Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

How to Pick Up Girls in High-End Venues

Alek Rolstad's picture
picking up girls in high-end venuesHigh-end venues can intimidate. Everyone’s dressed up, and girls don’t signal to approach. Yet, with game, these venues get easier to pick up girls in.

A few weeks ago, I shared a post about picking up girls in meet markets. Today, I’ll follow up by covering pick-up in higher-end venues. The more a place is a meet market, the more my previous advice applies. Similarly, the higher end the place is, the more today’s advice applies.

You’ll also find places somewhere in between both types, and elements of both may apply. I cannot write a post for every venue on earth, so you must rely on your gut feeling, observations, and trial and failure.

Like my initial post on meet markets, we will discuss the stereotype of real high-end venues.

I delayed writing this post because it was important to share two posts first:

  • Knowing how to get into higher-end venues. A big part of the “high-end venue game” is understanding how to get in. It’s easier said than done, so check out last week’s post if you haven’t already.

Remember that game is game at the end of the day, and we are talking about adjustments, not a full 180-degree switch. It is a matter of calibration. You do not need to relearn game from scratch just to go to the high-end venues.

It just requires a few outings, a few moments of reflection, preferably reading posts like these, then chatting with other co-seducers with experience with such venues to handle them without problems.

[VIDEOS] First Two Videos in “Fantastic Fundamentals”

Chase Amante's picture

For many years, guys have asked me to go a lot more in-depth into fundamentals.

They want more specifics on how to maximize their attractive characteristics… stuff like eye contact, posture, walk, movement, fashion, social power, voice.

Well, I’ve finally gotten around to putting something like that together: a COMPLETE fundamentals deep dive that’ll consist of 37 videos once they’re all on the site – some free, some premium – that go into intimate detail on becoming the most attractive man you can be.

Calisthenics: A First-Rate Alternative to Lifting Weights

Chase Amante's picture
man doing pull-upsMost guys who want to get fit today head to the gym. But what if you didn’t need the gym for it? What if you could get stronger, in a more balanced way, from anywhere? That’s calisthenics.

Do you use bodyweight exercises as a part of your exercise regimen?

You really should. They offer some wonderful benefits, such as:

  • Exercising the WHOLE body. Not just isolated muscles

  • Developing total body strength, rather than strong muscles and weak muscles

  • Allowing you to exercise from ANYWHERE, including hotel rooms & girls’ places

  • The ability to recover from joint and muscle injuries (such as those from lifting weights)

It took me years to come around to calisthenics. For the longest time I confused “cardio” with “calisthenics.” Even when I understood what calisthenics were I found them dull, slow, and underpowered.

Yet today I have a very different view on this type of exercise.

And because a fit body is an attractive fundamentals, and because a man needs the health and fitness to do what he wants to do in life (including approach girls), I figured I’d write an introduction to calisthenics here – for those readers who, like me, perhaps never really considered them as an alternative, as well as for those readers who’d like to exercise more but have a hard time getting to the gym.

First, because I think a lot of guys are probably in the place I was, where lifting weights seems a lot better than using bodyweight exercises, let me tell you the story of how I got into them.

Then we’ll talk a little bit more about how to do them.

Tactics Tuesdays: Tease Her About Wanting to Get Rid of Her

Chase Amante's picture
woman making shocked expressionIf you like to tease girls, you’ll like this one: teasing her by implying you want to get rid of her or get her away. Not only can this be a fun, playful tease – it is also a chase frame.

I was reminded to write a post on a favored form of teasing by a recent report on our forum.

In it, the thread starter (Fluxcapacitor) relentlessly teases the girl he ultimately beds by implying that either:

  1. He wants to get rid of her, or

  2. He thinks she is a pariah in general

For example:

Girl: (eagerly) I'm going to Pub X!

Flux: Oh cool, I know to avoid there then.


Girl: Oh well it sucks to be you! (playfully with a giggle)

Flux: It actually does! Then I come out here and bump into you! It just gets worse!

And another:

Girl: I know, I know. But this is where the cool people come.

Flux: I'm surprised they let you in (playful look)

Here's one more:

Girl: It sucks to be you.

Flux: It actually does, and now I've just spent all night with you, how bad is that?!

As a guy who enjoys giving girls a good ribbing, this kind of teasing is one I quite like too.

Today, we're going to take a quick look at how this "get rid of her" / "she's a pariah" teasing works.

