How Does 'Time to Bed' Affect Female Devotion?

Commenting on my article “How to Let a Girl Go”, reader Walter said
These women are just settling for you if you keep being persistent. Have you ever seen those guys posting pics with their new girlfriends or even future wives on social media capturing it like "After 5 years of investing and being persistent she finally said YES"? Little do they know those women will never be into them even when married.
Responding to my response to Walter, in which I commented that Walter’s perspective is not necessarily going to be true, Hak said
Feel like this is great topic for article. I also feel that if you stay persistent to success for a LTR there could be lingering resentment from the other person that you were not their preferred choice. We ideally want to be someone’s preferred choice. Or is that too idealistic for LTR purposes?
I understand your point that if the relationship is good then all those previous thoughts and dynamics get wiped out and start anew.
The first thing to say about how the length of time or amount of persistence it takes you to bed a girl affects things down the line is that it’s never quite as simple as you’d think it might be. Maybe you think because you persisted for her so long, she’ll view it as an amazing event that the two of you ended up together… or you might think that because the two of you got together so fast she’ll feel like it must have been fate.
But the whole truth is that time to bed is just one of the factors that determines how women feel about you long-term, the esteem they hold you in, and how ‘fated’ they think the relationship was… or was not.