guys that eventually start to “get” women all have one thing in
common: they ALL realize that being
consistent with women is just not
as simple as they thought it was going to be... and they step up
to the
In this article, I’m going to tell you why the white knight attitude has to go, and I’m going to give you some clues as to what you should do instead.
First off, what is a white knight and why does it have anything to do with not stepping up to the challenge with women?
A white knight is the name given to a certain type of blind optimism, and it is a mindset that is very common amongst guys who are yet to take the demands of being good with women seriously.
White knight behaviours include things like:
Putting women on pedestals
Making the girl your only focus
Speaking overly intelligently (faking)
Taking everything at face value
Rushing to judgement in order to peripherally impress women or “hold your ground”
Pretending you are asexual (no sexual motives)
Posturing, or running an “impress the damsel” routine
Putting up strong barriers in an attempt to appear like you have good traits like honesty, faithfulness, infatuation, cleanliness, agreeableness, etc.
Roping girls into romantic relationships because they gave you some signals
Have you ever congratulated yourself for something you thought you did really well, only to later discover you actually overlooked huge details and what you were doing wasn’t even half as good as you imagined it was?
White knighting is a result of the same phenomenon. We think we are clever, until the penny drops later that we are actually messing up very important details that are crucial to long-term viability of our behaviour.