Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: Who Should Use a BIHC Text?

Chase Amante's picture
bihc textThe ball-in-her-court text can be very effective at getting flaky girls onto dates. It’s also easy to misuse, however… and even sabotage your attractiveness with.

Recently on the forum we had a relatively new member claiming the ball-in-her-court text “doesn’t work” for him, and that women can “see through it” and it harms the man’s frame.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the ball-in-her-court text (which I’ll refer to as the BIHC text from here on out, to save me writing “ball-in-her-court text” fifty times), it’s this:

A text you send a woman after you have tried to get her out on dates repeatedly and repeatedly had her decline or flake on them. The text tells her (in an eloquent way) that you will chase her no more; it also says, however, that if she decides she’d like to get serious about going out sometime, to send you a message. After that, you simply forget all about her and do not contact her again ever unless/until you hear again from her.

As soon as I saw a guy saying women could “see through” the text I knew he must be using it wrong. There is no “seeing through it” to do (if used properly): you are explicitly telling a woman exactly what the situation is and exactly what to do!

It’s what makes the text so effective… in my experience it gets around a 50% text-back rate 2-8 weeks after you send it… I have heard from many of the other guys in our community who’ve used it their reply-back rate is similar.

Yet, newer guys often struggle with this message and, like that newer member on the forum, report that women simply vanish after they BIHC text them and do not return.

So let’s talk about the “who” and “when” of BIHC texting – because it’s clearly not for everyone, in every situation.

The 4 Reasons Girls Test Guys They Like

Alek Rolstad's picture
reasons girls test guysWhy do girls test guys? Tests can derail your courtship with a girl if you don’t respond well. Women test for 4 things; if you know what they are, you know how to pass.

Hi guys, and welcome back.

Today we will discuss handling tests. I won’t dive deep into the basics because we’ve covered that many times before.

Women will test you because they want to know if you are the real deal. It’s that simple.

If you want a refresher or more details, see:

When Women Test Men

Loving the Tests

Why Do Women Test? To Find Dominant Males

In this post, I’ll add more theoretical knowledge and provide a solid framework to help you understand tests. In upcoming posts, I’ll focus more on the practical details of handling tests.

Lovers vs. Providers: Differences When She's Fertile

Chase Amante's picture
lovers vs. providers in an LTRLovers have it better when it comes to getting together with them fast. But what about in long-term relationships? In fact, lovers have some major advantages here as well.

Let us continue our exploration of the lover’s advantages over the provider in the mating game.

We’ll switch our focus today… from yesterday’s focus on picking women up to today’s: maintaining healthy long-term relationships with them.

I had a conversation the other day with a friend.

We talked about how he believed things had changed with women over the past 10 years. He believed women had become so overstimulated as to make long-term relationships unviable.

I said that wasn’t what I’d seen at all. If anything, women are having less sex now, with fewer partners… and men in general have degraded in their social skills and romantic prowess.

It was a bigger challenge trying to hold onto a woman 10 years ago than it is today.

My friend rose the point of, “What about when she’s fertile?”

There is, after all, well known research showing that fertile women seek out men other than those they’re mated to to mate with. That still is a risk… right?

But in fact, this is a major lovers vs. providers difference… and it’s one that might be surprising to any guy who hasn’t had long-term relationships as “the lover.”

Does the Lover Always Win the Game of Love?

Chase Amante's picture
lover in the game of loveLovers are skilled in the game of love. But do they ALWAYS win? If not… then is being the lover still really the best path to succeeding with girls?

In a recent article of mine, I mentioned scenarios where the lover may not get the girl.

Instead, she might spurn the lover, finding him unattainable despite whatever attractive qualities he may have, and instead pair up with a much safer man, better known to her and better trusted, albeit less exciting.

This triggered some confusion in a reader, who asked whether the lover didn’t always get the girl, and whether it was actually better to be the lover.

