As a woman’s beauty increases, so too does her subtlety… while
her number of sex partners falls. Do you recognize the signs beautiful
women give you?
Recently I found myself in an unfamiliar part of a familiar town.
Kind of on the outskirts. And something stuck out at me: the women here
were, on average, less attractive than the women in the city center I
usually frequent. More unattractive women, and more women who were
only somewhat cute; fewer knockout stunners. But the approach
invitations I received were much
more blatant.
Whereas in the city center, I might sense a girl glance at me, then
turn toward her and she’d already have looked away, brushing
back her hair as she did... now, in the outskirts, I’d sense a
girl look at me, turn toward her, and she’d keep her eyes trained right
on mine. Whereas in the usual part of town, a beautiful girl might come
hover somewhat near me, now cute (but not beautiful) girls would walk
up and position themselves blatantly next to me. The difference
was plain as a tree on a hilltop.
This is something I’ve noticed, come to think of it, on the
outskirts of other familiar towns as well. The girls on the outskirts
are often not quite as cute, but they are more obvious. I never
equated outskirts with less cute, more obvious girls before, but when I
look back, it’s often been the case that a good chunk of the ‘easy
venues’ I have on tap are located on the outskirts of town. These are
venues where the girls you meet will be cute or pretty but not
stunning, but they make up for it by being more obvious in their
interest and less coy to your approach.
There are other factors likely at play on the outskirts; girls in
the city
center are in more of a hurry, are busier, and pay less attention to
those around them, for one. They also tend to be more status conscious,
which means any too-obvious signals carry more risk for them. They are
also more ambitious, which means more careful screening of interested
men. Girls in
the outskirts are less hurried and have more time to check out and
throw signals at men, and less status-risk to worry them. They’re also
less interested in screening you, and more interested in whether you
can provide a fun time or not.
Yet even accounting for factors like this, all other things being
even, there remains a clear
attractiveness-obviousness correlation; the less attractive the girl,
the more obvious she makes her signals.
The less cute a girl is (or, at least, the less hot she is), the more blatant are
her signals. Also, not only are more attractive women less aggressive;
they’re subtler, too. The cuter a girl gets, the more coy she gets.
Which makes sense, of course... When you’re more in-demand, you can
hold out for a better deal. You can play more coy. When you’re not as
in-demand, you must chase down the deals yourself, and no longer have
the luxury to hang back and wait for the ones you want to come to you.
But does this mean beautiful women are out of most men’s grasps?