Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Skinny Dipping with Dates

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

skinny dipping with datesIt’s easier to escalate to intimacy when you’re both already nude. Skinny dipping: great for breaking patterns, upping the novelty, and greasing the slide to getting together.

Want a fun little way to spice up the endgame of your dates and pickups?

Go skinny dipping...

It might sound silly, but skinny dipping (or 'nude swimming') gets you naked with a girl in a seduction location and allows you to skip a whole lot of normal steps in the end stage of a seduction.

It's also exciting for women, and breaks them out of the normal, regular, boring seduction pattern most guys take them through of kiss --> fondle --> undress --> repeat.

Where practical, it can make seductions smoother, for a variety of important (and pleasurable -- for you and her) reasons.

On Unilateral Responses to Unilateral Actions

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

unilateral responsesWhen people make unilateral actions against you, you must respond unilaterally in turn. Yet there’s a big difference between desperate unilateral responses and strategic ones.

I saw an article a month back about a father-of-three who set his wife on fire, killing her. It was, obviously, horrible. He did it right in front of their kids, too.

You look through the article and there are a bunch of pictures of the husband and wife, looking like two totally normal people, perfectly happy together. The husband looks like a bit of a nice guy, and the wife is always doing this weird shrug with her shoulders and kind of leaning away from the guy, but she's smiling, and it's a genuine smile. They look like a very typical, average, regular couple.

Then you read about the chain of events that led up to this guy going psycho on the wife.

His Australian wife kicked him out, presumably after they'd had a ton of fights. She then filed a restraining order against him, and started the divorce process. He, as an American citizen, believed he'd get deported from Australia, and presumably be cut out of his children's lives. His business was in Australia too (I don't know why he couldn't just get a business visa, but maybe he couldn't, or he was too upset to think of that).

The neighbors said they never heard the couple fighting, and the guy was always friendly, loved to talk, but was also "obviously distressed" when he was in the process of being kicked out.

If you read the article about this, it's clear the guy just went deeper and deeper into a depression spiral after his wife kicked him out. She began making accusations against him, too. Finally he snapped and went back and set her alight.

This article will be about a very important topic: that when people take unilateral action against you, as the wife was against the husband here, you also must respond in turn with unilateral action of your own.

However, you need to understand this, and approach it strategically, with appropriate moves and strategic timing -- well in advance of the point where you snap, and resort to desperate, destructive/self-destructive unilateral action, of the sort people turn to when they feel they have no way out.

Other Men Are (Largely) Irrelevant for Skilled Daters

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

other menMen who are not super experienced with women tend to focus a lot on other men. Yet the romantically experienced man, in contrast, focuses on women, with little time for other men.

Recently I was observing myself, as I like to do, and noting my own behavior.

I was watching a particularly beautiful woman in a conversation with a man. The two were flirting and the woman was alternating between showing interest in him and playfully rolling her eyes at him.

I could tell you exactly what the woman looked like, what hairstyle she had, what color clothes she had on and what type, her facial features, facial expressions, and so on.

I have only the faintest idea what the man looked like. I didn't bother to note whether he was short or tall, muscular or skinny or fat, or had any facial hair. I did notice he had short hair spiked in the front (possibly with gel). I have no idea if he was good-looking or not, but I'm not really able to tell that with men generally. I don't know what he was wearing.

I realized this after I glimpsed briefly at the man, but returned to focusing squarely on the woman. As I observed myself, I noted this difference, and asked myself what I was looking for in the woman. I realized I was looking to see if she made signals in my direction, or indicated in any way that she wanted me, or any other man than the one she was with in general, to enter the conversation and whisk her away.

While I was observing her, I thought about how when people watch sex videos, both men and women focus on the woman: her facial expressions, reactions, etc.

And I thought, "There's an analogue here, perhaps."

But then I thought of how many novice seducers are constantly talking to me about men here on Girls Chase. They compare themselves to other men ("I'm not that tall", "I'm not good-looking", "I can't build muscle", etc.). They talk about what kinds of men women go for. They talk about being intimidated by other men.

And I realized I don't think any experienced guy I know thinks about other men the way seduction rookies do.

The only people overly worried about male competitors is men who aren't very good at competing for women.

Tactics Tuesdays: Boyfriend Destroyers

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

boyfriend destroyersYou meet a girl… but she mentions having a boyfriend. How do you sidestep her boyfriend mention and keep yourself seeming an eligible option for her too?

Sometimes you'll approach a girl, hit it off, things go great, and then she brings up her boyfriend.

Now, if you don't like dealing at all with attached women, you can just hit the exit at that point. If you're more of the "it doesn't really matter to me if she says she has a boyfriend" camp, however, you're going to need a response.

79% of unmarried women are in relationships at any given time. Therefore, unless you're meeting women in venues that select for unattached women (nightlife, dating apps, etc.), you're fairly likely to run into lots of these girls who are already attached.

Assuming you run any day game, transit game, or another style of approaching where you're bound to run into boyfriend-mentions, if you want to seduce these girls, you'll have to address their boyfriends.

