Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Skilled Seducer of the Month, June 2024: DoWhatWorks

Skilled Seducer's picture
Skilled Seducer of the Month: DoWhatWorksSkilled Seducer DoWhatWorks talks his origins, troubleshooting day game, and managing a rotation of girls… plus his clever, unique game tactics.

Our Skilled Seducer of the Month for June 2024 is DoWhatWorks, who hails from the United Kingdom. DWW had made a name for himself in the seduction community thanks to his tightly written lay reports and equally crisp seduction guides.

DWW’s chipper personality and energetic approach give him a distinctive style. He’s learned from everyone, tried out everything, and kept what works – hence the name. As a high-ranking contributor to the Skilled Seducer Forum, he’s aided many aspiring seducers in turn to better do what works for them.

Approaching Girls in a Risk-Free Way (Drive-By Approaches)

Alek Rolstad's picture
TEXTWhat if you could approach with minimal risk of rejection? With drive-by approaching, you can. See how to use it in loud, chaotic venues where (ordinarily) high rejection risks abound.

Hi all. I hope you are doing well.

Now that I’ve finished discussing wingmanning, I’d like to share some notes from the field. Today, I will discuss a strategy specific to night game: how to use different tools in various situations, and in what sequence. This post is not about X technique, but how to apply X technique in Y situation.

Today, I’ll explore how to open and hook in loud, chaotic venues.

People have told me to always focus on non-verbals, and even if that’s true, delivering fancy verbals in loud environments can be counterproductive. Girls cannot hear nor decipher what you are saying, forcing you to repeat (not good), yell (bad), or lean in (even worse). And if she does hear you, a girl may misunderstand what you say. Also, hearing what she says is difficult, so it’s hard for you to calibrate. If things do not work out, you must try to damage control verbally. So, what can you do?

Focusing on non-verbals may seem like good advice at first. You may go entirely non-verbal, which is more of a dance floor strategy. However, many venues may not have a dance floor, and they are still chaotic and noisy. In those settings, you may still need some verbals.

Your verbals must be simple: more human with spikier stimulation. However, you have little control over the outcome unless you meet the right girl, hit all your timings, and deliver suitable material.

So, you must rely on your non-verbals, but what does that really mean? Most who talk about non-verbal communication fail to specify what that is. Is it touching? (This can be tricky to do with a stranger.) Eye contact? Proximity? (Also, tricky), or “Good body language”? (But what is good body language? This is too vague).

I will put everything together comprehensively in this post, focusing on TIMING.

Seductive Speech: Make Her Feel Like She's on Vacation

Hector Castillo's picture
give women the vacation they desireMost women feel trapped in drudgery as they go through life. Yet via seductive speech & imagery, you can draw them into a pleasurable vacation they won’t want to leave.

For most girls, life is not too exciting.

Those who live exciting lives struggle with stress. It accumulates whether it’s work, family drama, friend drama, health problems, money problems, or a lack of time to do everything they want.

Girls, like everyone else, don’t like stress. But what do they do about it?

Some drink, some smoke, some party and dance, some watch movies, some eat, and some read. All these solutions share the same idea: chase pleasure to distract from stress and pain.

Now, let’s ask a question: why do girls date men? What attracts them to men?

I’m not asking about whether it’s your game, looks, height, or whatever you think that women like (it’s all those things and more, by the way). What I’m asking is, if you had to pick ONE thing that motivates women to date men, what would it be?

The answer is the same as: “Why do you date women?”

For pleasure.

How Good Game Differs from Getting Lucky

Chase Amante's picture
good game vs. hoping to get luckySpam approachers – guys who go out to ‘shoot their shot’ and ‘get lucky’ – have a very different approach from guys with good, serious game. But what’s the difference?

One of our forum members, Spyce D, mentioned several acquaintances of his whose success comes off the back of what we’d call ‘spam approaching’:

Question : What do you think is more important in daygame - Numbers game or skill ?

I know a few folks who have been going out for years but they still have to do lot approaches , spam approaches (10+ / hour) and then they would get results , if they do.

