and one that lets you take things down some seductively useful roads.

Tactics Tuesdays: Teasing a Move You’ll Make on a Girl

Chase Amante's picture
teasing a move on a girlBefore you make a move on a girl, tease her. You’ll create anticipation, and make her desire it more… and can even make her red-hot for romantic progress.

We’ve discussed the power of anticipation on Girls Chase before.

When you can get a girl to anticipate something that is to come with you – assuming she will want/enjoy that something – it builds up her desire for it even more.

Build enough anticipation, and you can give her that giddy enthusiasm for what’s to come that she last experienced as a kid before Christmas.

It might sound like a tall order, not just MAKING moves on women, but making them anticipate those moves (even positively slaver for you to make them) – but as you will see, building anticipation for moves actually makes making moves on girls easier for you, too.

[WATCH] Dating Is Not a Talent; It's a Skill

Hector Castillo's picture

Have you gotten stuck in the rut of treating dating like a roll of the dice? 🎲

Are you relying too much on “shooting your shot” with girls 🎯, hoping it will just work out… only to find yourself frustrated when once again the chips don’t fall your way?

Do you find yourself retreating onto dating apps, swiping over and over on girls’ profiles 📱, being disappointed with the number and quality of the matches you get?

Then it might be time to get serious about dating – and treat it not like a gamble, but like a skill.

Watch the video below to see if it’s time for you.

Why Women Break Up with Guys After Years of Dating

Chase Amante's picture
break up after years of datingDespite years in a happy, satisfying relationship, women sometimes start turning resentful and pulling away. What causes this – and can it be reversed?

Over on the forum, we have a member with a girlfriend of 6.5 years whose attraction is fading, and who’s begun to decline sex. She is also showing resentment toward him. She’s 34; he’s 40. He’s wondering how to get things back like they were before with her.

I’ve seen this scenario plenty over the years – and been through it myself. There’s a very simple reason girlfriends go sour after years of otherwise happy dating. Your great-grandfather would’ve understood it instantly the first time it happened to him, but times have changed and men don’t learn this stuff from elders anymore.

So let’s have a quick look at what a long-term romantic relationship is, and why women pull away and break up what were, until a point, satisfactory relationships.