Beginner seducers often focus a lot on rules. Yet master seducers may break rules. The reason? Rules are only good so long as they help the VIBE.
A long time ago, there was a monthly subscription course called Master the Vibe (MTV) put out by a couple of guys I really respected. Some of my early newsletters went out to the MTV email list, back before I'd founded Girls Chase.
The Master the Vibe product was simple: one of the coaches would go out, record himself picking up a girl, mostly during the daytime, then they'd break down the pickup from first approach to the close of the seduction (typically with the girl back at his place or in bed). It was a wonderful product.
At the time, I thought the name Master the Vibe was curious. Just sort of a neat-sounding name, that referred to vibing, because being able to vibe is good, and having a good vibe is good.
Yet as I moved beyond intermediate with girls, and as I began to hang out with more and more highly skilled naturals, I realized vibe isn't just a thing that helps you do better with women (and people in general).
Vibe is actually kind of the point.