How to Screen a Girl's Logistics

Chase Amante's picture
screen a woman's logisticsKnowing a woman’s logistics is important to not waste time. Not all women are logistically available. Logistical screens come in two flavors: visual and verbal.

One of the more important strategic abilities in seduction is that of logistics screening.

Your average guy has little ability to screen women for logistics. The result is that he wastes a lot of time talking to women who are logistically unavailable. Meanwhile, women who were far more logistically available slip away from him, unnoticed and unapproached.

A man who’s skilled at logistical screening, on the other hand, saves time, saves heartache, and enables himself to scoop up women with a consistency a more “logistically blind” man can only dream of.

How do you develop this ability to sniff out a woman’s logistics, and focus on the women who are more available (instead of the ones who aren’t)?

You learn the signs to look for – and the information to seek out.

Getting Into High-End Nightclubs

Alek Rolstad's picture
nightclub bouncer with hand up halting entryGetting into selective nightlife venues is no easy task. Yet if understand the social dynamics of door entry, and getting in becomes more assured.

Hey guys.

A few weeks ago, we discussed the differences between high-end venues and meat markets and followed up with a post on how to pick up women in meat markets.

I intend to write a post, or rather, a cheat sheet on how to pick up women in high-end venues; however, I realize that I should cover some topics first:

  • How to befriend the venue staff to gain benefits, access, and social value. This will be useful in meat markets but even more so in high-end venues where social status plays a prominent role.

  • How to get into high-end venues. What is the point of writing a post on how to run these venues if you cannot get in?

I’ll cover the latter topic below.

As you will see, last week’s post about how to befriend the staff to your advantage will come in handy here.

Today we will focus on interacting with the bouncers and pickers and how to behave in the venue line.

Note that in some venues, the bouncers also act as pickers.

Sexual Selection and the Power of Fitness Indicators

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTSurvival of the fittest only goes so far in explaining our adaptations. The rest comes down to sexual selection – and the fitness indicators we use to convey our qualities.

Pop quiz: what do these six men have in common?

  • A self-made multimillionaire
  • A bulked up bodybuilder
  • A renowned painter
  • A respected philosopher
  • A successful athlete
  • A talented pick up artist

The answer will surprise you!

Before we get to that, we need to talk about evolution… the fascinating subject of today’s post.

Along the way, we’re going to explore a lot about the way male and female animals – including humans – advertise their fitness to mates, and exactly how these ‘fitness indicators’ work.

LAST CALL: Final Chance to Get MGE + the Free DLCs

Chase Amante's picture
meet girls everywhere: final callAfter today, the free “Day Game Location” Guides will no longer come free with our incredible day game course “Meet Girls Everywhere.” So get them now!

It’s the last day.

After today, you’ll no longer be able to get the new “Meet Girls Everywhere” DLCs for free when you purchase “Meet Girls Everywhere.”

Instead, you will need to buy them separately for $97.

Chase's 14 Basic Approaching Rules for Pickup Newbies

Chase Amante's picture
man feeling anxious about approaching woman on the streetWhen you’re new to approaching women, it can be tough to know which girls to meet. Use these 14 basic approaching rules to know when to go in and what to do.

The other day I wrote an article with a few rules on how to start doing day game.

It was clear from the reactions that there are newer guys who struggle with some of the most basic rules around approaching. I haven’t really gone into a lot of these before because:

  • I just figured these rules out naturally as I approached and I find guys who are doing the fieldwork tend to figure them out naturally too, and

  • These rules can be bent or broken as you get more experienced, so why write a list of rules that are only worth sticking to for new guys? I don’t want to give guys more rules that become constraints later on

But it occurs to me now that guys who are pretty new maybe want some constraints to better focus their approaching to get more from it coming out of the gates.

In the past I’ve talked a fair bit about having an overall process for approaching, such as in my article on how to approach a girl… but I haven’t really talked about some of the most basic rules of beginner-level approach targeting.

So I’ve conjured up the most basic approaching rules I could… and I’ve assembled together a list of 14 basic approaching maxims I recommend pickup newbies to follow.

DOORS OPEN: Start Meeting Girls Via Day Game with MGE

Chase Amante's picture
meet girls everywhereReady to meet more great & hot girls than you can handle via DAY GAME? “Meet Girls Everywhere” is back again to transform the way you meet women.

All right fellas, the doors are open:

“Meet Girls Everywhere” has hit the shelves.