In case you’re new, a few quick definitions are in order:

  • ‘Lover’, in our parlance, refers to the sexually desirable mate choice with uncertain future prospects. The sexy, flirtatious bad boy who seems quite attractive but also seems like he’s not exactly boyfriend material being a prime example of such a man. When she’s not interested in such men, a woman won’t usually try to friend zone them (since she won’t be able to); instead, she’ll just reject them

  • ‘Provider’, in our parlance, is a man who courts her by going the ‘safe route’: he advertises his dependability, reliability, and consistency; his motto might well be “You can count on me.” He isn’t sexy, the way the dangerous, inconstant bad boy is… but for a girl in need of a safe, stable place to take shelter, he may be just the refuge she seeks. The rest of the time, however, the friend zone will tend to be his home

Anyway, the short answer to our commenter is that no, the lover does not always win the game of love. Sometimes the nice guy provider who’s hung so reliably by her side, and courted her with such ongoing dedication, finally does get the girl… leaving any lovers who may have pursued her out in the cold.

Yet, the lover angle is still the savvier angle to pursue for any man who possesses the energy to pursue it, for numerous key reasons – reasons any man who’s serious about romantic success does well to understand.

PDA Pre-Relationship vs. Post-Consummation

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTPDA can be lots of fun in relationships. When you use it with girls you haven’t bedded yet, though, it backfires. Why’s it so different pre- vs. post-sex?

Most folks have some kind of opinion on public displays of affection (PDA).

Some like indulging in them, some don’t. Although some can go either way.

If you’re inexperienced at picking up women, but you’ve had prior relationships with PDA, you may associate such displays with “doing really well with a girl.” You’ll be out somewhere with your girlfriend, start feeling each other all up, tonguing each other down heavily, and by the time you finally get each other alone somewhere the clothes just come flying off and the passion and intensity of the sex is phenomenal.

However, when you start cold approaching, or meeting women at parties, or anywhere else you encounter strange women, and you begin using PDA on them, you start running into a different phenomenon:

The passion explodes… a girl seems really, really into you… everything is unfolding exactly how it has with prior girlfriends of yours you’ve done PDA with… yet just as you’re assuming it’s a shoe-in, this girl’s about to be yours, she ups and leaves and you don’t get the girl.

What happened? How on Earth did you lose her?

She was so into it… why would she leave?

The answer is female state control – and it’s a phenomenon you won’t (usually) see in women you’ve already consummated a sexual relationship with… but absolutely will with girls prior to consummation.

Night Game and Sleep

Alek Rolstad's picture
night game and sleepWhen you’re out late at night, it’s bound to effect your sleep. A veteran night gamer shares tips on staying out late regularly without ruining your daylight hours.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today I want to discuss lifestyle choices.

Many guys want to try night game. But the usual concern I hear is that they have standard 9–5 jobs, and it’s hard to go out.

I must start by saying that this excuse is invalid. If people have daytime jobs, which they do, and if that’s why they can’t go out, then how come the nightlife is not dead?

Considering that most people have these jobs, and many go out at night (especially girls), why can’t you?

Most people go out at night, especially those higher in the social echelon, like higher-value guys and hot girls. They have more fun in clubs than lower echelon people, including weirdos and geeks. But few of them go out twice a week EVERY weekend.

Yet this is what full-time night gamers do.

I understand that this is perhaps not “9-5 job friendly.” Unless you apply certain measures, it can ruin your sleep and health in the long run. This post is for anyone who wants to become a full-time night gamer. I’ll discuss how to do it while still preserving your health. Even if you don’t have a job that allows you to sleep during the day, this post is still for you.

You don’t need to become a full-time night gamer (going out twice or three times a week). You can go out once a week or once every two weeks—neither option clashes with the standard professional lifestyle. Nevertheless, if this is you, this post is for you.

If you do not occasionally go out at night, you are not taking pickup and seduction seriously and likely will not become a high-level seducer. Night game is amazing because it allows you to get lots of field experience quickly. You’ll find plenty of targets packed in one place. It’s a form of game that forces you to think and act quickly and apply the most techniques. It is pickup on steroids. There are no good seducers who do not do night game occasionally or haven’t done it before. This goes for day gamers too. After all, you don’t want to miss out on the hottest girls!

Let’s talk about going out at night while still maintaining your health. It all starts with developing healthy lifestyle choices.

Tactics Tuesdays: Friendship Strengtheners

Chase Amante's picture
friendship strengthenersEven if making friends is easy, getting close to them is not. How do you build deep, lasting friendships? The secret is trust… which takes time; and also technique.

Men who end up reading Girls Chase often seek improvement socially beyond just dating. They also want better and stronger friendships, broader social circles, and superior social skills across the board.

