If you’re a smart guy, and you want to hook up with smart girls, here’s a little tip:
Dumb yourself down a bit.
If you’re otherwise cool and sexy, being a bit dumbed down rules you out as a boyfriend candidate.
Smart girls will hook up with you a lot faster when you’re “dumb.”
— Girls Chase 🏃♀️💨 (@GirlsChase) November 10, 2024
I had this X post that confused a few guys. One of them asked me to write an article going more in-depth on it. So here that is.
In particular, in this Tactics Tuesdays installment, we are going to look at:
Why dumbing yourself down with smart girls gets them into bed
How exactly to dumb yourself down with smart girls to be sexy to them
What you can do to ‘recover your smartness’ after if you actually want to date them
If you have a penchant for pensive women, read on!
(if smart chicks just ain’t your thing, well, we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow)
Important to Grasp: Lovers vs. Providers
Whenever we talk getting together with girls, we always want to keep in mind the lover vs. provider dichotomy.
Providers (i.e., reliable, high quality long-term mates) are generally speaking more valuable and rarer men to women. These men – a man the woman values highly enough to want to keep around long-term, and who himself also values her enough to be willing to stick around and invest in her – are rare, and really the ultimate prize for a woman.
Meanwhile, lovers (i.e., sexy short-term mates) are desirable but disposable; a lover is only valuable for a short time, and only provided he can deliver on his promise (that is, a good/exciting roll in the hay). Desirable lovers are also somewhat rare, but women are under a lot less pressure with them, because if a girl misses out on a lover she only misses out on a short good time and perhaps a good genes infusion – she does NOT miss out on ‘Mr. Right.’
Because of the value imbalance, women are much, much MORE careful with providers than they are with lovers. If you are a provider, she takes it much slower so you don’t think she’s a slut and devalue her. If you’re a provider, she vets you a lot harder to make sure you’re really a provider – and fully compatible with her in a long-term romantic relationship.
If you’re a lover, on the other hand, you basically need to just be sexy, keep moving things forward, and not screw up, and you’ll generally lay her pretty quick.
Paradoxically (if you are new to the whole ‘seduction’ thing), you stand a better chance to take a girl as a long-term mate as the LOVER than as the PROVIDER. That is because lovers have a much higher % chance to end up in bed with her, and once she’s in bed with a man, converting her to whatever relationship the man wants is easy.
Thus, if you have the skills, you want to bed girls ‘the lover route’ every time… then just switch over into more of the provider role afterwards IF you want to keep a girl around.
Now, here is the deal with smart girls:
If a man is not as smart or smarter than her, she is generally not going to consider him as a provider.
That means, if you are a sexy man, with halfway decent game, and she is attracted to you, but you seem to be not quite as intelligent to her as she feels she is, she is generally speaking going to rule you out as a provider – and, ideally, rule you in as the lover.
Positioning Yourself as “Not So Bright”
I was always one of ‘the smart kids’ in school. I always had my hand in the air to answer teachers’ questions; I prioritized being a model student because a.) I wanted the teachers on my side and b.) I found it helped me learn better if I was actively involved in the class. I was consistently in the top 10% grade-wise, sometimes the top 5%, despite my poor study habits outside of school.
When I started a job selling clothes for Sears in high school though, I was deep into my social experimentation phase, and I decided to see what would happen if I made all my new coworkers – who did not know me as Mr. Smartypants the way my teachers and classmates did – thought I was slow on the uptake. So I spent a few months acting like I was just a little bit dumb whenever my coworkers were around:
Often when they said something, I’d pretend to not get it, keep a glazed-over look in my eyes, say, “Huh?” and then, “Oh,” and then I’d ‘get it’.
Other times I’d make them explain something to me that I secretly understood. “What’s that?” “Huh?” “I don’t get it.” “What are you talking about?” were some go-to lines.
Or I’d use nonverbal behavior to signal that I had to think about something for a minute, then nod my head half-heartedly as if I thought I understood it but wasn’t 100% confident.
The result was these coworkers of mine (who were not particularly bright in their own rights) all thought I was dumber than they were, and would comment on how dumb I was, how I was not very smart, how they wondered if I was going to flunk out of high school, etc.
(meanwhile, I would behave like my normal astute self with customers, which led to some funny interactions sometimes where a coworker would show up as a customer was leaving and the customer would make some comment about how I was a “very bright young man”, and after the customer left the coworker would start laughing and say that customer was crazy… lol)
Anyway, that is NOT what we’re going to be doing with smart girls. I just share that to tell you that I know what it is to come across “very dumb”, I have gone far in excess of where we are going to aim to position ourselves, so the calibration on this will be TIGHT.
I did eventually blow my cover with those coworkers of mine, by the way, when I had a disciplinary meeting and two girls went with me to “do the talking for me.” They thought I was too dumb to defend myself (nice girls, wanting to help me out). Instead I launched into an eloquent defense of myself – the two girls were shocked, to say the least. I dropped the dumb act after that and never heard anything about me being “really dumb” again.
How to Dumb Yourself Down with Smart Girls

Rather than do the slow-on-the-uptake “Huh?” “What?” “I don’t get it” stuff like I was doing in high school, which is a little too dumb for your typical smart girl, we are going to do something else: we are going to present ourselves as average IQ guys who are cool and a lot of fun.
These are the types of boys she probably had crushes on in high school and college but never really had access to. The popular jocks, the class clown, and other types. While she was hanging with the nerds, she secretly had an eye on guys like this – but those guys were with the cheerleaders, the popular girls, the sexy slutty girls, and so on.