No doubt , They are getting results but they are also doing ton of approaches a day that too 4-5 times per week + supplementing with nightgame and online .

And there are folks who played the numbers game but couldn't get any results and then left daygame for years only to return after they took coaching .

Hence the question .

Now, when you’re chatting up 10+ girls/hour, in particular during day game, then yes, that is spam approaching. An experienced seducer who is out to approach until he picks up may make 4 to 6 approaches an hour in day game, assuming he is having a few substantial interactions in there, and also not approaching every single woman he sees (i.e., that he is not spam approaching). That’s about the maximum.

A more ordinary man who is out trying to approach during the day (or a skilled seducer who is not gunning hard for a same day lay) will likely make 1 or 2 approaches per hour.

Let’s have a look real quick at what the difference is between guys who get lucky through sheer volume, versus guys who use good game to get success with women.

Lay Report: Girl Offers “5 Date System” (LOL)

Skilled Seducer's picture
lay report: 5-date systemIn this report by NarrowJ, a girl met out shopping offers her “5 Date System.” But can NarrowJ lay her in just a fraction of that time? He can & does!

This report was originally posted by NarrowJ on the forum here.

Around 3 PM yesterday I saw a super hot looking little brunette trying on shoes in Macy’s. Walked over and hovered a bit by a rack of sunglasses, pretending to browse them until I could tell she was almost done with the shoes.

I catch her looking at me a couple times.

The first time she turned away quickly, the second time she smiled shyly and looked down. I don’t even walk over to her, I'm about 15 feet away from her and turn in her direction and say "Hey there" and she looks in my direction like she doesn’t know who just said it, and once she realizes it was me I say with a smile: "Come here when you're done over there."

She nods and smiles, hurries up and finishes what she’s doing and walks over.

Sex Talk Tonality: How to Use Your Voice During Sex Talk

Alek Rolstad's picture
sex talk tonalityWhat voice tone should you use when you talk to women about sex? Guys often get it wrong, talking too excited – but you’ll usually want normal tonality, not eager.

Hi everyone, and welcome back.

Those of you who read this blog know that my signature technique is sex talk. Talking about sex is a safe and rejection-free way to set a sexual frame. This helps convey that you are a safe and good lover (sexual prizing).

The idea is NOT to be direct and “say what you want to do to her,” as many imagine when hearing the term “sex talk,” but rather to talk about sexuality and related topics as any other subject to make the interaction about sex (set a sexual frame). The girl you are talking with will realize that you know what you are doing in bed without explicitly showing any particular interest in her, as this can trigger resistance and perhaps even a rejection (it becomes too much too quick for her).

I have discussed this in-depth at in “Sleazy Sexy Talk vs. Sexy Sex Talk: What’s the Difference?

You may also check out my forum post, which compiles all the sex talk articles and more. These include every theoretical post about sex talk, how to talk about sex in a safe and non-creepy way, calibrating sex talk, how to transition into it, as well as many different gambits and examples.

I have not yet written a post on voice tonality and sex talk. Better late than never; here it is!

How Long Do Most Guys Keep at Pickup?

Chase Amante's picture
how long do men stay in the game?Lots of guys get into pick up artistry imagining they’ll sleep with tons of women. Most drop out before that point. How long does the average guy stay in?

Picking up girls, like anything new, exciting, yet challenging that people embark on, drops practitioners steadily along the way as you go.

Most folks are aware that most guys who try pickup soon give up. Fewer stick with it. Fewer still stay with it long enough to become good.

But where’s the point where most guys drop out?

Where are the OTHER points along the way that bleed guys from the art of seduction?

[WATCH] Meeting Her, Changing Her Mood, & What NOT to Show Her

Chase Amante's picture

In our most recent band of lay-making GirlsChase.TV videos (3 Premium + 1 FREE), you’ll discover how to meet girls (offline AND on), the secrets to changing women’s moods… plus one emotion it’s CRITICAL that you never show girls.

Have a look.