Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Isolate a Girl in a Seduction, Pt. 2: Social Dynamics

Alek Rolstad's picture
isolate a girl with social dynamicsWhen you want to get a girl alone with you but she’s with friends, use it to your advantage. With her friend’s approval, isolating a girl gets even easier…

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Last time we discussed isolation basics: the art of getting her alone with you and away from her group of friends.

We covered why isolation is essential and went over basic techniques.

So why is it essential?

  • You create more intimacy; it’s only you and her. You have a more connecting vibe.

  • Fewer distractions as it is all about you and her. You can focus on her alone.

  • You have less resistance when escalating with fewer people to see and judge her, helping her feel more at ease about letting go and escalating the vibe with you.

  • Usually, you both move to a quieter area, facilitating verbal communication.

  • Moving her around grants you bonus rapport points, as experiencing different spaces with someone makes them feel like they know you.

We discussed different settings where isolation occurs, ranging from natural isolation (when it happens accidentally) to actively isolating your girl with isolation requests (asking her to go somewhere with you). The ley for successfully isolating is how your girl feels about you (unless it is an accidental isolation).

Consider these factors before trying to isolate:

  • How compliant she is toward you. (How attracted is she?)

  • How comfortable she is around you.

  • How much her friends like you, and how secure they are in letting you be around her.

We also covered techniques to increase your odds of successfully isolating, such as seeding, thread slicing, open loops, and plausible deniability.

Today we will dive deeper into actively isolating her with requests. We will focus on group dynamics and how that plays into isolation by making or breaking your isolation attempt. You will learn how to use social dynamics to increase your chances of successfully isolating even more.

The main goal is to understand how social dynamics affect isolation requests and how playing the social dynamics correctly will up your success rate.

And as you will see, it plays a huge role.

[WATCH] Lost Fantastic Fundamentals Episode + Hector Rejoins GC.TV!

Chase Amante's picture

If you’ve been following along at GirlsChase.TV, you might recall we skipped Episode 17 of my Fantastic Fundamentals series, on attractive vocal intonation. The episode was completed, but for whatever reason (new website woes) would not upload. So we moved on, went ahead to Episode 18 on vocal distinctiveness, and made our way into the mid-twenties.

But now, Episode 17 is up (and it’s not a Premium video; it is FREE to view for all visitors).

Alongside Episode 17, we also have two (2) new Hector Castillo GirlsChase.TV exclusives – with a promise of more to come.

Go with a Girl and Her Friends or Not (When She Invites You To)?

Chase Amante's picture
go with a girl and her friendsYou’ve met a girl, chatted her up, but now she and her friends want to head somewhere else. Should you go with her, or stay where you are?

Sometimes you will be out meeting girls, and a girl declares she’s leaving with her friends, but invites you to come along. Should you go with her?

I’ve taken girls up on these offers plenty of times. I’ve declined these offers from girls plenty more times. And the simplest answer to this question is, “It depends.”

What it depends on, and whether to go with her and those friends of hers or to decline, is the subject of today’s post.

How to Isolate a Girl in a Seduction, Pt. 1: Basics

Alek Rolstad's picture
how to isolate a girlIsolating a girl is critical to moving your seductions forward. Use these simple steps to isolate girls and get them alone with you, away from other people.

Hey there. Welcome back.

After scrolling through the site, I realized we have nearly everything covered: every interaction phase of courtship, almost every imaginable situation. And we have many posts covering subjects from different perspectives with varied solutions. That’s awesome!

But I see very few posts on how to isolate a girl — that is, how to get your girl alone and away from her group of friends. There are plenty of posts that mention it and discuss its importance. But few talk about how to get her alone.

You’ll find one good post on the subject that covers the basics: Tactics Tuesdays: How to Isolate a Girl Away from Her Friends. Considering it is a crucial topic essential to successful seduction, it baffles me that we have not written more about it.

It’s not just a phenomenon seen here. It is rarely discussed in general in the community—whether on forums, in YouTube videos, on other sites, or in products. And it is odd!

Seduction almost always requires that you get her alone at some point. Yes, there are odd exceptions, but don’t rely on them just as you should not rely on group sex and orgies. Not all seduction requires isolation, though. If you meet a girl online or through an app, they will be alone with you. If you go for a lone wolf, common in daygame, you will be alone with her from the start.

But going for girls in groups, commonly done in night game, will require you to isolate her. If you meet girls in clubs, you must learn how to isolate a girl. You will need to know isolation basics if you meet a girl in bars, lounges, or social events.