Game Is in Your DNA (But It Might Be Suppressed)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

game is with usThe ability to meet, flirt, and seduce (i.e., ‘game’) is embedded in the genes of every man. Unlocking that ability, then honing it with practice, rigor, and skill, is another thing…

In a comment on another article of mine, reader Ciro says

Historically speaking game as you call it, was never a factor in the past for getting women. Women needed men to provide for them, that's why game was never something you had to learn. Your grandfather and my grandfather didn't game women because a) they didn't have to and b) they wouldn't even know how to. Who would have taught them? Only recently women have become indipendent financially, now they can choose their men. They don't have to settle for the unattractive guy with a good job anymore when they are 21 only (yet some still do at a certain age). If game was a natural thing then why do most men have no game whatsoever? Why isn't game imprinited in our DNA if that is how you attract women? It should be natural.

This is a position I've seen around the Internet, on men's sites, and all over the place, really.

At first blush, it might seem to feel correct. There was no Girls Chase in 1960, after all! Nobody needed to read How to Make Girls Chase before the Summer of Love! They just went and hooked up!

However, it relies on some fundamental misunderstandings of why seduction became so prominent in the 2000s and 2010s (before sliding back into obscurity again in the 2020s).

The fact is, game has always been with us -- and it is, indeed, embedded within our DNA.

Why Experienced Women Reject Slower Moving, Less Calibrated Men

Chase Amante's picture
experienced women rejectDoes it seem like sexually experienced women are more likely to reject you if you’re less aggressive or don’t go for things right now? Expectations + experience are the reasons why.

We're going to talk about some fairly advanced attraction psychology in this article. However, if you stick with it, the responses you see from different types of women will start to make a lot more sense. It will also make even clearer to you the importance of moving faster and refining your calibration with women.

Commenting on my article about myths about women novice seducers often believe, a reader named Marco asked the following:

But in your experience so far, have you ever came across a girls ( "sluts") who will perceive you as too "soft" and sexually inexperienced if you asked them out on a date? Maybe its all in my head but i think there are some type of girls who reacts much better to sexually aggressive guys, might even say uncalibrated guys, who immediately suggest casual hook ups oppose to guys who want to take them out for a drinks?

Well, for one, I have, but, for two, it's not quite so black-and-white as one might think.

This article is going to be something of an unofficial companion to Alek's piece on the easiness or not of sexually liberated vs. sexually reserved women yesterday (haven't run it by him so I don't want to call it 'official'... but it's right up that piece's alley).

You can absolutely take sexually open women out on dates while still maintaining the sexually aggressive playboy frame. Likewise, it is possible to have sexually reserved women so amped up hoping you'll make something happen with them now that they become disappointed when you do not.

So, while sometimes open or slutty girls will look down on you if you try to date them rather than pull them, they may not. And while many times reserved girls will be perfectly fine with dates, from time to time they won't be.

What determines whether a girl likes or dislikes your attempts to pull her or date her?

A big part of it is the interplay between you, and your response to her signals.

Are Open-Minded Women Different Than Reserved Women?

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

sexually liberated girls easierIn-your-face sexually promiscuous girls are not what they seem. Neither are "conservative" girls...

Hey, all! Today we will debunk one of the biggest biases in the seduction community. Even as a skilled seducer, I’ve fallen for this in the past, and I still do it on bad days.

This post is to educate you and help me become more conscious of a bias I experience. Debunking this bias will give you success with women and hopefully make things seem less scary. There is light at the end of the tunnel!

What I’m about to discuss is something only skilled seducers seem to be aware of. Ironically, we haven’t discussed it here before.

Girls who seem less sexually liberated or “upfront” are not necessarily harder to lay than so-called “sluts” (I don’t like this word) or “easy” girls, who tend to be more sexually expressive and open.

It follows that these girls may be easier to smash (and easier to deal with in a relationship) than more “sexually liberated” or “expressive” chicks.

This doesn’t mean sexually liberated and expressive women are always harder to bed than more “stuck-up” girls. Nor does it mean “stuck-up” women are necessarily easy to get. The point is: assessing how easy a girl is to roll in the hay with based on how much she expresses sexual intent or how liberal her attitudes are can be a mistake.

We’ll start by looking at WHY sexually liberated girls may not be as “easy” as they seem before making the case for more sexually “restricted” girls.

Ghosting, Part 3: How to Raise the Dead

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

ghostingCan you turn around a ghost, and get dates or a relationship from your ghost? Oftentimes, yes, you can. How? With these five (5) “ghosting turnaround” strategies.

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at some interesting statistics on ghosting that came courtesy a survey we ran on American men and women.

In Part 2 of the series, we looked at the reasons why people ghost on people, and what you can do to avoid getting ghosted on.

In our third and final installment, I'm going to cover your options to resurrect a ghost... and 'raise from the dead', so to speak, those contacts lying cold as clay in your phone.

This will include five (5) distinct ghost-busting strategies:

  1. Fun, High Value Invites
  2. Resurrection Texts
  3. Audio/Video Messages
  4. Passing Hints Along
  5. Running Into Your Ghost

Let's begin.

Ghosting, Part 2: Why People Ghost... and How Not To Get Ghosted On

Chase Amante's picture
ghosting reasonsWhy do people ghost? Sometimes it’s because of them… but sometimes it’s because of you. We look at the whys, plus what you can do to avoid getting ghosted.

Last time, we looked at the statistics of who ghosts on whom.