Tactics Tuesdays: The Nonplussed Romantic Breakup | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays: The Nonplussed Romantic Breakup

Chase Amante

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seductive breakupMost men during breakups plead, rage, or act like rocks. None of these are ideal though. Instead, you want to seduce her on the way out – with the Nonplussed Romantic Breakup Attitude.

Over the years I have seen a lot of men respond to breakups a lot of different ways:

  • Begging women to stay

  • Pledging they will change

  • Declaring “You need me!”

  • Asking to “Make it work”

  • Indignation (“Ungrateful!”)

  • Defiance (“Who needs you!”)

One thing I very, very rarely see is the man who is completely nonplussed…

The man who doesn’t beg, plead, pledge, ask, declare, or respond with indignation or defiance.

He neither belittles the woman nor prostrates himself before her.

Instead, he remains calm, understanding, gracious, yet without emotion – he still shows some sadness and care. Just not an outpouring of it. He handles the breakup with masculine aplomb.

Perhaps it is because this reaction is so rare, but this Nonplussed Romantic Breakup Attitude is the single biggest way to ensure that you remain stuck deep within a woman’s mind post-breakup, leading to positive feelings on her end, and a whole lot of chasing from her to get you back before you even expect it.

It is how you seduce her on your way out, just as you did on the way in.


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