Yes: Like Other Animals, Human Females Have Mating Seasons Too
Jan 6, 2025
Humans have mating seasons – and if you catch a woman at the right (or wrong) time, it dramatically influences your romantic outcomes with her.
Jan 6, 2025
Humans have mating seasons – and if you catch a woman at the right (or wrong) time, it dramatically influences your romantic outcomes with her.
Despite the pop culture memes, women don’t actually know you definitely want sex… unless you make it clear to them.
If she likes you, but opts not to hook up with you, what does it mean? Why, it means you’ve failed her Chad test – and now she’ll make you wait.
What women say they want and what they actually choose often doesn’t line up. Why is so much of what women really want unconscious?
Guys often want a woman who will nurture them. How does a man come to desire this – and is it really the healthiest relationship setup?
All women have a wild side. But they won’t show it except to certain types of men. The pleasure-loving man knows how to bring this side out.
Some guys will tell you to get a beautiful girl, treat her the same as any girl. Good advice, but it’s worth keeping in mind: she isn’t, actually, the same as any girl.
Must you be an expert on women to excel with them? Of course not… yet there are different kinds of expertise, and they have different effects on your odds with women.
Dumb guys didn’t spend their youth reading books or winning debates. Instead, they occupied themselves with reading people and winning babes.
Girls seem to go for dumb guys a lot more than they do smart, intelligent guys. Why don’t girls want to date intelligent guys, though?
If she has sex with you fast, does that mean she’s easy? Well… it might. Yet you need a bigger sample size than one (i.e., just you and her) to really know.
Women have a lot of very high standards. They just don’t always stick to those standards. In fact, a lot of them usually get abandoned.
As a woman ages, her tastes in men change. What does an under-21 girl prefer that women 32+ do not? Read on and find out.
A woman can be fickle and changeable. But why is this so? Science shows us this fickleness is an inherent aspect of female decision making.