She Always Needs to Think You’re in Control
content="If a girl doesn’t think you’re in control, her attraction and respect for you suffer. Yet, you needn’t be the uptight in-control guy to show her this.">
That sounds like a power-mad, insecure, control-freak title for an article, doesn’t it?
“She always needs to think you’re in control.”
Pretty outdated, right?
Especially in a world in which more men consider ‘masculinity’ a bad thing than a good thing:
In truth, we get plenty of guys who stumble upon Girls Chase articles (and mine in particular) who object to just this advice:
- “Why does the guy have to do everything?”
- “Why do I have to be in control?”
- “Why can’t women just take the lead sometimes?”
But this article isn’t so much about WHY you must lead, nor much about HOW to lead.
If you want to know more about that subject, check these articles out:
- When Women Test Men
- The Real Reason Many Men Can’t Get a Girl
- A Failed Relationship is a Failure of Leadership
- Do You Really Need to Learn Game to Get Girls?
- How to Be Decisive
Rather, this article is about keeping up appearances, and not giving a girl the impression that the guy she’s with is floating along, doesn’t have a clue, or is abdicating leadership of the courtship... whether to her, to Mother Nature, or to fate, luck, hope, or chance.
She always needs to think you are in control.
Because if she doesn’t, she ain’t hanging around.