There's Not Much Competition to Date the Best, Most Beautiful Girls

“Women have impossible standards,” the conventional wisdom goes.
“The prettier she is, the pickier she’ll be.”
“The hottest girls are drowning in suitors and simps.”
This all seems to make sense when we think about it. Men want the best girls. The best girls should have lots of choice with men. In fact, they should be slammed with offers from the highest value men, making it such that ordinary men shouldn’t even be able to compete.
Yet every day, you can find beautiful, sweet girls paired up with totally average men. Men who are unexceptional in their looks, intellects, wits, charm, physiques, and bank accounts. Most of the time these men don’t even have ‘game’, the stuff we teach on this website. If you ask them how to get girls like this, they’ll offer you vapid platitudes like “just be yourself” and “sooner or later the right girl comes along.”
These pairings have befuddled hopeful daters since men started dishing on dating on the web. How do these ordinary guys meet these girls? How do they keep them? Why do these girls choose THEM?
The raw – and at first counterintuitive – reality is simply this: there’s just not a whole lot of competition to date the most beautiful, most amazing girls.