Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

When a Girl Acts Disinterested: Just Walk Off… or Explain Yourself?

Alek Rolstad's picture
girl acts disinterestedA girl is acting disinterested. Or she’s behaving badly. You probably ought to leave. But should you just walk off? Or tell her why you’re bailing?

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today’s post is a strategy clarification. I was chatting on the SkilledSeducer live chat in our forums. A member, Darkknight, pointed out that whenever I break rapport (contact) with a girl, usually as a response to her negative behavior, I rarely call her out on her behavior, nor do I let her know that I am leaving.

I just walk away without saying a word.

I posted about this subject not long ago: Confrontative Frame Control: When & When Not to Use.

Unlike me, he pointed out that Chase prefers the “eject and explain” strategy. It is similar to mine, by breaking rapport as a response to her bad behavior. However, as you eject and explain, you tell her why you are breaking rapport with her.

This is different from the strategy I advocate, as I say nothing and simply leave. I don’t tell her I am leaving, nor why I am doing it.

So, which strategy is better?

If you are asking yourself this, you are likely asking the wrong question.

Why? Because this question stems from a misconception.

I asked Chase for his take to ensure we were on the same boat, and we agreed. Is the choice between breaking rapport without saying a word and breaking rapport with justification (eject and explain) only a matter of personal style and preference?

Yes, to some extent. Chase and I agree they are two different techniques with different pros and cons and are suited for different settings, depending on the situation.

Which technique you decide on depends on strategic and contextual calibration, as they are different techniques for different settings, and achieve different purposes.

Remember to:

  • Calibrate to the context

  • Use the right technique at the right time

Tactics Tuesdays: Foreplay a Girl… with Your Penis

Chase Amante's picture
foreplay with penisForeplay often involves just the hands or mouth. But that’s no fun, especially with a resistant girl. Use THESE radical tactics to get your penis involved.

When most men think of foreplay, they think of:

  • Using their hands on a woman’s body

  • Using their mouth on a woman’s body

  • Getting a woman to use her hands on them

  • Getting a woman to use her mouth on them

They might be touching her pussy with their mouth or hands. But NOT their penis.

That’s not foreplay. That’s the main event. Right?

SHE might be touching their penis with her mouth or hands. But NOT her pussy.

Again, that’s not foreplay. It’s the main thing. Right?

Yet, in fact, there are numerous ways you can engage in foreplay where you actively use your penis on a woman – not waiting for her to suck you off or stroke you – including on her pussy, without getting to vaginal penetration, before sex starts.

Today I’m going to introduce you to some. If you’ve never done these before, they might just change the sexual escalation game for you.

How Women Tame Men, Pt. 4: An Untamed Heart

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTAn untamed heart is pivotal to true freedom. The untamed heart resists yielding to the ownership of others. Instead it forges ahead toward its own aims.

In our previous installments in the “How Women Tame Men” series, we talked about different aspects of how women tame the men they’re with romantically, as well as man around them socially:

In this, the final installment of the series, we look at having an untamed heart – at, in other words, being a man incapable of being saddled by anyone else, woman or otherwise; at least not forever.

If You Don't Sleep with a Girl, Someone Else Will

Chase Amante's picture
someone will sleep with herSometimes guys get girls horny… then DON’T sleep with them. When you ditch a girl you’ve aroused though, either she’ll be frustrated – or she’ll get with someone else.

I’ve made this point again and again over the years, but I think it bears repeating as many times as possible.

If you’re going to get a girl all horny then NOT sleep with her, some other guy WILL.

A guy on Reddit posts the following tale:

So I've gotten to know this one girl from my school in the last couple of months. She has always seemed interested in me, but no one had really ever made a big move. Last week we were at a party and things went really well. We ended up dancing and kissing for the better part of the night, and were just about to sleep together but couldn't find an empty room. We ended up talking on a sofa for some time before she went to sleep... or so she told me.

After this event she has been quite cold and distant, not at all showing signs of attraction or interest anymore. A friend of hers also later told me that she had slept with another guy later that night after we couldn't find an empty room.

This hurt quite a bit. By no means do I expect any exclusivity, we have just gotten to know each other, but after complimenting me all night and having so much fun together, to just immediately throw it away and sleep with someone else... I truly felt like she, just as myself, was really enjoying our time together.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you give her a chance, should she show signs of interest later on? Am I overreacting and letting my emotions get the best of me, or would you consider it disrespectful and not deal with that type of behavior?