So today, I intend to cover this subject in-depth with a three-post series. This post will be like Chase’s post as I will provide my take on isolation. My next two posts will cover deadly efficient advanced techniques that my students and I use successfully. They have a higher success rate than the basic strategies. However, the basic strategies have their place, and the more advanced tech builds upon them.

Let’s begin.

Why (Most) Men Who Struggle with Girls Do

Chase Amante's picture
why men struggle with girlsVictim mentality will paralyze a man with women. But why do men end up in it at all? What is the force that stops a man from going out to get what he wants?

For a long time, I’ve sought to understand the reason why so many men find themselves trapped in victim mentality, helpless to bring the things they want into their lives. If you could just find a way to reach such men you could enable them to attain results that will always remain out-of-reach for them so long as they remain apathetic. But often, you never can.

Even though I spent many years this way myself, I’ve never completely understood the cause. I had a safe, loving upbringing… I was never bullied that badly… I even had quite a few opportunities to hang with the cool guys or date the pretty, popular girls in junior high and high school… but I still ended up withdrawn, despairing, and hopeless. Why?

I’ve talked on Girls Chase before about the need for men to unplug from screens that inculcate them with these behaviors that train up helplessness. I’ve talked about media mind control and becoming an independent thinker. Yet I’ve heard from some men that even after they did these things, and totally unplugged, while it helped them improve somewhat, they still dealt with problems of apathy and inaction.

There must be something else that is causing so many modern men to struggle so mightily with women.

I’ve discovered what looks like it’s the missing piece of the puzzle – and believe it or not, it’s not anything men have done wrong themselves, or that women have done to them, or even that The System has consciously done… rather, it is a part of the civilization lifecycle, and it is very hard to resist.

Why Cold Approach Isn't for Social Beginners

Chase Amante's picture
cold approach beginnersCold approaching women you don’t know is hard. If you lack the required social skills and mentality to make it work, you’ll burn out of it quick.

On the forum, we have a thread where a member posted to ask “what happens to guys who just don’t get results with women?

At first I thought he was one of those guys with thousands of approaches under his belt who was struggling to even get dates or lovers at all. We see guys like that sometimes. Usually they have some kind of social handicap, such as being somewhere on the autism spectrum.

But it turned out this member had a different problem: he’d made very, very few approaches to women. He said he’d only chatted up somewhere between “20-30 lifetime approaches”, and that after “getting blown out all day” he ended up “coming home in tears.” He hasn’t made a cold approach in three years.

If you’re new to cold approach world, 20-30 approaches is nothing. Every major contributor to Girls Chase has thousands of approaches under his belt… many of us have somewhere between 5,000 to 15,000 approaches. Alek Rolstad is famous for a 5-to-1 meet-to-lay ratio (i.e., sleeping with 1 out of every 5 girls you approach) under certain conditions. But that is only once you’re advanced, and only under proper conditions (i.e., high momentum).

Every guy goes through much worse ratios than that when starting out: 30-to-1, 50-to-1, 100-to-1, 200-to-1 or even worse… it depends where you’re starting out at and what’s already good vs. what needs patching up.

This forum member’s experiences took me back to my start in cold approach… one in many ways similar to his. And I think it’s worth making the point that if you’re a pure social beginner, cold approach is probably not where you should be starting out.

Spotting the Alpha Girl in a Group (& Winning Her Over)

Alek Rolstad's picture
alpha girlThe alpha girl (or alpha female) of a group of girls can help you – or hinder you. You must know who she is & how to approach her to succeed with her group.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today I want to discuss a subject we haven’t talked about: social dynamics and group theory. This post will be handy for those who meet girls in bars, clubs, and social events, as these places have groups. The day game meta is about going for lone wolves. But day gamers sometimes go for groups, so this post may apply to them.

I will discuss dynamic group theory as it applies to alpha girl theory, specifically who leads the group and who are the followers. As you can imagine, this plays a crucial role in defining how the interaction goes and affects your game plan.

First, I want to credit my friend and wingman (the best wingman) Pablo Garcia, aka Pelusita, for introducing this theory to me. Back in the day, he wanted to write a post like this.

This post is an extension to my past group theory posts: A New Take on Mystery’s Group Theory for Meeting Girls in Groups.

Tactics Tuesdays: Don't Be Pushy with Girls

Chase Amante's picture
don't be pushy with girlsIt’s good to want to move things forward with girls. But if the way you do it is pushy, you will scare girls off. Here’s how to move ahead sans pushiness.

