Female Mind | Page 13 | Girls Chase

Female Mind

female mind

Why Can't You Find a Loyal Woman?

Chase Amante's picture

find a loyal woman
To men, women can seem disloyal… Or at least, not nearly as loyal as men. What’s it take to find a loyal lady anyway?

One of the most discombobulating romantic statements I hear from men goes like this:

I just want to find a girl that’s loyal.

It’s not discombobulating because women can’t be loyal. Plenty of men throughout history, down through to today, have had women deeply loyal to them.

The statement discombobulates, rather, because you cannot ‘find’ loyal women. Any more than you can dig deep into a diamond mine in search of engagement rings, or wander into the African savanna on the lookout for trained circus lions. You may find diamonds in the diamond mine, but you won’t find rings; you might find lions in the savanna, but they won’t be trained. So it is with women.

Some women are more inclined toward loyalty than others, it’s true. But women by nature are opportunistic. They are romantic guns-for-hire, ready to serve whoever makes the best offer... and eminently practical when the lord they’d hoped to sign on with is unable or unwilling to give them the agreement they need.

“I want to find a loyal woman” is a foundational misunderstanding of female psychology. It projects male values onto female prospects.

But women aren’t men. And the way they think about loyalty, treat it, and uphold or enforce it is very, very different.

When Girls Bring Up Feminism at the Bar or on Dates

Alek Rolstad's picture

when girls bring up feminism
Girls bring up feminism sometimes at the bar or on dates. But address this wrong, and you either look weak, or get into a fight. What do you do?

It is not uncommon these days to read about feminism and gender related issues in mainstream and social media. It is indeed a hot subject; many politicians focus on gender issues, schools and universities have been affected by feminism, and society as a whole experiences both the benefits and the consequences of these ideals.

Regarding men’s websites, we often see critics of feminism – especially on websites related to the “men’s rights movement” (MRM) – who usually post about the negative effects feminism has on society and how it impacts men’s lives.

These MRM posts are usually normative and take a political stance regarding the subject. This is not the purpose of this post.

I want to analyze how feminism – and the subject of feminism – can affect some of your interactions with women. In other words, what do you do if a girl starts giving you the feminist talk when you are trying to escalate the vibe? I want to discuss the direct, practical implications this has on the interaction while treating the normative status of the subject as irrelevant. In other words, I will leave the discussion regarding whether or not feminism per se is good or bad to somebody else (for now), and instead share a more descriptive and practical perspective on the subject.

The idea of this post is to cover why and how to deal with women bringing the gender debate into interactions. The perspective of this post is based on the basic assumption that you want to get her naked.

If you are like me and go out a lot, you will encounter women bringing this subject up, especially in the light of important political events, which tend to stir up such controversial subjects. Note that this post is focused on feminism and gender related questions because these tend to be the most commonly brought up political topics when interacting with women. However, each of the techniques covered here are valid for any controversial or loaded political, philosophical (only if it is normatively loaded), religious, or ethical subject. I believe all of these are topics to be avoided in seduction. You will see in this post that my focus is mostly geared toward changing or avoiding the subject, as these topics are simply not fruitful for seduction.

Also note that when I am referring to feminism, I am not just referring to the topic of “gender equality” (which is only one of the many topics of feminism – one that I tend to agree with); I’m speaking of the whole ideology behind the feminist world view.

The God and the Goddess: A Theosophy of the Sexes

Hector Castillo's picture

theosophy of sexes
Theosophy is the study of divine wisdom. And what can be more divine than the coupling of male with female?

Theology is the study of God or gods. The primary question in Theology is the nature of God.

Theosophy, on the other hand, is the study of divine wisdom and actions with the intent to reveal deep truths about ourselves, our divine nature, and our behavior. This is an article born of my fascination with the subject; it explores how our masculine divinity works in contrast and in cahoots with feminine divinity. I hope you enjoy the read, and I hope that perhaps these conceits might ring true and light a few bulbs in your mind that haven’t occurred to you before.

Sometimes all it takes is a good story to illustrate something poetically that is difficult to tackle logically. I will be speaking poetically a lot and will occasionally put my metaphors into the context of this website in order to keep it practical with respect to women, dating, sex, and relationships.

If you happen upon a few paradoxes as we go, that’s a good sign. That’s how these things work.

Why Some Guys Creep Women Out (and How to Easily Avoid This)

Alek Rolstad's picture

creep women out
Girls have guys read too much into things sometimes. Or even chase them around. The result? Women can become oversensitive to “creepy” behavior.