This kind of thing is actually pretty common: if a girl is horny enough, if one guy spikes her buying temperature enough, but the first guy does not close, another guy with better instincts will step up to be “that guy” and give the girl what she needs.

It’s common enough that in seduction, once you’re relatively decent at picking up girls, you learn to put feelers out toward the end of the night for these poor girls who’ve had their buying temperatures spiked by other men, who were then ditched by the guy.

Usually the guy doesn’t think of it as “ditching.” He may sort of know he’s giving up a lay, but he’s hopeful he can just “come back to it later.” Kind of like saving your save game, right? Just hit “save” on the girl, walk away, then try again later once you’ve had a chance to think about how to beat the final boss.

Girls aren’t computer games, though. They are flesh-and-blood humans with wants and drives all their own. Most of the time they are not going to wait for you to figure out what to do.

If you get a girl all hot and bothered then CAN’T close, you should EXPECT that some other man WILL.

Dating Statistics (2023)

Chase Amante's picture
dating statisticsHow many people does the average American date? And where do they meet their dates? Our dating statistics survey contains the answers – and more.

It can be difficult to find good data on dating habits. To make this easier, we’ve created a handy reference that compiles all the most up-to-date dating statistics right in one place.

In this report, you’ll find the data for Girls Chase’s Annual Dating Statistics Survey, where we ask 2500 American men and women ages 18 and up to tell us about their dating histories and romantic statistics.

You’ll also find a compilation of other studies and polls from around the web with useful dating statistics and figures.

Tactics Tuesdays: Baits & Subversion, Pt. 2: Sex Talk Transitions

Alek Rolstad's picture
sex talk transitionIn part 2 of this series on baits & subversion, we get into sex talk. Use these baits to get women ready to talk sex… then subvert their expectations as you go into it.

Today I’ll discuss a simple sex talk transition that I use frequently.

Many men, especially the seasoned guys on our forums, are into sex talk, but one problem they face is transitioning into the topic. So, today I will share another way to transition into sex talk.

I have already shared these techniques for transitioning into sex talk:

How to Bridge Your Conversations with Girls into Juicy Topics

How to Transition into Sex Talk with a Girl by Using Proxies

EXPLICIT CONTENT! How to Sexualize Conversations with Minimal Resistance

And I’ll have more to come.

Most gambits I have shared contain transition examples. This is a continuation of last week’s post about using baits and subverting expectations to hook her in, stimulate her and facilitate those transitions. The concepts are similar to those presented last week, although tweaked for sex talk transitions.

Using baits and subversions are among my favorite ways of transitioning into sex talk, along with using proxies.

Like last week, you can use these transitions anytime during the interaction. Whether a gambit is suited for early or late game does not depend on the transition, but rather the theme discussed (light vs. bold sex talk) as discussed in part two of my sex talk calibration posts.

PS: Most techniques below are suitable for transitioning into sex talk, but you may also use them as transitions for anything—telling a story to convey high value or discussing a subject that conveys a good frame. See my previous article for details.

How Do You Deal with Woke Women?

Chase Amante's picture
woke womanWoke women pushing radical political positions are a real boor. How do you sidestep these women’s inane politics without getting caught in their trap?

Commenting on my article about deconstruction in cinema as an anti-masculine phenomenon, reader Bee remarks:

I generally don't have issues finding women and still don't (I actually think this site is far more useful for general psychological frames and motivations in business, etc.) but the mentality from females is so offputting, I actually get up from the table and in your words, the "attraction window" is just gone.

There doesn't seem to be any charming, witty, or logical way to wake these women up to the toxic values and ideas seeping into their heads. Selfishness, entitlement, bigotry, etc.: these are not and have never been virtues.

As anyone here knows, an emasculated man is fun to women for about 5 seconds on their powertrip and then they despise you for being weak. It's a hell of a conundrum these ladies put themselves in (and brought us along for the ride) because woke women are EXTREMELY lonely, generally a good thing for having some fun with them, but not these women and their numbers are increasing.

At this point, my only success in breaking through is to be an ungodly asshole. For example, asking questions to the woke like: if lesbians use phallic sex toys on each other, are they actually lesbians or just bigots? You want to see a pissed off female? And maybe 1 in 10 (on a good day) laugh, but she's the one with a boyfriend and isn't looking (good for her).

