Who's to Blame for Girls Acting Loose and Slutty?

Commenting on my article “Can You Turn a Ho Into a Housewife?”, our reader Ben (who has multiple times accused me of being a corruptor of fair and innocent maids) claims:
You’ve flip flopped again
We had a debate on the morality of sleeping with women you don't intend to wife up, especially more innocent women.
There you claimed girls' pasts don't have any serious impact, and that I was misconstruing your earlier articles.
You are participating in ho-ing women up, and so destroying their futures and society
First, I’ll say it’s obvious Ben only reads what he wants to read into my words (and probably anybody else’s). I’m the guy who’s been telling you since he started this site to check women’s pasts if you want serious relationships with them and that women’s pasts matter. I don’t remember exactly what conversation Ben refers to (I answer a lot of comments), but whatever I said, it certainly would not be that “women’s pasts don’t have any major impact on anything.”
But I’m not here to rehash old arguments. If you’re concerned whether seduction is a nefarious dark art, read these:
Also this one:
Obviously, Ben’s position would be that women lack agency; that a seducer like me uses his black magic to corrupt the hearts of shy, pure maidens, who sit around innocently, sort of like cows or living room furniture, waiting to be claimed by a good man – that is, unless a bad man like me gets his dirty mitts on them, transforming them from good, moral, and pure to filthy, soulless sluts who aren’t good for anything.
I have addressed all these criticisms in the earlier articles. But to sum up: women have agency; women are a lot filthier than men are; even the purest of pure girls is way dirtier than all but the most depraved of scoundrels; and if a woman wants to have a lot of sloppy sex, she is going to have it whether there are seducers around or not. If there are no men who will seduce her, then she will become the seductress and take care of business herself.
However, as social consciousness continues to rise worldwide, after more than a century of strident individualism, I think it’s worth address things at the society level. Namely, who is to blame for loose, slutty women?