In my first post regarding the lessons I have learned from gaming in the gay environment, a user named Agent asked the following question:

Hey Alek,

Could you elaborate more on the creepy approaches vs. the good ones? It’s actually very interesting you were in a situation where you could examine the scene from a woman’s point of view. By the way, thank you for your reply in your previous post about approaching in day game! You mentioned very subtle approach signals from girls. I don’t seem to notice any except the very obvious ones. Could you expand here, on the subtle signs? ... Generally, I feel confident to approach when the girl is giving me strong eye contact and/or smiling. This does not happen that much often though.

To give you some context, this question was posted in a thread in which I covered some dating and seduction lessons I learned from spending time picking up women in LGBT venues. In that post, I briefly mentioned how being approached by gay men in those venues gave me some perspective on how to better calibrate my own approaches to women.

I will start this post by sharing a story of mine, then I’ll discuss a number of things that make an approach good or bad. At the end of this post, I will sum up what makes a good approach.

Early 20s Women vs. Late 20s Women: What's the Difference?

Colt Williams's picture

early 20s women
Early 20s women are different from women in their late 20s. How they differ makes a big impact on how you date them (and which age you prefer).

When I first started reading and eventually writing for Girls Chase, one of the things that always surprised me was when writers gave their perspective on dating women who were in their late 20s and 30s, and how different it was from dating women who were in their early 20s.

I was in my early 20s at the time – just a student of the game – and I always thought that older guys were exaggerating the differences just a few years can make. But now that I am older and have dated a few women in their late 20s and 30s, I’ve found that perhaps the men who have written about this phenomenon in the past have actually underestimated how stark these differences can get.

So that’s what I’m here to explore today.

But first, let me add a disclaimer: everything that I’m going to discuss with respect to mindset versus age is just a set of general guidelines designed to be a useful framework.

I know there will be exceptions, and I just want to say that I hear you. I have definitely been with girls who fall outside of the norm. I’ve dated younger girls who have had the dispositions of 45 year olds. And I’ve dated women in their mid thirties who have been nowhere close to having their acts together. But out of the thousands of dates that I’ve been on, these trends are definitely what I’ve seen in the majority of cases.

Women Don't Actually Follow Their Own Rules

Chase Amante's picture

women and rules
A woman’s rules are never absolute. Often they aren’t even guidelines. Once a man understands this, his entire way of interacting with women changes.

Ever have a girl tell you about some rule of hers?

Maybe she says she never has sex on the first date. Or perhaps a man needs to pay for meals with her to have any chance with her. Or she might tell you she never ever cheats on a boyfriend and will under no circumstances date one man until she’s broken up with the other.

If you’re new to dating, there’s a high chance you hear things like this from women and just accept it. “Okay, that’s her rule. I guess I can’t date this girl. Or I need to work within her rules.” You might give up on girls who offer you incompatible rules. Or you may slow way down on them because of this (“Guess I’d better take her on 20 dates first”).

But I’ll tell you a secret: once you’ve been around girls for a bit, you cease to pay much attention to women’s rules.

Then once you’ve been women for a while, you often start to get excited when women tell you their rules. A woman’s rules are an excellent chance to make her do the opposite of whatever it is she said she won’t do, and love every second of it.

Is this immoral though? Won’t it cause a crisis of self in the girl, if you make her bend or break her own rules? Shouldn’t you respect women’s rules?

No, and for one reason: women aren’t men. And what constitutes a ‘rule’ for her is very different from what constitutes a ‘rule’ for you.

5 Reasons Women are Far Dirtier Than Men Are

Colt Williams's picture

women are dirty
While women present themselves as reserved angels, the truth is they’re naughty little sexual imps – more so than most men.

Hey team, I know it’s been a little while. I hope you all have been doing well in my absence.

I have been having a lot of conversations lately about sexuality. And today I want to talk about something that very often surprises men who don’t have very much experience with women – and it still surprises some men who do!

It’s the fact that women are far dirtier, hornier, and more sexual than you could ever believe.

I’ve had the pleasure of being surrounded by a lot of women in my time, some of whom I’ve been romantically involved with and many of whom I haven’t. Some have been absolute bombshells, and some haven’t (though still attractive for the most part).

But the incredible gift and advantage of my situation has been that I’ve been able to glean a lot of perspectives on life, sex, and romance straight from the horse’s mouth.

It’s funny how honest a girl will be with you if you create an environment in which she knows you aren’t going to judge her. And if you have a few women in your life with whom you don’t have any sexual interest or chemistry, then she will feel comfortable being that much more honest.

So I want to share with you five statements that I’ve heard from countless women at different points in time about their kind – some of which have even surprised me.

I have found most of these statements to be applicable to nearly all of the women I’ve talked to at one point or another. However, there is a very important caveat to these statements that I will talk about after I share them with you.

And you *must* remember the caveat in order to get anything useful from this article.

Here we go.

But the Girls in My Country are Different

Guest Contributor's picture

girls in my country are different
You might think your countrywomen are different. But women are women, whether you meet them in the U.S., Jordan, India, or Saudi Arabia.

