Female Mind | Page 14 | Girls Chase

Female Mind

female mind

Hotter Women are Subtler (and Hook Up Less)

Chase Amante's picture

hot women are subtle
As a woman’s beauty increases, so too does her subtlety… while her number of sex partners falls. Do you recognize the signs beautiful women give you?

Recently I found myself in an unfamiliar part of a familiar town. Kind of on the outskirts. And something stuck out at me: the women here were, on average, less attractive than the women in the city center I usually frequent. More unattractive women, and more women who were only somewhat cute; fewer knockout stunners. But the approach invitations I received were much more blatant.

Whereas in the city center, I might sense a girl glance at me, then turn toward her and she’d already have looked away, brushing back her hair as she did... now, in the outskirts, I’d sense a girl look at me, turn toward her, and she’d keep her eyes trained right on mine. Whereas in the usual part of town, a beautiful girl might come hover somewhat near me, now cute (but not beautiful) girls would walk up and position themselves blatantly next to me. The difference was plain as a tree on a hilltop.

This is something I’ve noticed, come to think of it, on the outskirts of other familiar towns as well. The girls on the outskirts are often not quite as cute, but they are more obvious. I never expressly equated outskirts with less cute, more obvious girls before, but when I look back, it’s often been the case that a good chunk of the ‘easy venues’ I have on tap are located on the outskirts of town. These are venues where the girls you meet will be cute or pretty but not stunning, but they make up for it by being more obvious in their interest and less coy to your approach.

There are other factors likely at play on the outskirts; girls in the city center are in more of a hurry, are busier, and pay less attention to those around them, for one. They also tend to be more status conscious, which means any too-obvious signals carry more risk for them. They are also more ambitious, which means more careful screening of interested men. Girls in the outskirts are less hurried and have more time to check out and throw signals at men, and less status-risk to worry them. They’re also less interested in screening you, and more interested in whether you can provide a fun time or not.

Yet even accounting for factors like this, all other things being even, there remains a clear attractiveness-obviousness correlation; the less attractive the girl, the more obvious she makes her signals.

The less cute a girl is (or, at least, the less hot she is), the more blatant are her signals. Also, not only are more attractive women less aggressive; they’re subtler, too. The cuter a girl gets, the more coy she gets.

Which makes sense, of course... When you’re more in-demand, you can hold out for a better deal. You can play more coy. When you’re not as in-demand, you must chase down the deals yourself, and no longer have the luxury to hang back and wait for the ones you want to come to you.

But does this mean beautiful women are out of most men’s grasps?

Why Won't Women Just Say What They Want?

Chase Amante's picture

women won't say what they want
Women use ambiguity for three (3) reasons: to expose a man’s true colors, to retain room to maneuver, and to preserve their social reputations.

Maybe an hour ago, I finished reviewing a lesson from The Dating Artisan, part of my upcoming master class on succeeding with women. For each of these videos, I have to review once to make sure there’s nothing that snuck in we should edit out (our DoP’s toes sneaking into the frame have been a constant annoyance), as well as to add text and citations I want added. Then I have to review the final video a second time to make sure everything checks out. Each of these videos is around 50 minutes long on average, and there are about 50 of them... so you can imagine why it’s taking me so long (that, and that we still need to build the site / file delivery system / etc. for this thing).

Anyway, at multiple points in this lesson, our actress on the shoot claims she would not like if a guy did something to her I described (in the case I’ll tell you about, it was slapping a naughty girl on the butt). Meanwhile, even as she claims this, she laughs and becomes excited and flirtatious. At one point I highlight this and say, “She’s saying ‘no’, but at some point with a guy she likes, it’s going to be ‘yes’.” If you’re at all good at reading women’s signals, it’s pretty obvious when viewing the clip how the idea affects her. Not only does she get excited in the moment, but her flirting and laughter dial up dramatically after this incident for the rest of the lesson.

If you’re an old pro, you see a situation like this and grin and go, “Yeah... girls!” You love it. It’s fun. It’s a big part of what makes the whole thing exciting.

But if you’re not so good with girls yet, this is likely to be a point of major frustration for you. “Why the living bleeding hell won’t women just say what they want?”

Because sometimes they do.

But other times they don’t.