A while ago I saw a thread on Reddit and saved it for a future tactics article.

In it, a guy talks about having 50-100 women he’s met and tried to text out onto dates, but failed, saying girls ghost him every single time. He says it’s always the same scenario… he tries not to be pushy, saying this:

I really tried not to be pushy/move too quickly, but usually, in my experience, it is best to follow up quickly and set up a get-together quickly rather than waiting a week and being completely forgotten.

When someone says, “I really try not to X, BUT,” 99.9991896% of the time the problem he is having is X (whatever X may be).

When I opened this guy’s example text conversation up – yep, the problem is just as suspected; he is being pushy with girls.

Today’s article will be about how to not be that, so you can recognize if you are, and knock off doing it (so you quit scaring women away with pushiness).

Why Does Stuff Work on Girls that Girls Swear Wouldn't?

Chase Amante's picture
girls say wouldn't workGirls’ll tell you things “don’t work” on them… that actually work all the time! Why though? Because of the clash between their ‘real self’ and ‘ideal self’.

We’re hiring for a female spokeswoman for some online ads we want to run.

Turns out it’s way harder than picking up girls! I’ve talked to probably 100 women off of modeling sites, freelancing sites, and even adult jobs hiring sites. They either aren’t interested at all (including women who claim to be desperate for money in their profiles; even including women who are happy to do hardcore pornography, but don’t want to be in a dating advice commercial!), or they say they are but flake off after a message or two.

It's not like we aren’t offering enough, either; the girls who reply are pretty excited about the pay, and it’s higher than what those who are public about it are getting for the other work they do. I have even told them, “Hey, if it’s not high enough, let me know what would do it for you and I’ll let you know if it’s doable for us.” Still nothing; they still all flake or ghost regardless.

It's so hard it’s to the point now where I’ve decided that rather than treat it like a regular hiring process (and I have personally hired over 250 people, men and women, not to mention interviewed several thousand, over the course of the last 15 years; I’m a pretty seasoned recruiter AND hiring manager at this point!), instead I need to treat it more like a seduction, just to see if by changing tactics we can finally get somewhere with it. I’ve switched to offering to pay for screen tests or conduct video interviews with them now just to get some movement in this, since asking for reels or unpaid screen tests leads to flaking/ghosting/promises to send those shortly then nothing ever comes.

Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. Plenty of girls have at least started excited. Some have sent enthusiastic replies about how they really support what we’re doing and that men really need this.

However, last week I received a reply to one of my invitations from some chick that was an out-and-out screed. This stern lecture she sent me culminated by declaring the stuff we taught does not work at all on women, and that if I ever wanted to start teaching men to be respectful and considerate toward women, which is the stuff she proclaimed ACTUALLY worked, then I could get in touch with her at that point.

It's been a while since I’ve run into a full-on feminist tirade against us. We used to get a lot in the comments sections (many we moderated; but some we allowed) but it’s died down over the years. I guess we’re just not as controversial as some of the folks out there anymore.

Obviously, any guy who’s been a reader here for a while who tests out the material knows it works. Most women seem to know it works too, even if they’re divided about whether they like that or not (increasingly it actually seems like more and more women support us running a place like this – something I would not have predicted a decade ago. Guess there are too many inelegant men out there these days).

But it brought me back to a topic I added to the Girls Chase topics queue a few weeks back (I think inspired by a question a guy or two had asked me):

Why do things work with girls that girls will swear does not?

We're Rolling Out a Male OnlyFans

Chase Amante's picture
manly fansIntroducing ManlyFans, the male answer to OnlyFans. Get gaggles of girls to come to your online male strip show, and rake in those dollar bills.

One of the biggest digital phenomena of the past couple years has been OnlyFans.

OnlyFans exploded onto the scene, sucking in female creators, and drawing in legions of thirsty male fans. Users spent a total of $4.8 billion on the platform in 2021.

While there’s been plenty of debate back and forth about whether girls who present on OnlyFans are dateable – some guys saying a girl being on OnlyFans is an immediate disqualifier, while others say they love their OnlyFans girlfriends, as other guys slaver after a girl only they get to have – there’s one question I’ve heard from our readers for at least a year now:

Why isn’t there a site like this for men?

We all know women work a bit differently than men do. Yet, just the same, this site’s about getting girls to CHASE you, right?

So why not have those girls chase you to the point they’re paying you to take your clothes off?