Some years ago – never mind how long precisely – a 9th-grade biology book fell into my hands. With my limited reading ability and understanding, combined with my weird curiosity, I skimmed through its pages. I discovered the nervous system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system... and then the reproductive system.

It was shocking to first learn about the weird things we do in order to produce little people in such detailed, clinical fashion. What is even more shocking was to realize that in my (at the time) few years on this Earth, I had not once stopped to wonder where babies came from. I saw them popping up here and there all the time, seemingly out of nowhere, and that did not bother me at all!

Because I was so unfamiliar with sex, the entire act was a mystery to me. Almost mystical to me. Babies seemed to just spontaneously pop out of nowhere; I could not imagine a man and a woman undressing and doing what men and women do to make babies.

Even after my big realization, the “kids popping out of nowhere” theory still made more sense to me than the reality of two people getting all naked and going at it. My culture was too strict, imposing too many complications, too many taboos to actually allow such a thing to ever happen. The picture of an innocent couple all naked and banging was too farfetched to actualize. Not surprisingly, I adopted the mentality that maybe the girls in my country are just different!

Since coming to this realization many years ago, I have learned the truths about human sexuality. And I have learned that there is so much sex happening everywhere. Yes, EVERYWHERE! In fact, the amount of sex that happens everywhere happens on a much higher frequency than the number of babies popping out. And much of this sex that happens everywhere is instigated by women – everywhere. The things I’ve learned by personal experience have completely changed my paradigm.

What is Her Type? Deconstruct Her, and Find Out

Hector Castillo's picture

what's her type?
If you want to know what her type is (so you may more easily date her), you’ll have to ask her a few questions, first.

“What’s her type?”

I have mixed views on the question.

In one way, you need to figure out her fantasy and then become that. You need to adapt to specific women. If she’s a fit snow bunny, it would behoove you to have spent some time at the gym (which is probably where you’d meet her anyways); also, maybe have a few tattoos, be a bit over-the-top with your masculinity, and a bit aloof.

At the same time, you can’t be every girl’s type. Even if you want to be the Übermensch of seduction, you can’t be everything at once.

But I think I’ve come up with a solution. There are three parts to this.

  1. Figure out her type

  2. Understand the difference between tokens and types

  3. Decide how far you want to go

Hotter Women are Subtler (and Hook Up Less)

Chase Amante's picture

hot women are subtle
As a woman’s beauty increases, so too does her subtlety… while her number of sex partners falls. Do you recognize the signs beautiful women give you?

Recently I found myself in an unfamiliar part of a familiar town. Kind of on the outskirts. And something stuck out at me: the women here were, on average, less attractive than the women in the city center I usually frequent. More unattractive women, and more women who were only somewhat cute; fewer knockout stunners. But the approach invitations I received were much more blatant.

Whereas in the city center, I might sense a girl glance at me, then turn toward her and she’d already have looked away, brushing back her hair as she did... now, in the outskirts, I’d sense a girl look at me, turn toward her, and she’d keep her eyes trained right on mine. Whereas in the usual part of town, a beautiful girl might come hover somewhat near me, now cute (but not beautiful) girls would walk up and position themselves blatantly next to me. The difference was plain as a tree on a hilltop.

This is something I’ve noticed, come to think of it, on the outskirts of other familiar towns as well. The girls on the outskirts are often not quite as cute, but they are more obvious. I never expressly equated outskirts with less cute, more obvious girls before, but when I look back, it’s often been the case that a good chunk of the ‘easy venues’ I have on tap are located on the outskirts of town. These are venues where the girls you meet will be cute or pretty but not stunning, but they make up for it by being more obvious in their interest and less coy to your approach.

There are other factors likely at play on the outskirts; girls in the city center are in more of a hurry, are busier, and pay less attention to those around them, for one. They also tend to be more status conscious, which means any too-obvious signals carry more risk for them. They are also more ambitious, which means more careful screening of interested men. Girls in the outskirts are less hurried and have more time to check out and throw signals at men, and less status-risk to worry them. They’re also less interested in screening you, and more interested in whether you can provide a fun time or not.

Yet even accounting for factors like this, all other things being even, there remains a clear attractiveness-obviousness correlation; the less attractive the girl, the more obvious she makes her signals.

The less cute a girl is (or, at least, the less hot she is), the more blatant are her signals. Also, not only are more attractive women less aggressive; they’re subtler, too. The cuter a girl gets, the more coy she gets.

Which makes sense, of course... When you’re more in-demand, you can hold out for a better deal. You can play more coy. When you’re not as in-demand, you must chase down the deals yourself, and no longer have the luxury to hang back and wait for the ones you want to come to you.

But does this mean beautiful women are out of most men’s grasps?