Sometimes they say exactly what they want. Sometimes they say the opposite of what they want.

How the heck is a guy who’s not good with women yet supposed to decipher all this?

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Gauge Her Openness to Teasing

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

open to teasing
Some girls love to be teased. But some girls hate it. You find out who is whom (and how to proceed with each) by gauging her openness to teasing, right up front.

Some girls you can tease, flirt with, and bust on until you’re blue in the face, and they’ll love every moment of it.

Other girls, though? Well... not so much. Give her even a light ribbing and her body language turns icy. Try and flirt with her and she just gives you that stony look. You can feel your stomach muscles constrict as she bores holes into you with her eyes.

If you can figure out where on the spectrum a girl lies before you lay your flirtation on thick (or not at all), you can adjust properly.

But if you can’t, you may just find yourself boring the girls who want you to tease... Or sending the girls who can’t handle teasing into a spiral of auto-rejection.

This article is aimed at men who are intermediate with girls and up.

You can still use it as a beginner, but it’ll likely be a little too finesse to remember to do in the heat of the moment. That’s okay, you can circle back here once the game’s slowed down for you.

So how do you know when to start teasing a girl, and when to hold off?

In this article, I’m going to give you the ‘cautious method’ for figuring out how open a girl is to teasing. You won’t always use this, and in fact I don’t always use it too (especially when I’m trying to just ping a girl quickly and see how interested she is, and move on if she isn’t that interested – I’ll go straight to personal teases in that case).

However, if you want to not blow it with a specific girl, or you’re in a captive audience situation (like seated next to her on a bus or airplane, or in a class), this is perfect for not sending girls into auto-rejection by going too far with your teases.

And if she isn’t open to teasing? Don’t worry, I’ve got a solution for you there too.

Let’s dive in.

Book Review: The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

Varoon Rajah's picture

Way of the Superior Man
David Deida’s Way of the Superior Man helps men make their peace with the feminine – and truly understand how men and women fit together.

I finished David Deida’s book, The Way of the Superior Man, in about two hours on a United States flight from the east coast to Seattle. It’s a very fast, easy read. And it’s one of the most powerful and influential books I’ve read recently on how to tap into masculine energy and become a penetrative force in our world today.

David has committed his life to teaching and revolutionizing the way men and women grow sexually and spiritually. He teaches unique multi-day workshops on spiritual growth and sacred intimacy. He is known worldwide for his many writings, videos, and audios on a fully-integrated approach to spirituality. His works and workshops are committed to raising an understanding of our human condition through transformative practices and ideas. David addresses spiritual awakening of mind, body, and heart.

Below, I delve into some takeaways from David’s book that I found useful. There are a total of 51 chapters across eight parts – most as short as two pages. Each of these covers an area of the masculine – as opposed to feminine – that can help us grow as men.

How to Get Comfortable with Female Sexuality

Chase Amante's picture

female sexuality
One of the big struggles for men who are waking up on women is getting comfortable with female sexuality. How do you do it?

One of the more challenging mental hurdles for the active dater can be overcoming his feelings about female sexuality. This is most true for men who’ve grown up bombarded with messages about female purity, chastity, and the like.

Even in our present society, with ‘slut walks’, Femen, rape culture, and Sex and the City, men still grow up confused with female sexuality. On the one hand, men are told women have the right to sexual liberation without judgment from men. On the other hand, if a man talks to any individual woman and broaches the subject of sexuality, she’ll often react with disgust and offense and tell him no, of course she doesn’t do that or isn’t into this.

This leads lots of men to an, ”Oh, that’s just TV,” mentality, where women behave sexually liberal on TV and in the movies, yet sexually chaste in real life.

Some part of most guys knows that there’s some kind of deception going on here; either the TV is lying and women are all chaste angels, or women themselves are lying and they’re not (and he just isn’t in on the action).

Yet a guy can go his whole life without ever pulling the tarp back on this sexual misdirection... Until he starts to succeed more with girls.

And then, everything changes.

13 Things Inexperienced Girls Do that Men Mistake for Sluttiness

Chase Amante's picture

inexperienced girls
No one’s dating instincts are perfect. Sometimes you’ll think a girl is slutty when the truth is inexperience makes her act too direct.

