Last week I talked to someone who’d just tried testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). He’s actively dating and bedding new girls, but he wanted an extra edge to boost his sex drive up even higher.
The result of his TRT experiment was not good: while on the therapy he found himself beset with anxiety until he finally quit and went back to normal.
If you’re living in the West right now, you’ve likely been trained to believe something like “the solution to any problem is to pump more laboratory chemicals into your body!” Pills, supplements, hormones, fortified foods, inoculations, patches, vapes, you name it. The only thing I’m not seeing pushed much these days is suppositories (maybe they’ll make a comeback though). Just find the right elixir and eat/drink/inject it in, and voila! Miracle cure!
A few hundred years ago, alchemy was all the rage in Europe, with people busily concocting mixtures and potions hoping to solve all kinds of biological problems, often resulting in injury or even death of the imbiber of said concoctions. We laugh at that now, then we turn right around and load ourselves up with pharmaceuticals that every year more and more get revealed to have some sort of disastrous (or even mortal) effect upon the body… and often the promised result is marginal, fleeting, illusory, or none.
This article ignores all the witches’ brews, alchemical formulae, miracle jungle plants, multicolored sea slug compounds, and Big Pharma-produced Wonder Drugs™ to give you tips to raise your libido by as much as you want using nothing more than your lifestyle.
Because, as we’re about to discuss, the problem men are having with testosterone and libido is NOT a “chemical imbalance” problem that needs fixin’ with yet more chemicals and hormones… it is a LIFESTYLE problem.