Roses of Romantic Attraction | Girls Chase

Roses of Romantic Attraction

Progress reports and other updates on the writing of Chase Amante's upcoming book The Roses of Romantic Attraction.

Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report (Adding Stories)

Chase Amante's picture
Roses of Romantic Attraction update: storiesChase provides an update on his new book, the Roses of Romantic Attraction. Weaving stories in, talking to literary agents, and early thoughts on a relationship book.

Time for another update on progress for my upcoming book, the Roses of Romantic Attraction!

Roses of Romantic Attraction Progress Report: Organizing Research for Rose X, Touch

Chase Amante's picture
update on Roses of Romantic AttractionRose IX (Logistics) is finished, bringing us to the writing of the final quarter of the Roses of Romantic Attraction: Touch, Pair Bonding, and Chance.

I’ve been a bit slow working on my upcoming romantic attraction book lately. We’ve had the holidays, a recent sales event at Girls Chase, the relaunched X account I’ve been laboring to build, and of course now it’s corporate tax time (yay).

Nevertheless, Rose IX (Logistics) is complete; and since my last update, I’ve gathered together all the research for the next two Roses on Touch and Pair Bonding, and most of the way through organizing the research for Rose X (Touch). I also went back and added a brief section on Byronic character traits and social penetration theory to Rose VI (Trust).

Find all the previous updates on the Roses of Romantic Attraction here.

Roses of Romantic Attraction Progress Report: Writing Rose IX, Logistics

Chase Amante's picture
rose ix: logisticsNearly finished with Rose IX, Chase updates on the nearly-complete writing of this Rose, and what comes next in the writing of this next book.

It’s been a little while since my last update. So here’s the latest on my upcoming book, the Roses of Romantic Attraction. You can find the previous updates here.

One new update: we have a new cover design, courtesy our designer Pravin. You can see it in the header image for this update article.

If this is your first time reading about the book, I’m writing RoRA to be the ultimate compilation of the facts of attraction for both men and women. In terms of attraction books, we have Ovid’s works, Casanova’s memoirs, and modern pickup manuals. We also have a few ultra-dry text book compilations of the scientific research on attraction. Nowhere is there a popular science book that compiles all the science on attraction, organizes it through a lens of clarity and simplicity, and gives both men and women an actionable process for attracting the opposite sex.

That’s the aim for Roses: to serve as the attraction Bible. The one book you can hand anyone who wants to learn how to better attract the opposite sex, and he or she will immediately find loads of takeaways useful to him or her.

I’ve broken the book down into a dozen chapters I’m calling ‘roses’. Each rose focuses on a different essential element of attraction.

Right now I’m finishing up Rose IX on logistics. Here’s the latest update.

Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report (Logistics Research Done)

Chase Amante's picture
The Roses of Romantic Attraction: Logistics ResearchChase has wrapped Rose VIII and started into Rose IX. He covers some snags finishing up Rose VIII, and his success uncovering research on logistics for IX.

It’s been two weeks since my previous update on my upcoming book The Roses of Romantic Attraction.

This is the book where I compile all the current research on how men and women attract one another and fit it into a usable system for both sexes. A potent, usable, and deep guidebook to attracting desirable mates.

There are tons of “how to get dates” and “how to get laid” books out there teaching this or that guru’s particular method. There are tons of academic papers out there that cover individual elements of the attraction process.

No one has ever put together a book that drills down to the fundamentals of romantic attraction; one that goes beyond a specific teacher’s method and instead explains the universal attraction elements that every teacher’s method is based upon; one every published paper examines one or another aspect of.

That’s what RoRA is: it is the attraction Bible.

For more on the start of the project and why I’m writing it, see my prior update.

Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report (LTR Investment Strategies)

Chase Amante's picture
the Roses of Romantic Attraction: Progress Report 8.1Progress report on Chase Amante’s upcoming book The Roses of Romantic Attraction. Right now we’re in Rose VIII: Compliance. The latest: LTR investment strategies.

Are you ready for a deeper, more intuitive, more actionable grasp of romantic attraction than any pickup artist, academic researcher, or self-help guru to ever live?

This is the first progress update I’m posting to Girls Chase on my now-over-one-year-in-the-writing new romantic attraction mastery tome, Roses of Romantic Attraction.

If it’s the first you’re hearing about it, I’ve posted a few previous progress updates on the forum here (you’ll need to be a forum member to read that thread). The book’s intended to be timeless, comprehensive, extremely useful, and unfailingly accurate – drawing upon not just my own extensive experience with girls, with picking girls’ brains, with teaching 10s of thousands of other men to excel with girls, and of running the highest traffic men’s dating advice website in history – but also upon thousands of scientific studies of romantic attraction too.

All boiled down into a simple-to-understand, point-by-point guide to total romantic mastery.