Tactics Tuesdays: Tease-Compliance-Qualify-Cold Read | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays: Tease-Compliance-Qualify-Cold Read

Chase Amante

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breaking through with girls using TCQCThis simple ‘tactical framework’ for romantic conversations puts you in the driver’s seat. Get girls laughing, intrigued and following your lead in no time.

Yesterday we talked about the common problem where guys bombard women with too many questions.

It’s an easy trap to fall into, especially when you are new, and especially when the girl is not giving you much.

In that article, I challenged you (you being anyone who runs into this issue) to try running your conversations with ZERO questions – at least until the girl is hooked / shows sufficient interest on her end.

In today’s Tactics Tuesdays article, I’m going to give you a simple tactical framework you can use to make your “no questions convos” run smoothly in the early conversation.

We’ll call this tease-compliance-qualify-cold read – or TCQC for short.


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