I’ve fielded a lot of questions over the years about how to deepen friendships. Often guys may make new friends, but observe that their new friends have deeper friendships with others than they do with them.

Part of the answer to this is “time” – spending enough time around and interacting with someone is a necessary step to building a  lasting and deep relationship.

Another part of the answer though is “quality experiences” – i.e., not just hanging around eating Cheetos together watching the football game, but actually doing things or connecting over things that further the friendship bond.

Today I’m going to introduce you to several types of ‘friendship strengtheners’. Most of these will work to deepen your relationships with women as well. You won’t normally need them for a run-of-the-mill seduction… however, if you have a girl who’s a particularly tough case, or whom you’ve screwed up and need to recover with… or if you have a girl you’re already seeing, but you want a much stronger, deeper relationship with her… then these can work great.

We’ll start with activity-based friendship strengtheners, which are the more robust kind, but less convenient to use. Then we’ll talk about verbal friendship strengtheners, which are more flexible to use, but require the relationship already be at a certain point (which we’ll discuss, not to worry).

Nightlife Venues: Macro Calibration Guide

Alek Rolstad's picture
man examining three nightlife venue crowd typesGirls you meet in different kinds of nightlife venues have tastes. Some like this type of guy… or that type of approach. The secret? Macro calibration.

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Last week I covered how to calibrate to high-end venues. I presented different parameters or variables you can adjust that help calibrate to maximize your results in high-end venues.

That post looked at the most high-end venues—the top tier. Most cities (unless it’s New York City or London) won’t have super high-end places. You may find higher-end places, but not the top tier. That’s okay because you won’t have to consider every variable. It will be more relaxed.

There’s no true dichotomous and categorical distinction between high-end and non-high-end venues. High-end venues can fall all over a broad spectrum at different places. I reviewed some of the most selective venues when writing my last post because it forced me to provide examples of extreme cases, so I could elaborate on all variables that may require calibration. You may not have to assess every factor. Your focus will depend on the venue, and you have to go many times to experiment and see which variables give you positive results. I cannot break down every venue on earth, but hopefully, my guide will help you adjust to higher-end venues.

Today, I’ll discuss other venues that are not selective, or meet markets, but are usually considered niche venues. It’s a broad category, so anything goes.

First, let’s look at some general info about the “anything in-between” category before focusing on niche venues.

Female High Standards: Evolutionary Basis & Self-Advertisement

Chase Amante's picture
women's high standardsWomen often seem to have high standards for men. But why? Evolution suggests an answer: it benefits their DNA. Yet there’s more to it than just this…

Women’s too high standards have been a topic of discussion on this site many times over the years. We had the whole ongoing discussion about it last year, but we talked about it far before then too.

The position I have repeatedly many times is that women have high standards and have always had high standards. Arguing that ‘high female standards’ is some kind of new phenomenon is just more of the same historical ignorance you see with ‘any phenomenon X is a new phenomenon’. As King Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun.

Watch old movies or TV shows or read old books and be amazed at how high the professed standards of the women are. Women, in all times and all places, maintain standards higher than men’s.

Every woman wants the perfect man: good-looking, wealthy, popular, and skilled.

No matter if she herself is far from perfect.

Why is this, though? Shouldn’t women be more realistic?

The Slow-Build Kiss

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTWhen the situation isn’t perfect for a smooch, use the slow-build kiss. Seed the kiss, get her thinking about it, then –once you’ve prepared her for it – kiss her.

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation – whether in public or alone – where you know you should kiss a girl, but the setup just isn’t right. Even if you know how to kiss a girl you just can’t pull it off properly.

You might be physically far away from her, with no smooth way to bridge the distance.

She might be putting up walls, one of those “she wants it but she’s afraid of it”-type scenarios.

You might have created a moment, only for her to pull away or otherwise disrupt it.

If you go charging in like a bull and just go for it, well… it might work.

It might also lead to her recoiling, and now you’ve got a lot more work to do to smooth things out to build back up to a kiss again – when instead you could’ve done it right from the get-go.

The way you kiss a girl right in imperfect situations like this isn’t barreling in.

Instead, it is by using the slow-build kiss – a kiss that primes her for what’s coming, building anticipation for the kiss, before your lips ever touch hers.