Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Who Is Really the Chaser in a Good Seduction?

Alek Rolstad's picture
the dating chase dynamicA good seduction consists of a man enticing a woman and creating desire inside her for him. But with him doing all this, is he the chaser — or is it her?

Hey guys and welcome back.

In the past few weeks, I have covered indirect game. This form of seduction is when one withholds interest in a girl until she warms up and shows interest (unless she is interested from the start). I discussed all dimensions of indirect game, including how one should display interest (yes, one still should show interest when running indirect game), how much disinterest to display, and how to do it. I also have many posts about calibration to assist with indirect game.

Today, I will discuss a commonly debated subject that many men ask themselves:

“If the goal is to make a woman chase, so I appear to be the prize, how does this make sense if I am the approacher and the one trying to get her to bed? Am I not, by default, the one chasing her?”

It’s a great question.

[X GIVEAWAY] Free Book: 9 Ways to Get the Upper Hand w/ Women

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upper hand bookChase Amante’s new mini ebook is available free on X – all it costs is a like, follow, and retweet.

Running another giveaway here to bolster our audience on X a little bit.

(by the way, if you aren’t following us on X, I’ve been posting a lot of great stuff. Probably half my recent output has been on X. You really ought to follow me there too)

How to Reach Absolute Abundance (to Easily Get & KEEP Girlfriend-Caliber Girls)

Chase Amante's picture
reaching absolute abundanceAbsolute abundance: where you know you can get another girlfriend-caliber girl in a matter of weeks. What’s it take to reach this level – how do you get here?

In a recent X post, I laid out the 9 levels of abundance, starting from level 0 (total scarcity) to level 8 (absolute abundance).

A reader named French Frame Apostle asked what it takes to hit absolute abundance with girls. I listed out the key facets to reaching this:

You’ve got the list there.

In today’s article, I want to go a little more in-depth into what you need to do to hit all these.

Tactics Tuesdays: Pushing Women's Requests & Tests Off Till 'Later'

Chase Amante's picture
telling girls laterWhat do you say when a girl tries to take you away, disrupt you at play, or frame herself as greater? The word of the day, that verbal sashay, the word that we all know as ‘LATER’!

This is a very simple little technique, with a surprising amount of uses, and a startling amount of power.

I learned it from a very beautiful, very charismatic, very sociable girlfriend of mine who tended to get crowds of people clustered around her pestering her with all kinds of questions or requests.

It revolves around a single, magical word:


Someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do?

“Maybe later!”

Someone asks you about something you don’t want to discuss?

“I’ll tell you later!”

Someone tries to get you to go somewhere you don’t want to go?

“I’ll go with you later!”

The power in the word ‘later’ lies in it being a rejection that’s not a rejection. It keeps the other party in a state of limbo, robbed of the ability to either push for more or take offense at the rejection.

And, as a bonus, it clearly frames YOU – to the party you tell “later” to and to all other observers – as the one who is being chased, and very much in demand.

Can You EVER Trust a Girl Again After Being the 'Side Guy'?

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how can you ever trust women after being the side guy?Once you’ve seen the dark side of women – how callously they can stray on men who deeply love them and lie about it – can you ever trust a girl again?

Over on X, there was a good long thread where guys shared their experiences being ‘side guys’:

Do Girls Know You’re Hitting on Them When You Are?

Alek Rolstad's picture
is she guessing your moves?When you chat up a girl, does she realize you’re hitting on her? If not… how obvious must you be for her to “get the picture” that you like her?

Hey guys and welcome.

I have recently finished my series on the indirect approach, discussing the many mechanisms at play, covering displaying interest and disinterest, and how to do it. So, today, I’ll turn to a theoretical question many men ask:

Why go indirect and “hide” your true interest in her when she already knows why you are hitting on her?

I will tackle this question below.

Look for Girls Looking at You from Far Away (It's an Approach Signal)

Chase Amante's picture
if she's staring at you from afar, it's a signWomen don’t usually make eye contact beyond 6ft/2m. When they do, it’s often a sign they’re ‘on the hunt’, in search of men – and YOU have caught their eye.

I’ve noticed for a long time now that when girls start looking at me from far away, they almost always start playing with their hair and preening themselves once they have my attention.

Much of the time they will move closer to me on their own. As they draw nearer, I will use my eyes that draw technique to make sure they stop near where I am (within easy opening range).

When I approach girls like this, they are generally very receptive.

So, I have long taken this one (girls staring at you from a distance) as “very often an approach invitation.”

As it turns out, there is a specific distance you can look for to make this more watertight!

Modern Men Are Inhibiting Their Own Sexuality: Study

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are you inhibiting yourself sexually with women?Today’s henpecked men suppress their own sexual attractiveness, studies find. Why men are doing this & how to stop doing it we discuss in this essay.

The other day I came across an eye-opening paper from 2007. Here’s the abstract:

Tactics Tuesdays: Tease-Compliance-Qualify-Cold Read

Chase Amante's picture
breaking through with girls using TCQCThis simple ‘tactical framework’ for romantic conversations puts you in the driver’s seat. Get girls laughing, intrigued and following your lead in no time.

Yesterday we talked about the common problem where guys bombard women with too many questions.

It’s an easy trap to fall into, especially when you are new, and especially when the girl is not giving you much.

In that article, I challenged you (you being anyone who runs into this issue) to try running your conversations with ZERO questions – at least until the girl is hooked / shows sufficient interest on her end.

In today’s Tactics Tuesdays article, I’m going to give you a simple tactical framework you can use to make your “no questions convos” run smoothly in the early conversation.

We’ll call this tease-compliance-qualify-cold read – or TCQC for short.