You don’t realize it until you’re quite experienced with girls, but your instincts – especially as a beginner – don’t always give you the most reliable information.

You see this with a lot of inexperienced men, who end up dating very experienced women, convinced of these girls inexperience and chastity (check out my article on how to gauge a girl’s partner count if you want a better handle on this). Yet the opposite happens too: inexperienced men often write off inexperienced women because they misread these girls’ inexperience as confident experience. Even men who are pretty good with girls often misread these signals.

Today, I’m going to show you 13 things inexperienced women do that cause men to incorrectly assume they are more experienced with men than they are.

There’s a theme running through these 13 things, you might notice. That theme is this: more experienced girls create mystery, build anticipation, and embody a feminine air. Less experienced girls are usually blunt, raw, and over-direct.

Put another way, the more experienced a girl becomes with men, the better able she is to trigger within men the emotions men most enjoy from women. The less experienced she is, the worse she is at this.

Note that none of these are absolutes. There are experienced women who do these things too. However, if you see a girl do two or three or four of these things, you can feel be confident she’s likely inexperienced with men.

That in mind, let’s peel back these 13 things and change how you look at the women you meet.

Deep Down, Do Women Long for True Love Most of All?

Chase Amante's picture

women true love
Love seems like the ultimate female obsession. But do girls actually desire love as much as it seems? The answer is “It depends.”

In my article on dating mistakes, a reader asks about women and love:

What about girls & wanting to fall in love? I think most women deep down want “true love”, aka to find a sexy, awesome guy who they fall in love w/ (w/ the great sex, & intrigue, mystery & all that).

Love being a strong connection, caring for & bonding, etc. Also society paints it as wife-husband but whatever the label, the concept’s the same: to fall in love w/ an awesome guy & for it to last is what most women want at the core – What do you think of that theory?

If you watch a lot of cinema, you’re likely quick to answer, “Of course!”

Love – it makes the world go ‘round. All you need is love. And all the other slogans like that.

And love is a wonderful thing. It’s a great emotion. It’s an important one, too.

But is it, in the innermost hearts of womankind, truly what the fairer sex seeks?

As you likely know by now, if you’re hoping for the Hollywood party line, this isn’t the site for that. However, before I give you a straight answer, I’d like to explore a little of the science on love with you.

And then we’ll talk about how important it really is to women.

Women Will Dominate and Cuckold You (If You Let Them)

Hector Castillo's picture

women love to cuckold men
The dark side of female morality: girls love to cuckold and humiliate men who let them. Understanding this is key to liberation from the victim cycle.

Prefatory warning: this is one of those hardcore articles where I show you the dark side of women, seduction, and society.

We’re going to discuss some aspects of female morality that may make you uncomfortable (or may excite you; depends on whether you’re after fun flings, or The One). This article will be in the vain of this one and this one by Chase.

So don’t say I didn’t want you.

After the darkness, we will come back to the light. But first we’re going to venture into the dungeons.

Warnings aside, if you’re still with me, then let’s get to it.

To Make Her Desire You, Give Her Permission To

Alek Rolstad's picture

make her desire
It’s as important to make a woman feel allowed to desire you as it is to cause that desire. Unless she feels allowed, she’ll quash her desire for you.

Hi everyone. Today I will get more theoretical. My theoretical posts are to serve a purpose and provide a framework to not only help you better understand your successful interactions with women, but also create a foundation for a better understanding of seduction as a whole.

These frameworks and models are just mere representations of the real world, and should only be used for explanatory purposes - i.e., to help you make sense of things, not necessarily to give true explanations of how things are. I will spend two posts on explaining two different frameworks, which will synergistically add to your overall understanding.

In this post I will discuss two aspects of seduction that are key to creating her willingness to have sex with you - namely building her desire for you and letting her feel allowed. My next post will be about the two levels of leading: leading her emotionally and leading her logistically. Both concepts require both levels (all being forms of generating desire or leading) and are equally important in every seduction. Ideally, both should be applied during real life encounters.

The concepts that I am about to share in this post have been covered in my detailed lay report from Bulgaria. If you have been looking for a real life example in which those concepts are applied, I really recommend you read that report. It also has a lot of other great material.

Anyway, enough chitchat, let us get right into it.