When and how should you show sexual intent? Though the question may seem innocent enough, it actually is at the very core of what distinguishes the various schools of thought in seduction.
Why is when and how you show sexual intent so fundamental?
Because it deals with how you get a girl perceiving you as a lover while not going so far that you activate her anti-slut defense beyond the point of no return.
We all know that we need to display sexual intent when we want to build a sexual relationship, but we also know that, upon meeting a girl, going in for a kiss (read: make-out) is rarely a good strategy.
Since humans are highly social animals, and since skill at navigating the social arena plays such a crucial role in the game of procreation, women have long since learned to screen men for their ability to get what they want with social grace. A man who can graciously communicate sexual intent is likely a man who can graciously get his way in other domains as well. And every woman wants as capable a man as she can get – no matter if he is to be a provider, friend, or lover to her.
We want to be careful here though, as it is quite easy – especially if you’ve been steadily working to improve yourself – to come across as too valuable in a non-sexual way, leading her to writing you off or trying to hook you into a provider-type relationship. But that qualm exceeds the focus of this post.
What we are focusing on today is the importance of finding a balance between showing too much sexual intent too soon, and, conversely, waiting too long (which, as we just pointed out, can be a one-way path to the friend zone or to her deciding to hold you to the more rigorous standards she has for providers).
We’ll be going a little meta as we take a cursory look at the different emphases on sexual intent that the main schools of seduction nowadays have. With this knowledge, you will gain a macro level understanding of three of the main strategies a guy can have for communicating his sexual intent, which means your process will be more flexible and you’ll have a wider perspective of what actually works... and what will work best for you.
So, that being said, let’s dive in.