Before having sex, a woman needs to feel she’s not putting her ego at risk. Here’s what you need to know to manage her self-esteem before and after the act.
Welcome back to the female self-esteem series! I hope these articles have shown you how important it is to keep women’s self-esteem high, as well as your own.
1. Girls Are Fickle About Their Self-Esteem
4. How to Recover From Self-Esteem Drops
Nobody wants to screw or be involved with someone with low self-esteem; except for some abusive relationships which can be addictive in their own right. Most women want to be with men who make them feel good about themselves, and all women want to feel sexually validated and have more ravishing sex than all their friends.
In Part 1, we shared stories about how two different girls auto-rejected during the escalation process because they felt low self-esteem.
In Part 2, I shared how self-esteem matters when you’re on a date with a girl, and described ways to amp up her self-esteem to close the deal.
In Part 3, we covered self-esteem issues in the bedroom and how they affect women’s feelings for you.
Now, in the final installment, let’s talk about calibrating self-esteem to keep it high, and what to do if you mess up and lower her self-esteem.