The primary ways we are going to dumb ourselves down with smart girls include:
Trivializing education. When she asks what you studied in school: “Just some stupid business degree” (or whatever). When she asks your school, if it was a good school, you tell her, “Yeah, I don’t even know how I got in there, haha.”
Highlighting her intelligence. Take every opportunity you can to highlight how ‘smart’ she is. If she has an impressive degree: “That must mean you’re smart.” If she went to a good school: “Smart girl, huh?” If she has an intellectually demanding job: “You need brains for that kind of work.” If she reads intellectual books: “You almost sound like a philosopher.” Pointing out ‘smartness’ is something people typically only do when there is a disparity in smartness, so purely indirectly you position yourself as ‘not as smart’.
Avoiding intellectual references or conversations. Don’t talk to her about reading Confucius, Plato, or Immanuel Kant. Don’t engage in some thoughtful analysis of the themes present in XYZ recent movie or show. Don’t discuss the arc of history or the ancient origins of modern feminism or anything that requires any kind of awareness of obscure events or arcane facts. Such conversations will give you away as a smartie – and put up obstacles to you adopting the lover role! If she brings up these topics, act bored and change the subject.
Using humor. Believe it or not, according to the science, women rate funny men as more attractive, more socially adept, but less intelligent. Bit of a head scratcher, since humor is supposed to signal an adroit brain, no? I think the reason why is that men who pour more mental resources into being funny typically pour less into being intellectual – this is likely what that study actually measured.
Being adventurous and spontaneous. Pull her along on adventures. Break some rules with her. Sneak into places you’re not supposed to be. Do things spur of the moment. All these are things that overly-intellectual people (who tend to get lost in their thoughts, rather than the moment) tend not to do. By doing them, you signal to her that you are unfettered by deep thoughts, and instead free to act as the moment allows – something that implies your brain simply is not working as hard as hers is.
Being a sexual man. Just like adventurousness and spontaneity, sexiness in general marks you as less intelligent. Most smart men are too busy positioning themselves as ‘exceptionally smart fellows’ to deign to positioning themselves as ‘sexy sexpots’. You can just look at the facial expressions of sexy men (see: the cute and sexy look; or keeping your lips parted); just by default these make you look dumber. Talking about sex, sexual innuendo, being sexually focused, and setting sexual frames do the same. Smart guys do not talk about sex in sexy ways.
“But Chase, these things go against my identity as an intellectual man!”
Well then you are not ready to dumb yourself down and bang a lot of smart girls.
You can keep being an intellectual man who has a lot of stimulating intellectual conversations with smart girls, then goes home alone. There is no shame in that – well, unless you would rather stimulate your penis with those smart girls, and not just your mind.
If, however, you would like to end up INSIDE smart girls, it is worth playing around with dumbing yourself down like this a bit, at least during the seduction.
Recovering Your Smartness After the Lay
Remember my story about acting dumb at my job working for Sears until one day I made an eloquent defense of myself in a disciplinary hearing and shocked the girls who went with me?
Well, you can do the exact same thing with a girl you ‘played dumb with’, any time you want to:
You can do it immediately after the lay, if you want her to start seeing you as a boyfriend candidate immediately.
You can stretch things out a few months, playing dumb all the while, if you want to keep things purely casual, then do it a few months down the line if/when you want to switch over to more serious relationship territory.
All you have to do is bring up any kind of intellectual topic that interests you and start talking about it. You can give her advice on something she mentioned to you earlier. You can bring up a book you’re reading and discuss that with her. It doesn’t really matter what.
Then over time as education comes up you show that you actually took your education more seriously than you initially let on. When your work comes up you let on that you’re actually quite capable and astute. And so on, and so forth.
Often there is a sort of disconnect in the girl’s mind between the ‘you’ she went to bed with and the ‘you’ she’s faced with now. The impression of being bedded by the cool, sexy, kinda dumb guy will always be burned into her memory, even once she knows you are actually smart and capable. If you ask me, this is an advantage in a long-term relationship; it makes it near impossible for you to ever slip fully into the ‘smart/dependable guy provider’ role, even if you are smart, dependable, and have all the qualities of a good provider.
You do have to not have an ego about intelligence though. She may revert to attacking you as ‘too dumb for me to be in a relationship with’ during drama, even once she knows you are smarter than her. Of course, if you are taking ANYTHING a woman says to you during drama seriously, you are going to get melted down into a puddle of ‘weak man juice’!
Another cool thing: starting a relationship with a girl who thought you were dumb at the outset sets the expectations for you rather low. It’s a lot easier to hurdle low expectations than it is high expectations, so just personally I am a fan of this setup and try to do it other ways too (e.g., keeping the early relationship unstable so that she is happier with a stabler relationship later, often staying out late without her and being unavailable some days at the outset so she is happy with me just scaling that back a bit later on, etc. Anyway, you don’t have to do those things – just sharing a few of my own here).
Wrap Up

If your goal is ‘stimulating intellectual conversations with members of the fairer sex’ or possibly ‘to throw my bid in for entry into the gauntlet as a candidate for potential long-term romantic entanglement’ then please be my guest and be as intellectual with smart girls as you like.
However, if your goal is ‘fuck the shit out of smart girls ASAP + also maximize my odds of taking these girls as girlfriends via the backdoor’ (i.e., the lover door… what were you thinking 😏), then it is to your benefit to learn how to dumb yourself down – just a bit.
She isn’t looking for a fellow nerd to have a fun tryst with, after all.
She is looking for a guy like the guys she used to crush on back in high school – guys who usually don’t go for her now because they’re intimidated by her smarts, even if she’s blossomed into a total hottie.
You won’t be intimidated though – because you’re not actually dumb!
Just acting that way to give her the fantasy.
Chase Amante