It’s frustrating as all get-out when things are going swell with a gal, only for her to suddenly pull out a trick you haven’t seen before and BLAM! You’re blindsided, floundering, and she’s lost interest.
These are commonly referred to as ‘tests’, but, as mentioned in my latest newsletter (which you’ve either received already, or will soon, if you’re signed up for the Girls Chase newsletter), all tests really are is a woman inviting you to flirt.
Flirt well, and her comfort with you goes up. She relaxes... “Ah, okay. This guy really is as cute as I hoped he was.”
The ability to flirt successfully is THE most important part of attraction and seduction... men who can do it succeed regularly with women well above their looks, smarts, and income brackets. Men who can’t struggle to get women with a fraction of their paper credentials.
One component of flirting is the knowledge of how to respond to various themes and patterns you see again and again with girls. That largely comes from experience – you meet enough girls, flirt with enough of them, and you start to see and hear the same objections again and again, and gradually begin to build up a repertoire of responses you’ve cooked up to dismantle these objections.
Before we dive into this one, I recommend reading or rereading these articles, because the base understanding of what is going on is more important for your progress than a handful of memorized responses:
- When Women Test Men
- Secrets
to Getting Girls: Addressing Women’s Objections
- Why Do Women Test? To Find Dominant Males
- 15 Signs a Girl
Will Waste Your Time
Also, these four, crucial for being able to respond to ‘tests’ in attractive ways:
- How to Flirt with a Girl
- Teasing a Girl the Right Way
- Tactics Tuesdays: Mastering Playful Banter with Women
- How to Be Playful: 4
Tips You’ll NEED
That done, let’s arm you with some go-to responses for some of the most frequent objections you’re likely to encounter.
IMPORTANT NOTE: when we look
at responses below, keep in mind that the type of response depends upon how
the objection is delivered. The same words can be used in wholly
different ways. For instance, if a woman tells you, “I will never sleep with you,” and she says
it in a sexy voice while leaning in and grinning at you, that’s a
categorically different kind of objection than if she leans back with a
look of disgust on her face, crosses her arms, looks off into the
distance, and then says, “I will never
sleep with you.”