I'd really like some discussion on this. These women are miserable, don't know why, and are becoming completely closed off, which is just bad on every level.

And again, I've always done reasonably well with women but this is affecting coworker nonsexual relationships and dealing with businesses in addition to just enjoying women's company.

The answer to “how do you deal with woke women” is actually already in another article I wrote recently, on reacting to female rudeness and faux pas: just be cool.

That’s easier said than done though, especially if she really knows how to aggravate you with inane political positions and self-righteous claptrap she’s absorbed from daft professors and loony online pundits.

So what do you do when some woman – maybe a girl you want to go out with, or maybe just one you’re forced to interact with in a school or work setting – launches into some officious diatribe about her pet political positions?

To Pull Girls You Must Be Better Than the Average Man

Chase Amante's picture
pull girls seduction skillsAchieving consistent one-night stands requires game a cut above the ordinary. What do seduction skills like this look like, exactly?

I spoke with a student living in a tough area with a high male-to-female sex ratio. He has little problem picking up girls for one-night stands when he travels almost anywhere else in the world. However, on his home turf he struggles. He’s gone to bars a lot and manages to get girls attracted, and can get phone numbers, but it never leads to much.

While he takes care of his appearance and apparently has good fundamentals, when I dug into his conversation it was actually fairly basic. He mostly opened girls with a direct approach, then had ordinary, mostly superficial conversation. If he could find commonalities with a girl he’d talk to her about that. Otherwise, it’d mostly be surface level. While he could isolate girls away from their friends in nightlife venues, they’d never agree to go back to his place with him.

The problem he appeared to be running into was that while the girls he approached were attracted to him, they weren’t attracted enough that they’d be willing to go home with him the night they met.

So, what’s the bit that was missing?

As I said to him on the call, if they met a super good-looking, extremely verbally skilled, funny, highly interesting guy who knew how to turn them on, he’d probably be able to pull them, right? So the question is, “What is the difference between where I am and where that guy is, and what do I need to do to get there?”

What we’re really talking about is having better than average attractiveness to women as a one-night stand option – and we’re talking about the full set of things men do that attract women for that, including their game.

Asking Girls Out Over Text: A Big No-No If You Met In-Person

Chase Amante's picture
ask out over text or in-personDid you meet a cute girl but not really flirt with her or ask her out? Then later you texted her to ask her out but she blocked you? Here’s why it happens.

I keep seeing guys do this, so I guess it’s worth devoting its own article to to put an end to.

Some guy on Reddit writes that meeting women in real life is hard, after he tries asking a woman he met in real life out in a not-real-life medium:

I got this keyboard from this girl from buy nothing and when I picked it up I noticed she was really pretty so when I got home I messaged her again saying I thought she was pretty and asking if she was single. Then without a word she blocks me. What should I do differently in the future to not make her uncomfortable enough to block me? What can I do different to get a gf from it if that happens in the future?

There’s no mention there of whether she seemed to be interested in him or not. My guess is if she was he would’ve put that in. So obviously the odds are already stacked against him in this one.

Hey, we’ve all got to start somewhere.

But he goes and pulls the ultimate scaredy-cat move:

Met her in-person, didn’t ask her out, waited until he’d left her side, then texted her asking her out later. Cringe.

What’s so bad with that?

Nothing at all, nothing at all… well, assuming you want her to see you as cowardly and sneaky.

If you don’t want her to see you as cowardly and sneaky, you should never, ever ask a girl out over text who you COULD HAVE asked out in-person.

Tactics Tuesdays: Bait Then Subvert

Alek Rolstad's picture
bait then subvertWant a simple way to hook women in? Bait them with something that sounds juicy or provocative… then subvert their expectations.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today we will discuss hook techniques that will immerse her deeper into the interaction and serve as a transition into any topic.

Curiosity leads to immersion. When she’s immersed, transitions are easier because she’s hooked in. Immersion generates compliance—she will listen to what you say.

Because of the “hooking” nature of these gambits, they work exceptionally well for early game when you don’t yet have a hook and have time for fancier transitions. In these settings, baits can be a shortcut to deliver a transition quickly.

Also, generating curiosity early solidifies your hook post-opening. You stimulate, intrigue, and immerse her. It helps you proceed smoothly.

Of course, you can use baits anytime during the interaction. It keeps the interaction fun and fresh. However, you get the most bang for your buck by adding them early.